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R. (Roger) Mallola I Castillo MA

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen

  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
  • Postbus 94551
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • About

    Roger Mallola is an external PhD candidate in the Department of European Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He is currently living in Barcelona where he works a as consultant and as an editor of an independent publishing company.



    Roger Mallola holds a superior degree (six years) in civil and environmental engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and a master of arts in international relations from the University of Amsterdam. In addition, he completed a postgraduate course in publishing from the University of Barcelona.


  • Research Interests

    Research Interests

    His research interests focus on the processes of identity formation and the role of ideologies in the construction of social and political realities. Moreover, his interests are amply comparative, with a strong intellectual component, ranging from the history of European ideas, European intellectual history and the history of European political thought, to the idea of Europe as a civilization, collective memories, and nationalism. In parallel to this, he is also interested in the new multidisciplinary methods in social sciences, which combine both qualitative and quantitative approaches.  


    Currently, he is concerned with the cultural foundations of the European construction and the processes of European identity formation. His dissertation aims to illuminate some of the ideational mechanisms by which the construction of a European identity represents by itself an empowering process for Europe. By analysing the discursive constructions around the CFSP of the European Union, his study expects to provide evidence of such an empowerment by means of a process of identity formation.



    Occasionally, in Catalonia Roger Mallola is invited to give lectures and conference presentations on specific themes of history, humanities and social sciences.


    He is an admirer of the intellectual work of both José Ortega y Gasset and Joan Fuster.

  • Contact Details

    Mr. R. (Roger) Mallola i Castillo, MA


    European Studies, University of Amsterdam


    Because Roger Mallola lives in Barcelona, he does not hold a regular office at UvA. His postal address is the same of the research group he belongs to, the Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies (ARTES).


    Postal Address


    Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies (ARTES)

    University of Amsterdam


    Spuistraat 210, room 1.25


    1012 VT Amsterdam

    The Netherlands


    However, you can contact him through his email:




    or by telephone:


    Barcelona Office:       +34-934-518-466


    Mobile:                         +34-648-814-461


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