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Dr. P.M. (Peter) Snoeren

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Strategy & International Business

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
Contact details
  • CV + Profile

    My research interests lie at the intersection of Strategy and Sustainability, and in my main research trajectory I look at the relationship stakeholder orientation plays in firm evolution. My findings suggest that firms that orient themselves towards their stakeholders select growth opportunities through a different process than firms that focus on their shareholders. This causes firms to grow less but at the same time can allow them to create more value for a wider set of stakeholders. 

    I am currently employed as an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam and completed my Ph.D. Degree at Bocconi University in 2017. At this stage of my career, I have:

    - Started to build a coherent research program on the effect of stakeholder orientation on firm growth and evolution. As a result, one paper won the 2016 BPS distinguished student paper award, and another paper was published in the Global Strategy Journal.

    - Led a large-scale ongoing project (>15000 coding hours) to collect unique data on firm sustainability initiatives from CSR reports in various industries, which is used in one of my working papers targeting AMJ and can be used for future projects.

    - Won an excellent teacher award for my role in Strategy Analytics, which I created and taught with a junior colleague. Supervised Master theses, 3 students won best thesis award (out of 66, 127, and 164 students) in 3 periods.

    - Shown to be committed to service by serving as BPS Program specialist, assisting (ex)-program chairs Alfonso Gambardella, Brian Silverman, and Xavier Martin, and winning the BPS best reviewer award three times in a row

  • Publications + awards

    Published works 

    Zollo, M., Bettinazzi, E. L. M., Neumann, K., and Snoeren, P.  Toward a Comprehensive Model of Organizational Evolution: Dynamic Capabilities for Innovation and Adaptation of the Enterprise Model. Global Strategy Journal, 6: 225–244. doi: 10.1002/gsj.1122.


    “Exploring Conditions for Environmental Legitimacy: Evidence from the Energy Industry” with Bettinazzi, E. L. M., Jaqueminet, A., and Neumann, K. Academy of Management Proceedings

    Research Awards

    AOM SIM Best Conference paper Award Nominee

    AOM BPS Distinguished student paper award (Top 3 out of all student papers)

    Teaching Awards

    Excellent teacher award (strategy analytics)

  • Publications


    • Bettinazzi, E. L. M., Jacqueminet, A., Neumann, K., & Snoeren, P. M. (2024). Media Coverage of Firms in the Presence of Multiple Signals: A Configurational Approach. Academy of Management Journal, 67(1).


    • Zollo, M., Bettinazzi, E., Neumann, K., & Snoeren, P. M. (2016). Toward a Comprehensive Model of Organizational Evolution: Dynamic Capabilities for Innovation and Adaptation of the Enterprise Model. Global strategy journal, 6(3), 225–244.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities