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The Academic Medical Center (AMC) of the UvA accepts a limited number of exchange students from international medical schools. International students can be accepted for periods known as 'blocks', research electives or elective clerkships. For blocks and most of the clinical electives good knowledge of the Dutch language is required. 

Students must have completed at least three years of their medical education at their own medical school. Priority is given to applications from one of the official partner institutes of the UvA.

See the website of the Academic Medical Center for more detailed information and for contact details.


The Faculty of Dentistry of the UvA accepts exchange students from institutes with which the faculty holds an exchange agreement. These students can enrol for courses at the Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam (ACTA), usually for a short period during the summer months. Individual programmes are set up for those students, taking into account the student's specific wishes.

For more information please contact:


Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004 
1081 LA Amsterdam

Tel: +31 20 598 0888
Fax: +31 20 518 8547

Post address
P.O. Box 7822 
1008 AA Amsterdam

Facts & Figures
various ECTS, various months
Language of instruction