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Metabolic Diseases has been a long-standing and major topic of interest of the AMC. Several basic and clinical researchers from different departments cover pre-clinical and clinical aspects of this research field and participate in the Amsterdam Centre for Metabolism (ACM). Since metabolism is defined as the set of chemical processes in the human body required for maintaining healthy life, there are numerous close interactions with AMC researchers (co-)listed in other AMC research themes, particularly the Gastrointestinal Research theme (MDL) and Cardio-vascular Research theme (CVD). The common interest and close collaboration of the ACM with the theme Gastro-intestinal diseases is underscored by the organization of a joint yearly PhD retreat.

Metabolic diseases can be roughly divided in those with a primary genetic basis and those that are mainly acquired such as diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome, involving symptoms in many organ systems. Over the last decade, it has become clear that the brain plays an important role in coordinating and regulating metabolism in health and disease. In all these research areas basic, translational and clinical AMC researchers participating in the Metabolic Diseases theme perform world-top research as reflected by high impact key publications, prestigious awards and external national and international (including European FP7 and ERC) research grants.