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Dr. E.M. (Els) Veldhuizen

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
WP Groep: Docenten GPIO

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Kamernummer: C4.18
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Publicaties



    • Timmermans, E. J., Veldhuizen, E. M., Mäki-Opas, T., Snijder, M. B., Lakerveld, J., & Kunst, A. E. (2019). Associations of neighbourhood safety with leisure-time walking and cycling in population subgroups: The HELIUS study. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 31, Article 100300. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sste.2019.100300 [details]



    • Veldhuizen, E. M., Ikram, U. Z., de Vos, S., & Kunst, A. E. (2017). The relationship between ethnic composition of the residential environment and self-reported health among Turks and Moroccans in Amsterdam. International Journal of Health Geographics, 16(12). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12942-017-0084-x [details]


    • Veldhuizen, E., & Pfeffer, K. (2016). Crossing boundaries: Mapping spatial dynamics of urban phenomena at micro scale to support urban management in the Amsterdam urban region. BELGEO, 2016(2). http://belgeo.revues.org/17740 [details]


    • Veldhuizen, E. M., Musterd, S., Dijkshoorn, H., & Kunst, A. E. (2015). Association between Self-Rated Health and the Ethnic Composition of the Residential Environment of Six Ethnic Groups in Amsterdam. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(11), 14382-14399. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph121114382 [details]
    • de Goeij, M. C. M., Veldhuizen, E. M., Buster, M. C. A., & Kunst, A. E. (2015). The impact of extended closing times of alcohol outlets on alcohol‐related injuries in the nightlife areas of Amsterdam: a controlled before‐and‐after evaluation. Addiction, 110(6), 955-964. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.12886 [details]




    • Veldhuizen, E. (2008). Dynamiek van infectieziekten in tijd en ruimte. In A. J. Dietz, F. den Hertog, & H. van der Wusten (Eds.), Van natuurlandschap tot risicomaatschappij: de geografie van de relatie tussen mens en millieu (pp. 33-40). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Dietz, A. J., & Veldhuizen, E. M. (2004). Population dynamics. An important intervening variable. In A. J. Dietz, R. Ruben, & A. Verhagen (Eds.), The Impact of Climate Change on Drylands, with a focus on West Africa (pp. 79-82). (Environment & Policy; No. 39). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Dietz, A. J., & Veldhuizen, E. M. (2004). The world’s drylands: A classification. In A. J. Dietz, R. Ruben, & A. Verhagen (Eds.), The Impact of Climate Change on Drylands, with a focus on West Africa (pp. 19-26). (Environment & Policy; No. 39). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Dietz, T., & Veldhuizen, E. (2004). The world's drylands: A classification. In A. J. Dietz, R. Ruben, & A. Verhagen (Eds.), The impact of climate change on drylands: With a focus on West Africa (pp. 19-26). (Environment & policy; No. 39). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-2158-5_2 [details]
    • Put, M., Verhagen, J., Veldhuizen, E. M., & Jellema, A. P. (2004). Climate change in Dryland West Africa? The empirical evidence of rainfall variability and trends. In A. J. Dietz, R. Ruben, & A. Verhagen (Eds.), The impact of climate change on Drylands. With a focus on West Africa (pp. 27-32). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.


    • Kunst, A. E., van den Putte, B., Veldhuizen, E. M., & Kuipers, M. A. G. (2022). Policies to reduce availability of tobacco products in the retail environment. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement 3), iii308. Article ckac129.754. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.754 [details]




    • Dietz, A. J., & Veldhuizen, E. M. (1998). Impact of Climate Change on Drylandds, with a Focus on West Africa. (Reports ICCD; No. 1). Wageningen: CERES/DLO/WAU/RIVM.



    • Knippenberg, H., Veldhuizen, E. M., & Verkuijlen, E. (2007). Godsdienst. In Redactie Bosatlas van Nederland (Ed.), De Bosatlas van Nederland (pp. 360-365). Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff. [details]


    • Deurloo, M. C., Musterd, S., Slot, J., & Veldhuizen, E. M. (2001). Integration of newcomers and unemployed persons in Amsterdam. (Factsheet; No. 4). O+S, Bureau Onderzoek en Statistiek. [details]
    • Deurloo, M. C., Musterd, S., Slot, J., & Veldhuizen, E. M. (2001). Integratie van nieuwkomers en werklozen in Amsterdam. O+S, het Amsterdamse bureau voor onderzoek en statistiek, 4, 1-4.


    • Dietz, A. J., & Veldhuizen, E. M. (1997). L'impacte de la modification climatique sur la disponibilite en eau, sur l'agriculture et sur la securite dans les zones arides. Rapport preliminaire de la premiere phase: L'identification. Amsterdam/Wageningen/Utrecht: Universite d'Amsterdam/DLV/CERES. [details]


    • Veldhuizen, E. M. (2017). Beyond boundaries: Geographical aspects of urban health. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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