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As a co-applicant in a consortium of 7 research and industrial partners, Dr. Victoria Degeler Working at IvI INDElab, has been awarded a grant for the project "Intelligent Wastewater Treatment: Distributed Digital Twin for Clean Water (DDTclean)". One PhD position for the Informatics Institute is funded by this project.
Victoria Degeler
Victoria Degeler

DDTclean focuses on the development of future-facing wastewater treatment technologies. These novel technologies can provide intelligent wastewater governance, including collection and treatment, with the help of electrochemical-membrane technologies and scalable Artificial Intelligence enhanced distributed Digital Twin framework. This project addresses the existing dilemma of low treatment efficiency of decentralised wastewater, while facilitating the communication and coordination of multiple stakeholders, aiming to improve the environmental quality, especially in remote areas, and to contribute to system-wide optimal operations


Read the news on the NWO's website