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Human geographer Hashem Abushama sheds his light on the significance of understanding the multiple Palestian geographies and how it is a map without guarantees. Proposing the practice of reading and practicing countermaps that refute linear and colonial practices of time, he explores the ways in which counter-mapping can bring into focus the contingent and differentiated nature of settler colonial dispossession and fragmentation, as well as the embodied, spatial practices and processes of Palestinian return and freedom.
Event details of Mapping the Erasure
6 February 2025

Starting at al ‘Arub refugee camp in the West Bank and moving between the territories Israel occupied in 1948 and in 1967 as well as the Palestinian refugee camps, we see a geography unfold which remains prone to rupture and transformation. Hashem Abushama adresses the significance of understanding the multiple Palestinian geographies and how it is a map without guarantees: where there is neither a guarantee that settler colonialism’s intent to eliminate the Palestinians will succeed, nor a guarantee that Palestinians will take up a particular form of resistance. This already constitutes a socio-spatial practice that pays attention to rehearsals of Palestinian return in a context of genocidal violence and dispossession.  

But aren’t the production and erasure of maps part of the very same systems of power and exploitation? Why do alternative maps or counter maps matter? After his talk, Hashem Abushama will be joined in conversation by Annelys de Vet, Chiara de Cesari and Eleri Connick to discuss these questions and practices of resistance.  

Over SPUI25

SPUI25 is the academic-cultural podium of Amsterdam. Since 2007, we have been giving scientists, authors, artists and other thinkers the opportunity to shine a light on issues that occupy, inspire or concern them. In cooperation with a large number of academic and cultural partners, we organize between 250 and 300 freely accessible programs per year. These are enriching, often interdisciplinary programs that move between science and culture, fact and fiction.

SPUI25 is one of the UvA podia in the University Quarter.


Spui 25-27
1012 WX Amsterdam