Dekker, A. (2024). Liquid Spaces. Politics of the screen: Interview with Doreen A. Ríos. Manuscript in preparation.
Dekker, A. (2024). Pluralities of Scale: Interview with Martijn van Boven en Florian van Zandwijk. Manuscript in preparation.
Dekker, A. (in press). From Documentary to Generative Preservation. In G. Klein, & F. A. Cramer (Eds.), Material Goods (Critical Dance Studies). Transcript Verlag.
Dekker, A. (in press). Non-Institutional Contexts & Museum Challenges. In V. D. Anna Munster (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of New Media Art (Vol. 3). Bloomsbury.
Dekker, A. (in press). Refiguring Digitization: Experiments in Heritage for a Shared Future. In T. Ireland, D. Thwaites, & B. Turner (Eds.), Alternative Economies of Heritage Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Dekker, A. (in press). The Politics of Glitch. Philosophy of Photography.
Dekker, A., & Giannachi, G. (in press). Doing Documentation. MAP : Media, Archive, Performance, (14).
Dekker, A., & Goriunova, O. (in press). Absurdism. In C. Gere, & F. Franco (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of New Media Art (Vol. 2). Bloomsbury.
Dekker, A., Sluis, K., & Tedone, G. (in press). Tracing the cultural value of photographic documentation in, and beyond, the museum. MAP : Media, Archive, Performance, 14.
Dekker, A. (2021). The Art and Care of Online Curating. In H. Barranha, & J. Simões Henriques (Eds.), Art, Museums and Digital Cultures: Rethinking Change (pp. 42-51). IHA/NOVA FCSH & maat.[details]
Barok, D., Boschat Thorez, J., Dekker, A., Gauthier, D., & Roeck, C. (2019). Archiving complex digital artworks. Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 42(2), 94-113.[details]
Dekker, A. (2019). Capturing online cultures, or storytelling as method. In M. van Gorsel, E. Hokke, B. de Nil, & M. Ras (Eds.), Preserveren: Stappen zetten in een nieuw vakgebied (pp. 142-154). (Jaarboek Stichting Archiefpublicaties; Vol. 19). Stichting Archiefpublicaties.[details]
Dekker, A., & Tedone, G. (2019). Networked Co-Curation: An Exploration of the Socio-Technical Specificities of Online Curation. ARTS, 8(3), Article 86.[details]
Dekker, A. (2018). (Re)Coding the Past for the Future. In R. Adebayo, I. Farouk, S. Jones, & M. Rapeane-Mathonsi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Electronic Art (pp. 239-246). Faculty of Arts and Design, Durban University of Technology.[details]
Wolfsberger, A., & Dekker, A. (2018). Put Evaluation into Practice: The Collaborative Residency Life Cycle. In R. Adebayo, I. Farouk, S. Jones, & M. Rapeane-Mathonsi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Electronic Art (pp. 247-252). Faculty of Arts and Design, Durban University of Technology.[details]
Dekker, A. (2017). What we talk about when we talk about online cultures. In E. Reyes-Garcia, P. Chatel-Innocenti, & K. Zreik (Eds.), Archiving and Questioning Immateriality: Proceedings of the 5th Computer Art Congress (pp. 147-163). Europia Productions. [details]
Dekker, A., & Falcao, P. (2017). Interdisciplinary Discussions about the Conservation of Software-Based Art: Report PERICLES FP7 Digital Preservation . In Report PERICLES FP7 Digital Preservation
Dekker, A., Giannachi, G., & van Saaze, V. (2017). Expanding Documentation, and Making the Most of ‘the Cracks in the Wall'. In T. Sant (Ed.), Documenting Performance: The Context and Processes of Digital Curation and Archiving (pp. 61-78). Bloomsbury.[details]
Dekker, A. (2016). Exploring the conservation of net art: A call for authentic alliances. In E. Hermens, & F. Robertson (Eds.), Authenticity in transition: Changing practices in art making and conservation: Proceedings of the international conference held at the University of Glasgow, 1-2 December 2014 (pp. 179-188). Archetype Publications. [details]
Dekker, A. (2015). Curating in Progress: Moving Between Objects and Processes. In H. Barranha, & S. S. Martins (Eds.), Uncertain Spaces: Virtual Configurations in Contemporary Art and Museums (pp. 33-54). Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian.
Dekker, A. (2015). Embracing Authenticity in Net Art. In CHArt, Computers and the History of Art Kings' College.
Dekker, A. (2015). Networks of care, or how in the future museums will no longer be the sole caretakers of art. In A. Maragiannis (Ed.), DRHA2014 : Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts: 31 August-3 Septembetr 2014 : full paper proceedings (pp. 81-85). University of Greenwich.
Dekker, A. (2013). Enjoying the Gap: Comparing Contemporary Documentation Strategies. In J. Noordegraaf, C. G. Saba, B. Le Maître, & V. Hediger (Eds.), Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art: Challenges and Perspectives (pp. 149-169). Amsterdam University Press.[details]
Van Saaze, V., & Dekker, A. (2013). Surprising usages of a documentation model: On the notion of boundary objects and beyond. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 9(1), 99-113 .[details]
Dekker, A. (2023). The Tension Between Static Documentation and Dynamic Digital Art. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 16-26). Routledge.[details]
Dekker, A., & Adams, M. (2023). Documentation as a Creative Act: Annet Dekker in Conversation with Matt Adams. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 60-72). Routledge.[details]
Dekker, A., & De Mutiis, M. (2023). In-game photography: Annet Dekker in Conversation with Marco De Mutiis. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 50-59). Routledge.[details]
Dekker, A., & Giannachi, G. (2023). Introduction: The Contexts of Documentation. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 3-15). Routledge.[details]
Dekker, A., Sluis, K., & Lialina, O. (2023). One Terabyte of Documentation: The circulation of GeoCities : Annet Dekker and Katrina Sluis in Conversation with Olia Lialina. In A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi (Eds.), Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices (pp. 119-129). Routledge.[details]
Dekker, A., Tedone, G., & Ghidini, M. (2023). Refiguring The Broken Timeline. In L. Nolasco-Rózsás, & M. Schädler (Eds.), Beyond Matter, Within Space: Curatorial and Art Mediation Techniques on the Verge of Virtual Reality (pp. 336–345). Hatje Cantz Verlag. [details]
Dekker, A. (2022). Curatorial Perspectives on Collecting Time-based Media Art. In D. Engel, & J. Phillips (Eds.), Conservation of Time-Based Media Art (pp. 28-38). Routledge.
Dekker, A. (2022). Networks of Care. In A. Dewdney, & K. Sluis (Eds.), The Networked Image in Post Digital Culture (pp. 189-207). Routledge.
Dekker, A. (2022). Networks of Care. Types, Challenges and Potentialities. In A. Schäffler, F. Schäfer, & N. Buurman (Eds.), Networks of Care: Politiken des (Er)haltens und (Ent)sorgens (pp. 27-30). NGBK.
Goffi, F., & Dekker, A. (2021). Archival Futures. Born Digital Architecture Media: Annet Dekker interviewed by Federica Goffi. Architecture and Culture, 9(3), 545-562 .[details]
Dekker, A., Oomen, J., van Lente, H., Wijers, G., Mul, G., Ras, M., van Saaze, V., & Rasterhoff, C. (2020). Innovative Digital Infrastructures: The Issue of Sustainability: An Online Rountable Discussion. Stedelijk Studies, 10, Article 2.[details]
Dekker, A. (2016). Enabling the Future, or how to survive FOREVER. In C. Paul (Ed.), A Companion to Digital Art (pp. 553-574). (Wiley Blackwell Companions to art history; Vol. 9). Wiley Blackwell.[details]
Dekker, A. (2014). A Fun Aesthetic and Art. In O. Goriunova (Ed.), Fun and Software: Exploring Pleasure, Paradox, and Pain in Computing (pp. 233-252). Bloomsbury Publishing.[details]
Dekker, A. (in press). A Pataphysics of Data Center Aesthetics. In N. Schrader , & J. Seijdel (Eds.), Acid Clouds. Mapping Data Center Topologies NAi Publishers.
Dekker, A. (in press). Curating Digital Art: A Synthesis of Space and Time. In J. Adler, R. Sakrowski, & P. Oliveira (Eds.), Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin-American Dots Savvy.
Dekker, A. (in press). Project Iceworm - Anastasia Mityukova. In A-K. Rastenberger, & I. Sikking (Eds.), Curating Images Fw-books .
Dekker, A. (2023). Archival Absurdity, or a walk in the park. In E. van Alphen (Ed.), Un/Productive Archiving: artistic strategies, future memories, and fluid identities (pp. 212–221). Valiz.
Dekker, A. (2023). Perceiving the Imperceptible. Mónica Alcázar-Duarte – Second Nature. Light Work Magazine, 3(11), 44-51.
Dekker, A. (2020). Archival Absurdity, or a walk in the park. In Y. Billimore, & J. Koileta (Eds.), Rehearsing Hospitalities: Companion 2 (Vol. 2, pp. 49-66). Archive Books. [details]
Dekker, A. (2020). Location, Location, Location! In V. Perrin (Ed.), Olia Lialina: Net artist (pp. 87-105). Les Presses du Réel. [details]
Dekker, A. (2020). Vous êtes ici. In V. Perrin (Ed.), Olia Lialina: Net artist (pp. 109-129). Les Presses du Réel. [details]
Dekker, A. (2018). Collecting as a Creative and Collaborative Process: Annet Dekker in conversation with Nadine Wietlisbach. In D. Gassert, T. Seelig, N. Wietlisbach, & F. Kunze (Eds.), 25 YEARS! Fotomuseum Winterthur: Shared Histories, Shared Stories (pp. 357-367). Spector Books.
Dekker, A. (Author). (2018). Enduring Liveness: An Imaginary Retrospective of Tino Sehgal’s Constructed Situations. Exhibition, Monoskop.
Dekker, A. (2017). Digitalisierung und kulturelles Erbe: Von der Expansion der Betrachter zu einer neuen Form des Kolonialismus. Kunstforum, 251, 66-73. [details]
Dekker, A. (Author). (2017). New Archive Interpretations: Five Research Commissions. Web publication or website
Dekker, A. (Author). (2017). The Need to Archive: What Kind of Archivist Are You. Web publication or website
Dekker, A. (Ed.) (2017). Lost and Living (in) Archives: Collectively Shaping New Memories. Valiz. [details]
Dekker, A. (2013). Post-Internet Art. In J. M. Hedinger , & T. Meyer (Eds.), What’s Next?: Kunst Nach der Krise. Ein Reader (pp. 161-162). Kulturverlag Kadmos.[details]
Dekker, A. (Ed.) (2012). Speculative Scenarios: or what will happen to born-digital art in the (near) future. Baltan Laboratories.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (11-9-2023). From Digital Curation to Networked Co-Curating, Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference, Turin.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (17-12-2022). Revisiting Dutch Video Art from the 70s, THE 1970s: … , Brussels.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (16-12-2022). The Tension Between Static Documentation and Dynamic Art, Variant, Istanbul.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (10-12-2022). The tension between static documentation and dynamic art, Biennial Symposium on Archiving and Re-Performing Electroacoustic Music, Dresden.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (2-12-2022). Digital Materiality > Net Art, Project Infrastructuur , Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (17-11-2022). Digital Preservation: A Speculative Practice?, Exceptional Times, Uncertain Moves, Seoul.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (16-11-2022). The Paradox of Digital Sustainability, Virtual SARBICA International Symposium, Singapore.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (9-11-2022). Networks of Care, Sustaining Art, Dundee.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (15-9-2022). Dutch Digital Art Canon, Music beyond fixity and fluidity; preservation and performance as instauration, Leiden.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (27-5-2022). The networked image: addressing the paradox in documentation, Looking for Photography, Munchen.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (20-5-2022). "Designing the unexpected” – – – ambiguity and net art, Re:Coding Mouchette, Utrecht.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (16-5-2022). The Artist’s Archive as a Collective Endeavour, Archiving Performance, Antwerp.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (7-4-2022). Fake News, Medienkunst A-Z, Basel.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (24-2-2022). Hybrid Infinities, STRP, Eindhoven.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (3-2-2022). Archiving Tactics, Housing Futures, Rotterdam.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (2-2-2022). The Politics of Glitch in Photography. From Spirit to Noise and Precarious Aesthetics, HDK-Valand / Hasselblad Foundation.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (20-1-2022). The Unbearable Lightness of Digital Art, V&A Museum.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (10-1-2022). Digital Materiality, HfBK Dresden.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (10-1-2022). Digital Materiality, Materialien der Kunst, Dresden.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (24-11-2021). Van Eyck, through a scanner darkly. Art and intermediation (after COVID): rethinking the digital and the virtual, University of Antwerp / Graindelavoix.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (18-11-2021). How to Do Curating With Art. From the Digital Space to the Space of the Gallery: Curatorial Practices for Digital and Post-digital Art, Université Lille.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (27-5-2021). The Central Park Archives, m-cult.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (4-5-2021). The Relevance of Care in Online Curating, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker), Ghidini, M. (invited speaker) & Tedone, G. (invited speaker) (1-5-2021). The Broken Timeline, or Curating Online, Zentrum für Netzkunst e.V..
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (1-4-2021). Imageability. Telling stories in images, KABK.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (30-3-2021). How fickle digital preservation practices are failing sustainability efforts, or a call for networks of care, FILE ALIVE/ ARQUIVO VIVO.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (25-3-2021). The Paradox of Digital Sustainability, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (25-3-2021). Curating Documentation, LIMA media art platform.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (17-12-2020). Lancering Netwerk Archieven Design and Digitale Cultuur, Het Nieuwe Instituut.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (17-10-2020). Networks of Care, ISEA 2020, Montreal.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (8-10-2020). Media Archival, Translation, and Longevity, University of the Arts Helsinki.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (22-5-2020). Impakt. A Critical History of Media Art in the Netherlands, LIMA media art platform.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (9-3-2020). net[art]works of care, Stichting Behoud Moderne Kunst.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (20-2-2020). 'Archives imaginaires' en de Inspectie Overheidsinformatie en Erfgoed, Inspectie Overheidsinformatie en Erfgoed.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (18-2-2020). Curating [in] Digital Art, Design Academy Eindhoven.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (13-2-2020). Breathing Life into the Living Death, MAPS2020: Media Art Preservation Symposium, Budapest.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (30-1-2020). Networked Memory, Fotodok.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (15-1-2020). UNFOLD: Audience/Performer/Mirror, LIMA media art platform.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (25-10-2019). Imageability Today. Telling Stories in Images, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (24-10-2019). Homo Documentator. Expanding documentation in the arts, KUVA, Helsinki.
Dekker, A. (speaker) & Tedone, G. (speaker) (12-9-2019). Networked Co-Curation, The Photographers' Gallery, London.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (19-8-2019). Nothing to Hide. Nothing to Fear, Beautiful Distress House, Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (2-7-2019). Collecting and Conserving Net Art, Taiwan Digital Art Foundation, Taipei.
Dekker, A. (speaker) & De Wild, K. (speaker) (19-6-2019). Preservation of Net Art through ‘Networks of Care’: Challenges and Potentials, The Web That Was: Archives, Traces, Reflections.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (8-4-2019). Digital Sustainability. How to Move Beyond the Oxymoron, exLab.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (13-3-2019). The Sustainability of Networks of Care, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (8-1-2019). Archiving (in) Process, University of Siegen.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (8-12-2018). Expanded Curatorial Practice: The Performative and Processual Characteristics of Online art, VVitchVVavve, Melbourne.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (29-11-2018). Capturing online cultures, or storytelling as method, Memory Makers, Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (16-11-2018). Collaborative Archiving of Digital Art, Acting in Contemporary Art Conservation, Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (1-11-2018). Enduring Liveness. Towards building networks of care, Archive of the Ephemeral. Thinking, Practicing, Networking, Bern.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (11-7-2018). A digital Babel: text, language & power, Het Vijfde Seizoen, Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker), Kwastek, K. (invited speaker), Giannachi, G. (invited speaker), Donkers, N. (invited speaker) & Wijers, G. (invited speaker) (4-7-2018). Performances, books and screens, Performances, books and screens, Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (speaker) & Wolfsberger, A. (speaker) (29-6-2018). Put Evaluation into Practice: The Collaborative Residency Life Cycle, ISEA2018, Durban.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (28-6-2018). (Re)Coding the Past for the Future, ISEA2018, Durban.
Dekker, A. (speaker) (28-5-2018). Archiving online cultures, iChora 8, Melbourne.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (11-4-2018). Cultural Matter: on DeliNear.Info, Cultural Matter, Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (22-3-2018). Alternative Strategies, Transformation Digital Art. International Symposium on the Preservation of Born-Digital Art, LIMA, Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (22-2-2018). Between Light and Dark Archiving, Curating Machines, London.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker), Sluis, K. (speaker) & de Mutiis, M. (speaker) (13-2-2018). Photography After Software, DONE3, Barcelona.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker), Bastajian, T. (invited speaker) & Çelikaslan, . (invited speaker) (7-1-2018). Collectively (Re)shaping the Archive, Collectively (Re)shaping the Archive, Amsterdam.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (16-11-2017). Publishing and Exhibiting Online, Afterall Exhibition Histories , london.
Dekker, A. (invited speaker) (8-9-2017). Short Circuiting the Archive, Open Set. Image & Sound , hilversum.
Dekker, A. (keynote speaker) (24-5-2017). New Archive Interpretations, Speculating About Future Digital Archives, Save As: Archiving Born-Digital Architectural Materials, Istanbul.
Masson, E. (invited speaker), Dekker, A. (invited speaker), Falcao, P. (invited speaker) & de Haan, T. (invited speaker) (8-2-2017). Education and Cooperation, Future Proof!?, Schiedam.
Roei, N. (organiser), Dekker, A. (organiser), Cnaani, O. (organiser) & Yen, W.-Y. (participant) (19-6-2024 - 20-6-2024). Networked Image Research Workshop, Amsterdam. Research Workshop Precarious Collection and Data Colonialism (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Jeurgens, C. (organiser) & Dekker, A. (organiser) (29-5-2024 - 30-5-2024). Inclusive & Sustainable Information Management through Recordkeeping Informatics, Amsterdam. Access to trustworthy and reliable information is essential in a civil society. In a world with many different and powerful stakeholders shaping the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (13-6-2023). The NECS 2023 Conference 2023: Care, Oslo. Caring Through Networked Tinkering (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (chair) (24-11-2022). Stuck on the Platform, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser), Ghidini, M. (organiser) & Tedone, G. (organiser) (9-5-2022). The Broken Timeline, Online (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (chair) (19-2-2022). Impakt, Utrecht. Contemporary Curating: Radical, Digital, Diverse. Online Conference on Contemporary Curating. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser), Ghidini, M. (organiser) & Krysa, J. (organiser) (13-1-2022 - 14-1-2022). Curating on the web: Interfering with the assumptions of networked platforms and interfaces, Liverpool (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (13-12-2021). Negotiating the Art-Documentation-Industrial-Complex, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (chair) (5-11-2021). Impakt Festival, Utrecht (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) & Wijers, G. (organiser) (21-9-2021). The Work of Art Without Original, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (14-7-2021). The Work of Art in an Age of Audience Documentation, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant), Wielocha, A. (participant) & Valle-Noronha, M. (participant) (9-6-2021). American Institute for Conservation. Transforming Ownership into a Network of Care (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (22-4-2021). Art, Museums and Digital Culture, Lisbon (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (18-3-2021). Between Camera & Network. Art and Documentation in Post-Photographic Culture:, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (11-3-2021). Between Camera & Network. Art and Documentation in Post-Photographic Culture, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) & Sluis, K. (organiser) (4-3-2021). Between Camera & Network. Art and Documentation in Post-Photographic Culture, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Barok, D. (organiser), Boschat Thorez, J. (organiser), Mansoux, A. (organiser) & Dekker, A. (organiser) (30-6-2020). Experimental Publishing as a Strategy for Preserving Research-based Art, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) (29-6-2020 - 3-7-2020). Digital Methods Summerschool 2020, Amsterdam. Curating Data: Commons, Care, Networks (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) (15-1-2020). Curating Documentation #2, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (27-10-2019). Calm technology: Olia Lialina, David Benque & Cristina Cochior, Utrecht (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) & Boschat-Thorez, J. (participant) (16-5-2019). AIC's 47th Annual Conference 2019, Uncasville. Archiving Complex Digital Artworks (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser), Nowviskie, B. (participant), Espenschied, D. (participant), Rechert, K. (participant), Murtaugh, M. (participant), Maleve, N. (participant), Turner, R. (participant) & Cochoir, C. (participant) (13-12-2018). Performing the Data Drive, Rotterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (13-10-2018). berlin – zentrum der netzkunst – damals und heute (other).
Dekker, A. (other) (13-9-2018). Behind the Scenes of The Warp and Weft of Memory (other).
Dekker, A. (organiser) & Rossenova, L. (organiser) (22-2-2018). Curating Machines, London. Version Control and Archive Freedom (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (4-2-2018). Other Futures, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser), Bastajian, T. (participant), Birdsall, C. J. (participant) & van Alphen, E. (participant) (27-1-2018). Fluid Memory, Hilversum (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant), Dewdney, A. (participant) & Sluis, K. (participant) (12-1-2018). MeCCSA 2018, London. The Networked Image Economy and the Automation of Culture (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser), Barok, D. (organiser), Röck, C. (organiser), Boschat Thorez, J. (organiser) & Gauthier, D. (participant) (8-1-2018 - 12-1-2018). Digital Methods Winterschool, Amsterdam. Collaborative archiving of digital art (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (8-12-2017). Materialities of Post Colonial Memory, amsterdam. Techno-colonialism: digitization and trafficking cultural goods (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (25-11-2017). Re-trace, Media Art Histories Conference, vienna. Between light and dark archiving (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (20-11-2017). Doclab, Sound & Vision, IDFA, amsterdam. Preserving interactive documentaries (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant) (19-10-2017 - 22-10-2017). Creating Commons (other).
Dekker, A. (other) (27-9-2017). Machine Art in the Twentieth Century (other).
Dekker, A. (organiser) & Minkova, M. (organiser) (17-8-2017 - 2-9-2017). Re:learn2017, Rotterdam. Versioning the Networked Archive (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (participant), Dewdney, A. (participant), Sluis, K. (participant), Tedone, G. (participant) & Tyzlik-Carter, M. (participant) (28-6-2017). ways of machine seeing, Cambridge. Unthinking Photography: cultural value and the networked image (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser), Munawar, N. A. (participant), Ersoy, Ö. (participant), Varvia, C. (participant) & Nankivell , S. (participant) (9-6-2017). Trafficking of cultural goods, London (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Dekker, A. (organiser) (2-3-2017 - 21-5-2017). How Much Of This Is Fiction, Liverpool (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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