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Every 3rd Friday of the month we come together to share new decolonial research via short presentations and conversations and end the afternoon with drinks.
Event details of Decolonial Dialogues: Talks & Drinks #2
21 April 2023
16:00 -18:00

The second edition of Decolonial Dialogues: Talks & Drinks touches upon varying notions of decolonialism with Sanjunkta Sunderason, Esther Peeren and Darshan Vigneswaran. We will discuss, amongst other things, their collective research project: Decolonial Futures. The event will be moderated by Margriet Schavemaker. 


16:00 Margriet Schavemaker opens the programme and introduces two new components of Decolonial Dialogues: the new ‘conversation starters’ and the newly uncovered VOC-Room cabinet

16:10 Sanjukta Sunderason on the aesthetic archives of decolonisation in 20th century art

16:20 Esther Peeren on legacies of colonialism in rural imaginations

16:30 Darshan Vigneswaran on decolonizing outer space

16:40 Presentation of the collective Decolonial Futures research project.

16:50 Discussion moderated by Margriet Schavemaker

17:05 Drinks

Bushuis/Oost-Indisch Huis

Room VOC-zaal
Kloveniersburgwal 48 (main entrance)
1012 CX Amsterdam