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Dr. A. (Annet) Dekker

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Dep. Mediastudies

  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
  • Kamernummer: 1.03
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profile

    See website: http://aaaan.net

  • Publicaties


    • Dekker, A. (2024). Liquid Spaces. Politics of the screen: Interview with Doreen A. Ríos. Manuscript in preparation.
    • Dekker, A. (2024). Pluralities of Scale: Interview with Martijn van Boven en Florian van Zandwijk. Manuscript in preparation.
    • Dekker, A. (in press). From Documentary to Generative Preservation. In G. Klein, & F. A. Cramer (Eds.), Material Goods (Critical Dance Studies). Transcript Verlag.
    • Dekker, A. (in press). Non-Institutional Contexts & Museum Challenges. In V. D. Anna Munster (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of New Media Art (Vol. 3). Bloomsbury.
    • Dekker, A. (in press). Refiguring Digitization: Experiments in Heritage for a Shared Future. In T. Ireland, D. Thwaites, & B. Turner (Eds.), Alternative Economies of Heritage Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    • Dekker, A. (in press). The Politics of Glitch. Philosophy of Photography.
    • Dekker, A., & Giannachi, G. (in press). Doing Documentation. MAP : Media, Archive, Performance, (14).
    • Dekker, A., & Goriunova, O. (in press). Absurdism. In C. Gere, & F. Franco (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of New Media Art (Vol. 2). Bloomsbury.
    • Dekker, A., Sluis, K., & Tedone, G. (in press). Tracing the cultural value of photographic documentation in, and beyond, the museum. MAP : Media, Archive, Performance, 14.






    • Dekker, A. (2017). What we talk about when we talk about online cultures. In E. Reyes-Garcia, P. Chatel-Innocenti, & K. Zreik (Eds.), Archiving and Questioning Immateriality: Proceedings of the 5th Computer Art Congress (pp. 147-163). Europia Productions. [details]
    • Dekker, A., & Falcao, P. (2017). Interdisciplinary Discussions about the Conservation of Software-Based Art: Report PERICLES FP7 Digital Preservation . In Report PERICLES FP7 Digital Preservation
    • Dekker, A., Giannachi, G., & van Saaze, V. (2017). Expanding Documentation, and Making the Most of ‘the Cracks in the Wall'. In T. Sant (Ed.), Performing Documentation: The Context and Processes of Digital Curation and Archiving (pp. 61-78). Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781472588210.ch-005 [details]


    • Dekker, A. (2016). Exploring the conservation of net art: A call for authentic alliances. In E. Hermens, & F. Robertson (Eds.), Authenticity in transition: Changing practices in art making and conservation: Proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Glasgow, 1-2 December 2014 (pp. 179-188). Archetype Publications. [details]


    • Dekker, A. (2015). Curating in Progress: Moving Between Objects and Processes. In H. Barranha, & S. S. Martins (Eds.), Uncertain Spaces: Virtual Configurations in Contemporary Art and Museums (pp. 33-54). Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian.
    • Dekker, A. (2015). Embracing Authenticity in Net Art. In CHArt, Computers and the History of Art Kings' College.
    • Dekker, A. (2015). Networks of care, or how in the future museums will no longer be the sole caretakers of art. In A. Maragiannis (Ed.), DRHA2014 : Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts: 31 August-3 Septembetr 2014 : full paper proceedings (pp. 81-85). University of Greenwich. http://drha.uk/2014/final-papers-proceedings/




    • Dekker, A. (2023). The Tension Between Static Documentation and Dynamic Digital Art. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 16-26). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003130963-3 [details]
    • Dekker, A., & Adams, M. (2023). Documentation as a Creative Act: Annet Dekker in Conversation with Matt Adams. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 60-72). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003130963-7 [details]
    • Dekker, A., & De Mutiis, M. (2023). In-game photography: Annet Dekker in Conversation with Marco De Mutiis. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 50-59). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003130963-6 [details]
    • Dekker, A., & Giannachi, G. (2023). Introduction: The Contexts of Documentation. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 3-15). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003130963-2 [details]
    • Dekker, A., & Giannachi, G. (Eds.) (2023). Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003130963 [details]
    • Dekker, A., Sluis, K., & Lialina, O. (2023). One Terabyte of Documentation: The circulation of GeoCities : Annet Dekker and Katrina Sluis in Conversation with Olia Lialina. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 119-129). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003130963-13 [details]
    • Dekker, A., Tedone, G., & Ghidini, M. (2023). Refiguring The Broken Timeline. In L. Nolasco-Rózsás, & M. Schädler (Eds.), Beyond Matter, Within Space: Curatorial and Art Mediation Techniques on the Verge of Virtual Reality (pp. 336–345). Hatje Cantz Verlag. [details]


    • Dekker, A. (2022). Curatorial Perspectives on Collecting Time-based Media Art. In D. Engel, & J. Phillips (Eds.), Conservation of Time-Based Media Art (pp. 28-38). Routledge.
    • Dekker, A. (2022). Networks of Care. In A. Dewdney, & K. Sluis (Eds.), The Networked Image in Post Digital Culture (pp. 189-207). Routledge.
    • Dekker, A. (2022). Networks of Care. Types, Challenges and Potentialities. In A. Schäffler, F. Schäfer, & N. Buurman (Eds.), Networks of Care: Politiken des (Er)haltens und (Ent)sorgens (pp. 27-30). NGBK.






    • Dekker, A. (in press). A Pataphysics of Data Center Aesthetics. In N. Schrader , & J. Seijdel (Eds.), Acid Clouds. Mapping Data Center Topologies NAi Publishers.
    • Dekker, A. (in press). Curating Digital Art: A Synthesis of Space and Time. In J. Adler, R. Sakrowski, & P. Oliveira (Eds.), Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin-American Dots Savvy.
    • Dekker, A. (in press). Project Iceworm - Anastasia Mityukova. In A-K. Rastenberger, & I. Sikking (Eds.), Curating Images Fw-books .


    • Dekker, A. (2023). Archival Absurdity, or a walk in the park. In E. van Alphen (Ed.), Un/Productive Archiving: artistic strategies, future memories, and fluid identities (pp. 212–221). Valiz.
    • Dekker, A. (2023). Perceiving the Imperceptible. Mónica Alcázar-Duarte – Second Nature. Light Work Magazine, 3(11), 44-51.
    • Dekker, A. (Author), Giannachi, G. (Author), Wijers, G. (Author), & Sluis, K. (Author). (2023). Documenting Digital Art: Insights for Artists, Audiences, Cultural Organisations, and Policymakers, including A Step-By-Step Guide for Organisations Doing Documentation. Web publication or website, . https://www.li-ma.nl/lima/sites/default/files/Documenting%20Digital%20Art%20Insights%20for%20Artists%2C%20Audiences%20and%20more.pdf


    • Dekker, A. (Other), Ghidini, M. (Other), & Tedone, G. (Other). (2022). The Broken Timeline: distant.gallery. Exhibition
    • Dekker, A. (Other), Ghidini, M. (Other), & Tedone, G. (Other). (2022). The Broken Timeline: distant.gallery. Exhibition, .
    • Dekker, A. (Other), van Rosmalen, E. (Author), & Aukema, R. (Author). (2022). Entrepot: Annet Dekker. Web publication or website https://witterook.nu/artikelen/entrepot-annet-dekker/
    • Dekker, A., & Fino-Radin, B. (2022). Art and Obsolescence Podcast #43. Web publication or website https://www.artandobsolescence.com/episodes/043-annet-dekker
    • Dekker, A., & Schaap, M. (2022). Stand van Zaken: Annet Dekker. Archievenblad, 126(4), 34-37.


    • Dekker, A. (2021). Curating Digital Art: From Presenting and Collecting Digital Art to Networked Co-curation. (Making Public). Valiz. [details]
    • Dekker, A. (Author), Ghidini, M. (Author), & Tedone, G. (Author). (2021). The Broken Timeline. Web publication or website, Valiz Publishers. https://thebrokentimeline.valiz-makingpublic.net/ [details]


    • Dekker, A. (2020). Archival Absurdity, or a walk in the park. In Y. Billimore, & J. Koileta (Eds.), Rehearsing Hospitalities: Companion 2 (Vol. 2, pp. 49-66). Archive Books. [details]
    • Dekker, A. (2020). Location, Location, Location! In V. Perrin (Ed.), Olia Lialina: Net artist (pp. 87-105). Les Presses du Réel. [details]
    • Dekker, A. (2020). Vous êtes ici. In V. Perrin (Ed.), Olia Lialina: Net artist (pp. 109-129). Les Presses du Réel. [details]



    • Dekker, A. (2018). Collecting as a Creative and Collaborative Process: Annet Dekker in conversation with Nadine Wietlisbach. In D. Gassert, T. Seelig, N. Wietlisbach, & F. Kunze (Eds.), 25 YEARS! Fotomuseum Winterthur: Shared Histories, Shared Stories (pp. 357-367). Spector Books.
    • Dekker, A. (Author). (2018). Enduring Liveness: An Imaginary Retrospective of Tino Sehgal’s Constructed Situations. Exhibition, Monoskop.


    • Dekker, A. (2017). Digitalisierung und kulturelles Erbe: Von der Expansion der Betrachter zu einer neuen Form des Kolonialismus. Kunstforum, 251, 66-73. [details]
    • Dekker, A. (Author). (2017). New Archive Interpretations: Five Research Commissions. Web publication or website
    • Dekker, A. (Author). (2017). The Need to Archive: What Kind of Archivist Are You. Web publication or website
    • Dekker, A. (Ed.) (2017). Lost and Living (in) Archives: Collectively Shaping New Memories. Valiz. [details]
    • Dekker, A., & Barok, D. (2017). Copying as a Way to Start Something New: A Conversation with Dušan Barok about Monoskop. In A. Dekker (Ed.), Lost and Living (in) Archives: Collectively Shaping New Memories (pp. 211-226). Valiz. https://monoskop.org/images/7/70/Dekker_Annet_2017_Copying_As_a_Way_to_Start_Something_New_A_Conversation_with_Dusan_Barok_About_Monoskop.pdf [details]


    • Dekker, A. (2013). Post-Internet Art. In J. M. Hedinger , & T. Meyer (Eds.), What’s Next?: Kunst Nach der Krise. Ein Reader (pp. 161-162). Kulturverlag Kadmos. http://whtsnxt.net/037 [details]






    • Dekker, A. (editor) & Giannachi, G. (editor) (2024). MAP : Media, Archive, Performance (Journal).
    • Dekker, A. (member of editorial board) (2022). NECSUS (Journal).
    • Dekker, A. (editor) (2022-2025). NECSUS (Journal).


    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (12-12-2023). Glitch in computational space and time, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (23-11-2023). Neural Magazine 1993–2023, V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media. https://v2.nl/events/neural-30th-anniversary-night
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (14-11-2023). Conserving and Presenting Digital Art: Using AI for conserving Digital Art, Maastricht University. https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nl/agenda/digital-society-how-does-increasing-digitisation-change-our-lives
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (9-11-2023). The Art of Online Curating, HEK. https://hek-house-of-electronic-arts.gitbook.io/friends-of-hek-handbook-1/
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (11-9-2023). From Digital Curation to Networked Co-Curating, Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference, Turin. http://www.drha.uk/2023/
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (8-2023). The Politics of Access Within Archiving as Artistic Praxis, Helsinki Biennial, Helsinki. https://helsinkibiennaali.fi/en/event/agonistic-intelligence-s-public-talk-annet-dekker/
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (6-7-2023). Curating Online: Space & Time, xCoAx, Weimar. https://2023.xcoax.org/#keynotes
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (5-7-2023). Re: Thirst Trap Glitch GIF – Gretchen Andrew/Annet Dekker, [permanent beta], Winterthur. https://www.permanentbeta.network/episode/173
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (30-6-2023). Social-technical care through co-constituted practices, ASCA International Workshop 2023, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (27-4-2023). ’Please Put It Somewhere Safe’, University of Gothenburg. https://www.gu.se/en/event/digital-sustainability
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (21-4-2023). NFT, or a Poetics of Non-Fixed Time, Museum Folkwang. https://www.museum-folkwang.de/en/ausstellung/rafael-rozendaal/new-landscapes-nfts-and-museum
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (19-1-2023). Digital Preservation: A Speculative Practice?!, Maastricht University. https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/events/symposium-and-farewell-lecture-ren%C3%A9e-van-de-vall
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (17-12-2022). Revisiting Dutch Video Art from the 70s, THE 1970s: … , Brussels.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (16-12-2022). The Tension Between Static Documentation and Dynamic Art, Variant, Istanbul.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (10-12-2022). The tension between static documentation and dynamic art, Biennial Symposium on Archiving and Re-Performing Electroacoustic Music, Dresden.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (2-12-2022). Digital Materiality > Net Art, Project Infrastructuur , Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (17-11-2022). Digital Preservation: A Speculative Practice?, Exceptional Times, Uncertain Moves, Seoul.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (16-11-2022). The Paradox of Digital Sustainability, Virtual SARBICA International Symposium, Singapore.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (9-11-2022). Networks of Care, Sustaining Art, Dundee.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (15-9-2022). Dutch Digital Art Canon, Music beyond fixity and fluidity; preservation and performance as instauration, Leiden.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (27-5-2022). The networked image: addressing the paradox in documentation, Looking for Photography, Munchen.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (20-5-2022). "Designing the unexpected” – – – ambiguity and net art, Re:Coding Mouchette, Utrecht.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (16-5-2022). The Artist’s Archive as a Collective Endeavour, Archiving Performance, Antwerp.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (7-4-2022). Fake News, Medienkunst A-Z, Basel.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (24-2-2022). Hybrid Infinities, STRP, Eindhoven.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (3-2-2022). Archiving Tactics, Housing Futures, Rotterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (2-2-2022). The Politics of Glitch in Photography. From Spirit to Noise and Precarious Aesthetics, HDK-Valand / Hasselblad Foundation.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (20-1-2022). The Unbearable Lightness of Digital Art, V&A Museum.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (10-1-2022). Digital Materiality, HfBK Dresden.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (10-1-2022). Digital Materiality, Materialien der Kunst, Dresden.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (24-11-2021). Van Eyck, through a scanner darkly. Art and intermediation (after COVID): rethinking the digital and the virtual, University of Antwerp / Graindelavoix.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (18-11-2021). How to Do Curating With Art. From the Digital Space to the Space of the Gallery: Curatorial Practices for Digital and Post-digital Art, Université Lille.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (27-5-2021). The Central Park Archives, m-cult.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (4-5-2021). The Relevance of Care in Online Curating, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker), Ghidini, M. (invited speaker) & Tedone, G. (invited speaker) (1-5-2021). The Broken Timeline, or Curating Online, Zentrum für Netzkunst e.V..
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (1-4-2021). Imageability. Telling stories in images, KABK.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (30-3-2021). How fickle digital preservation practices are failing sustainability efforts, or a call for networks of care, FILE ALIVE/ ARQUIVO VIVO.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (25-3-2021). The Paradox of Digital Sustainability, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (25-3-2021). Curating Documentation, LIMA media art platform.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (17-12-2020). Lancering Netwerk Archieven Design and Digitale Cultuur, Het Nieuwe Instituut.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (17-10-2020). Networks of Care, ISEA 2020, Montreal.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (8-10-2020). Media Archival, Translation, and Longevity, University of the Arts Helsinki.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (24-9-2020). Readings 2. Rehearsing Hospitalities Companion 2, Frame .
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (22-5-2020). Impakt. A Critical History of Media Art in the Netherlands, LIMA media art platform.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (9-3-2020). net[art]works of care, Stichting Behoud Moderne Kunst.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (20-2-2020). 'Archives imaginaires' en de Inspectie Overheidsinformatie en Erfgoed, Inspectie Overheidsinformatie en Erfgoed.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (18-2-2020). Curating [in] Digital Art, Design Academy Eindhoven.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (13-2-2020). Breathing Life into the Living Death, MAPS2020: Media Art Preservation Symposium, Budapest.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (30-1-2020). Networked Memory, Fotodok.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (15-1-2020). UNFOLD: Audience/Performer/Mirror, LIMA media art platform.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (25-10-2019). Imageability Today. Telling Stories in Images, University of Helsinki, Finland.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (24-10-2019). Homo Documentator. Expanding documentation in the arts, KUVA, Helsinki.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) & Tedone, G. (speaker) (12-9-2019). Networked Co-Curation, The Photographers' Gallery, London.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (19-8-2019). Nothing to Hide. Nothing to Fear, Beautiful Distress House, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (2-7-2019). Collecting and Conserving Net Art, Taiwan Digital Art Foundation, Taipei.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) & De Wild, K. (speaker) (19-6-2019). Preservation of Net Art through ‘Networks of Care’: Challenges and Potentials, The Web That Was: Archives, Traces, Reflections.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker), Boschat Thorez, J. (speaker), Barok, D. (speaker), Röck, C. (speaker) & Gauthier, D. (speaker) (16-5-2019). Archiving Complex Digital Artworks, AIC's 47th Annual Conference 2019, Uncasville. https://aics47thannualmeeting2019.sched.com/event/IujP/electronic-media-archiving-complex-digital-artworks
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (8-4-2019). Digital Sustainability. How to Move Beyond the Oxymoron, exLab.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (13-3-2019). The Sustainability of Networks of Care, University of Helsinki, Finland.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (8-1-2019). Archiving (in) Process, University of Siegen.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (8-12-2018). Expanded Curatorial Practice: The Performative and Processual Characteristics of Online art, VVitchVVavve, Melbourne.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (29-11-2018). Capturing online cultures, or storytelling as method, Memory Makers, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (16-11-2018). Collaborative Archiving of Digital Art, Acting in Contemporary Art Conservation, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (1-11-2018). Enduring Liveness. Towards building networks of care, Archive of the Ephemeral. Thinking, Practicing, Networking, Bern.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (11-7-2018). A digital Babel: text, language & power, Het Vijfde Seizoen, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker), Kwastek, K. (invited speaker), Giannachi, G. (invited speaker), Donkers, N. (invited speaker) & Wijers, G. (invited speaker) (4-7-2018). Performances, books and screens, Performances, books and screens, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) & Wolfsberger, A. (speaker) (29-6-2018). Put Evaluation into Practice: The Collaborative Residency Life Cycle, ISEA2018, Durban.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (28-6-2018). (Re)Coding the Past for the Future, ISEA2018, Durban.
    • Dekker, A. (speaker) (28-5-2018). Archiving online cultures, iChora 8, Melbourne.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (11-4-2018). Cultural Matter: on DeliNear.Info, Cultural Matter, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (22-3-2018). Alternative Strategies, Transformation Digital Art. International Symposium on the Preservation of Born-Digital Art, LIMA, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (22-2-2018). Between Light and Dark Archiving, Curating Machines, London.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker), Sluis, K. (speaker) & de Mutiis, M. (speaker) (13-2-2018). Photography After Software, DONE3, Barcelona.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker), Bastajian, T. (invited speaker) & Çelikaslan, . (invited speaker) (7-1-2018). Collectively (Re)shaping the Archive, Collectively (Re)shaping the Archive, Amsterdam.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (16-11-2017). Publishing and Exhibiting Online, Afterall Exhibition Histories , london.
    • Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (8-9-2017). Short Circuiting the Archive, Open Set. Image & Sound , hilversum.
    • Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (24-5-2017). New Archive Interpretations, Speculating About Future Digital Archives, Save As: Archiving Born-Digital Architectural Materials, Istanbul.
    • Masson, E. (invited speaker), Dekker, A. (invited speaker), Falcao, P. (invited speaker) & de Haan, T. (invited speaker) (8-2-2017). Education and Cooperation, Future Proof!?, Schiedam.


    • Jeurgens, C. (organiser) & Dekker, A. (organiser) (29-5-2024 - 30-5-2024). Inclusive & Sustainable Information Management through Recordkeeping Informatics, Amsterdam. Access to trustworthy and reliable information is essential in a civil society. In a world with many different and powerful stakeholders shaping the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (13-6-2023). The NECS 2023 Conference 2023: Care, Oslo. Caring Through Networked Tinkering (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (chair) (16-3-2023). Transformation Digital Art, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.li-ma.nl/lima/article/day-1-documenting-digital-art-during-transformation-digital-art-2023-symposium
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (18-2-2023). Turbine plays: an evening with air, Leeuwarden (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). https://mediaartfriesland.nl/programma2023/zaterdag-18-feb-15-00-uur-turbine-plays-an-afternoon-with-air/
    • Dekker, A. (chair) (24-11-2022). Stuck on the Platform, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser), Ghidini, M. (organiser) & Tedone, G. (organiser) (9-5-2022). The Broken Timeline, Online (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (chair) (19-2-2022). Impakt, Utrecht. Contemporary Curating: Radical, Digital, Diverse. Online Conference on Contemporary Curating. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser), Ghidini, M. (organiser) & Krysa, J. (organiser) (13-1-2022 - 14-1-2022). Curating on the web: Interfering with the assumptions of networked platforms and interfaces, Liverpool (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (13-12-2021). Negotiating the Art-Documentation-Industrial-Complex, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (chair) (5-11-2021). Impakt Festival, Utrecht (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) & Wijers, G. (organiser) (21-9-2021). The Work of Art Without Original, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (14-7-2021). The Work of Art in an Age of Audience Documentation, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant), Wielocha, A. (participant) & Valle-Noronha, M. (participant) (9-6-2021). American Institute for Conservation. Transforming Ownership into a Network of Care (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (22-4-2021). Art, Museums and Digital Culture, Lisbon (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (18-3-2021). Between Camera & Network. Art and Documentation in Post-Photographic Culture:, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (11-3-2021). Between Camera & Network. Art and Documentation in Post-Photographic Culture, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (4-3-2021). Between Camera & Network. Art and Documentation in Post-Photographic Culture, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Barok, D. (organiser), Boschat Thorez, J. (organiser), Mansoux, A. (organiser) & Dekker, A. (organiser) (30-6-2020). Experimental Publishing as a Strategy for Preserving Research-based Art, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.li-ma.nl/lima/news/documentation-digital-art
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) (29-6-2020 - 3-7-2020). Digital Methods Summerschool 2020, Amsterdam. Curating Data: Commons, Care, Networks (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) (15-1-2020). Curating Documentation #2, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (27-10-2019). Calm technology: Olia Lialina, David Benque & Cristina Cochior, Utrecht (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) & Boschat-Thorez, J. (participant) (16-5-2019). AIC's 47th Annual Conference 2019, Uncasville. Archiving Complex Digital Artworks (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser), Nowviskie, B. (participant), Espenschied, D. (participant), Rechert, K. (participant), Murtaugh, M. (participant), Maleve, N. (participant), Turner, R. (participant) & Cochoir, C. (participant) (13-12-2018). Performing the Data Drive, Rotterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (13-10-2018). berlin – zentrum der netzkunst – damals und heute (other).
    • Dekker, A. (other) (13-9-2018). Behind the Scenes of The Warp and Weft of Memory (other).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) & Rossenova, L. (organiser) (22-2-2018). Curating Machines, London. Version Control and Archive Freedom (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (4-2-2018). Other Futures, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser), Bastajian, T. (participant), Birdsall, C. J. (participant) & van Alphen, E. (participant) (27-1-2018). Fluid Memory, Hilversum (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant), Dewdney, A. (participant) & Sluis, K. (participant) (12-1-2018). MeCCSA 2018, London. The Networked Image Economy and the Automation of Culture (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser), Barok, D. (organiser), Röck, C. (organiser), Boschat Thorez, J. (organiser) & Gauthier, D. (participant) (8-1-2018 - 12-1-2018). Digital Methods Winterschool, Amsterdam. Collaborative archiving of digital art (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (8-12-2017). Materialities of Post Colonial Memory, amsterdam. Techno-colonialism: digitization and trafficking cultural goods (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (25-11-2017). Re-trace, Media Art Histories Conference, vienna. Between light and dark archiving (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (20-11-2017). Doclab, Sound & Vision, IDFA, amsterdam. Preserving interactive documentaries (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (19-10-2017 - 22-10-2017). Creating Commons (other).
    • Dekker, A. (other) (27-9-2017). Machine Art in the Twentieth Century (other).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) & Minkova, M. (organiser) (17-8-2017 - 2-9-2017). Re:learn2017, Rotterdam. Versioning the Networked Archive (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant), Dewdney, A. (participant), Sluis, K. (participant), Tedone, G. (participant) & Tyzlik-Carter, M. (participant) (28-6-2017). ways of machine seeing, Cambridge. Unthinking Photography: cultural value and the networked image (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser), Munawar, N. A. (participant), Ersoy, Ö. (participant), Varvia, C. (participant) & Nankivell , S. (participant) (9-6-2017). Trafficking of cultural goods, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) (2-3-2017 - 21-5-2017). How Much Of This Is Fiction, Liverpool (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (7-2-2017 - 9-2-2017). Future Proof, Schiedam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...). http://www.li-ma.nl/site/news/future-proof-transformation-digital-art-2017
    • Dekker, A. (participant) (3-2-2017). Transmediale, Berlin (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) (21-1-2017). Vox Populi and The Syrian Archive, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dekker, A. (organiser) (20-1-2017 - 5-3-2017). As If, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • V2_
      Lid Raad van Toezicht
    • MU
      Vice voorzitter Raad van Toezicht
    • Stroom
    • London South Bank University
      Visiting Professor and co-director Centre for the Study of the Networked Image