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All courses are taught by researchers who are leading scientists in their respective fields. The majority of lecturers are also involved in collaborative projects with industry players. This combination allows you to gain in-depth understanding of academic developments as well as real-world applications.

Programme Manager

Prof. Evangelos Kanoulas

Prof. Evangelos Kanoulas

Meet our researchers

Dr Erik Bekkers – Machine Learning

Dr Erik Bekkers is an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam. At the TU Eindhoven, he obtained a postdoctoral degree in the department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. His areas of expertise include differential geometry, machine learning and medical image analysis.  



Dr Efstratios Gavves – Deep Learning

Dr Efstratios Gavves is an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam. He is part of the QUVA Deep Vision Lab and specializes in temporal Machine Learning & dynamics, efficient learning & vision, and Machine Learning for oncology.


Dr Ronald de Haan – Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Dr Ronald de Haan is an assistant professor at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam. His research interests include the application of methods from theoretical computer science—in particular, methods from (parameterized) complexity theory—to problems in artificial intelligence, knowledge representation & reasoning, and computational logic.

Prof. Maarten de Rijke

Prof. Maarten de Rijke – Recommender Systems

Maarten de Rijke is University Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval at the University of Amsterdam and Director of the Information and Language Processing Systems lab. His team pushes the frontiers of search engines, recommender systems and conversational assistants. They also investigate the influence of the technology they develop on society.

Dr. S. You

Dr Shaodi You – Computer Vision

Dr Shaodi You is an assistant professor at University of Amsterdam. He is part of the Computer Vision Research Group in the Institute for Informatics. His research interests are physics-based vision, perception-based vision and learning, and 3D geometry.  


Dr Katia Shutova – Natural Language Processing

Dr Katia Shutova is an assistant professor at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam, where she leads the Amsterdam Natural Language Understanding Lab. Her research is in the area of natural language processing, with a specific focus on computational semantics and machine learning from linguistic and multimodal data.