16 November 2023
Risk management is crucial in a financial institution in order to identify, analyse and manage all the risks associated with the institution’s activities. The main components of successful risk management are (I) the identification of the key sources of risk, (II) the quantification of these risks and (III) the management of these risks. Quantitative risk management applies quantitative techniques to the discipline of risk management, most prominently (but not exclusively) in step (II) the quantification of these risks. It is a rapidly evolving discipline and a constant challenge for the financial industry fuelled not only by external developments like economic turmoil, political instability, climate risks or Covid-19 but also by new regulations.
Mathematical models and techniques are instrumental in quantifying the risks in the complex dynamics of the financial system. The hyper-connectivity in the world as a result of the digital revolution creates a breeding ground for massive structural shifts and increases the speed at which decisions have to be made. Winands analyses the resulting challenging research questions from both an applied as an foundational angle leading to practical solutions for specific risk management applications as well as new conceptual insights.
The last 25 years there has been a growing demand from financial institutions for quantitative risk managers with exactly the right blend of mathematical insight, data analysis, financial literacy, and programming skills. Quantitative risk managers have to understand and apply a wide variety of mathematical models and techniques to understand and analyse the risk in complex financial systems. Winands contributes to the financial mathematics education of the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics by providing the students with a (practical) entrance to this exciting field and prepare them for a career as a quantitative risk manager.
Winands gained his MSc and PhD degrees in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (both cum laude) at Eindhoven University of Technology. He has published around 50 papers in operations research, probability, and finance journals. Moreover, he is an associate editor of Journal of Risk and a member of the Journal Advisory Board of Risk Management.