Sabel, C., Zeitlin, J., & Helderman, J.-K. (2024). Transforming the Welfare State, One Case at a Time: How Utrecht Makes Customized Social Care Work. Politics & Society, 52(2), 171-207.[details]
Polo Villanueva, F. D., Tegegne, Y. T., Winkel, G., Cerutti, P. O., Ramcilovic-Suominen, S., McDermott, C. L., Zeitlin, J., Sotirov, M., Cashore, B., Wardell, D. A., Haywood, A., & Giessen, L. (2023). Effects of EU illegal logging policy on timber-supplying countries: A systematic review. Journal of Environmental Management, 327, Article 116874.[details]
Zeitlin, J. (2023). Hierarchy, polyarchy, and experimentalism in EU banking regulation: the Single Supervisory Mechanism in action. Journal of European Integration, 45(1), 79-101.[details]
Zeitlin, J., & Rangoni, B. (2023). EU regulation between uniformity, differentiation, and experimentalism: Electricity and banking compared. European Union Politics, 24(1), 121-142.[details]
Zeitlin, J., van der Duin, D., Kuhn, T., Weimer, M., & Jensen, M. D. (2023). Governance reforms and public acceptance of regulatory decisions: Cross-national evidence from linked survey experiments on pesticides authorization in the European Union. Regulation & Governance, 17(4), 980-999.[details]
Rangoni, B., & Zeitlin, J. (2021). Is experimentalist governance self‐limiting or self‐reinforcing? Strategic uncertainty and recursive rulemaking in European Union electricity regulation. Regulation & Governance, 15(3), 822-839. Advance online publication.[details]
Zeitlin, J., & Nicoli, F. (Eds.) (2020). The European Union Beyond the Polycrisis? Integration and politicization in an age of shifting cleavages. (Journal of European public policy series). Routledge.[details]
Zeitlin, J. H., & Nicoli, F. (Eds.) (2019). The European Union beyond the Polycrisis? Integration and Politicization in an Age of Shifting Cleavages? Journal of European Public Policy, 26(7), 963-1111.
Zeitlin, J., Nicoli, F., & Laffan, B. (2019). Introduction: the European Union beyond the polycrisis? Integration and politicization in an age of shifting cleavages. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(7), 963-976.[details]
Overdevest, C., & Zeitlin, J. (2018). Experimentalism in transnational forest governance: Implementing European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreements in Indonesia and Ghana. Regulation & Governance, 12(1), 64-87. Advance online publication.[details]
Verdun, A., & Zeitlin, J. (2018). Introduction: the European Semester as a new architecture of EU socioeconomic governance in theory and practice. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(2), 137-148. Advance online publication.[details]
Zeitlin, J. (Guest ed.), & Verdun, A. (Guest ed.) (2018). EU Socio-Economic Governance since the Crisis: The European Semester in Theory and Practice. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(2), 137-286.
Zeitlin, J., & Vanhercke, B. (2018). Socializing the European Semester: EU Social and Economic Policy Coordination in Crisis and Beyond. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(2), 149-174. Advance online publication.[details]
Zeitlin, J., & Verdun, A. (Eds.) (2018). EU Socio-Economic Governance since the Crisis: The European Semester in Theory and Practice. (Journal of European Public Policy Series). Routledge.[details]
Sabel, C., Zeitlin, J., & Quack, S. (2017). Capacitating Services and the Bottom-Up Approach to Social Investment. In A. Hemerijck (Ed.), The Uses of Social Investment (pp. 140-149). Oxford University Press.[details]
Sabel, C., Zeitlin, J., & Quack, S. (2016). Services de capacitation et approche ascendante de l’investissement social. Informations Sociales, 192, 44-54. [details]
Zeitlin, J. (2016). De la ‘chaleur blanche’ à la débâcle: l’industrie britannique des machines-outils dans une perspective comparative (1964-1990). In S. Benoit, & A. P. Michel (Eds.), Le monde du génie industriel au XXe siècle: autour de Pierre Bézier et des machines-outils et (pp. 303-7). Belfort: Éditions de l’Université de Technologie de Belfort Montbéliard (UTBM). [details]
Overdevest, C., & Zeitlin, J. (2015). Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT): transnational dynamics of an EU experimentalist regime. In J. Zeitlin (Ed.), Extending experimentalist governance? The European Union and transnational regulation (pp. 137-165). Oxford University Press.[details]
Zeitlin, J. (2015). Conclusions: empirical findings and experimentalist pathways. In J. Zeitlin (Ed.), Extending experimentalist governance? The European Union and transnational regulation (pp. 324-354). Oxford University Press.[details]
Zeitlin, J. (2015). Introduction: theoretical framework and research agenda. In J. Zeitlin (Ed.), Extending experimentalist governance? The European Union and transnational regulation (pp. 1-19). Oxford University Press.[details]
Barcevičius, E., Weishaupt, J. T., & Zeitlin, J. (2014). Tracing the Social OMC from its origins to Europe 2020. In E. Barcevičius, T. Weishaupt, & J. Zeitlin (Eds.), Assessing the open method of coordination: institutional design and national influence of EU social policy coordination (pp. 16-39). (Work and welfare in Europe). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Overdevest, C., & Zeitlin, J. (2014). Assembling an experimentalist regime: transnational governance interactions in the forest sector revisited. In L. Bruszt, & G. A. McDermott (Eds.), Leveling the playing field: transnational regulatory integration and development (pp. 235-270). Oxford University Press.[details]
Overdevest, C., & Zeitlin, J. (2014). Assembling an experimentalist regime: transnational governance interactions in the forest sector. Regulation & Governance, 8(1), 22-48. Advance online publication.[details]
Zeitlin, J., Barcevičius, E., & Weishaupt, J. T. (2014). Institutional design and national influence of EU social policy coordination: Advancing a contradictory debate. In E. Barcevičius, T. Weishaupt, & J. Zeitlin (Eds.), Assessing the open method of coordination: institutional design and national influence of EU social policy coordination (pp. 1-15). (Work and welfare in Europe). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Zeitlin, J. (2013). Towards governance-based regulation? The WRR Report on Toezien op publieke belangen in European and International perspective. Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 4(4), 10-15.[details]
Sabel, C. F., & Zeitlin, J. (2012). Experimentalist governance. In D. Levi-Faur (Ed.), Oxford handbook of governance (pp. 169-183). (Oxford handbooks). Oxford University Press. [details]
Zeitlin, J. (2011). Is the Open Method of Coordination an alternative to the Community Method? In R. Dehousse (Ed.), The 'Community Method': obstinate or obsolete? (pp. 135-147). (Palgrave studies in European Union politics). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
Zeitlin, J. (2011). Presidential address SASE Annual Meeting 2010, Philadelphia, USA: Pragmatic transnationalism: governing across borders in the global economy. Socio-Economic Review, 9(1), 187-206.[details]
Herrigel, G., & Zeitlin, J. (2010). Inter-firm relations in global manufacturing: disintegrated production and its globalization. In G. Morgan, J. Campbell, C. Crouch, O. K. Pedersen, & R. Whitley (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of comparative institutional analysis (pp. 527-561). (Oxford handbooks in business and management). Oxford University Press.[details]
Zeitlin, J. (2010). Towards a stronger OMC in a more social Europe 2020: a new governance architecture for EU policy coordination. In E. Marlier, D. Natali, & R. van Dam (Eds.), Europe 2020: towards a more social EU? (pp. 253-273). (Work & Society; No. 69). P.I.E. Peter Lang. [details]
Zeitlin, J., & Sabel, C. (2010). Learning from difference: the new architecture of experimentalist governance in the EU. In C. F. Sabel, & J. Zeitlin (Eds.), Experimentalist governance in the European Union: towards a new Architecture (pp. 1-28). Oxford University Press. [details]
Zeitlin, J. H. (2009). Introduction. In M. Heidenreich, & J. Zeitlin (Eds.), Changing European employment and welfare regimes: the influence of the open method of coordination on national reforms (Routledge/EUI studies in the political economy of welfare; No. 12). London: Routledge.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2009). The Open Method of Coordination and National Social and Employment Policy Reforms: Influences, Mechanisms, Effects. In M. Heidenreich, & J. Zeitlin (Eds.), Changing European employment and welfare regimes: the influence of the open method of coordination on national reforms (Routledge/EUI studies in the political economy of welfare; No. 12). London: Routledge.
Zeitlin, J. (2008). Industrial districts and regional clusters. In G. Jones, & J. Zeitlin (Eds.), Oxford handbook of business history (pp. 219-243). (Oxford handbooks in business and management). Oxford University Press.
Zeitlin, J. (2008). The Open Method of Co-ordination and the governance of the Lisbon Strategy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 46(2), 436-450.
Zeitlin, J. (2008). The historical alternatives approach. In G. Jones, & J. Zeitlin (Eds.), Oxford handbook of business history (pp. 120-140). (Oxford handbooks in business and management). Oxford University Press.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2008). Re-forming Skills in British Engineering, 1900-1940: A Contingent Failure. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 25-26, 19-77.
Zeitlin, J. H., & Sabel, C. (2008). Learning from Difference: The New Architecture of Experimentalist Governance in the EU. European Law Journal, 14(3), 271-327.
Zeitlin, J., & Jones, G. (2008). Introduction. In G. Jones, & J. Zeitlin (Eds.), Oxford handbook of business history (pp. 1-6). (Oxford handbooks in business and management). Oxford University Press.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2006). Districts industriels et flexibilité de la production hier aujourd’hui et demain. In La mobilisation du territoire: Les districts industriels en Europe occidentale: Les districts industriels en Europe occidentale, XVIIe-XXe siècle (pp. 449-473). Paris: Comité pour l’Histoire Économique et Financière de la France, Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances, et de l’Industrie.
Zeitlin, J. (2005). Conclusion: The Open Method of Co-ordination in action: theoretical promise, empirical realities, reform strategy. In J. Zeitlin, & P. Pochet (Eds.), The Open Method of Co-ordination in action: the European employment and social inclusion strategies (pp. 447-503). (Work & society; No. 49). Peter Lang.
Zeitlin, J. (2005). Introduction: The open method of co-ordination in question. In J. Zeitlin, & P. Pochet (Eds.), The open method of co-ordination in action: the European employment and social inclusion strategies (pp. 19-33). (Work & society; No. 49). Peter Lang.
Zeitlin, J. (2005). Social Europe and experimentalist governance: towards a new constitutional compromise? In G. de Búrca (Ed.), EU law and the welfare state: in search of solidarity (pp. 213-241). (The collected courses of the Academy of European Law; No. 14/2). Oxford University Press.
Whitford, J., & Zeitlin, J. (2004). Governing decentralized production: institutions, public policy, and the prospects for inter-firm collaboration in US manufacturing. Industry and Innovation, 11(1/2), 11-44.
Zeitlin, J. (2004). Introduction: Supply chain governance and regional development in the global economy. Industry and Innovation, 11(1/2), 5-9.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2003). Introduction: Governing Work and Welfare in a New Economy: European and American Experiments. In J. H. Zeitlin, & D. Trubek (Eds.), Governing Work and Welfare in a New Economy Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2003). Productive Alternatives: Flexibility, Governance, and Strategic Choice in Industrial History. In F. Amatori, & G. G. Jones (Eds.), Business History Around the World (pp. 62-80). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2001). Re-forming Skills in British Engineering, 1900-1940: A Contingent Failure. In G. Gayot, & P. Minard (Eds.), Les ouvriers qualifiés de l’industrie (XVIe-XXe siècle). Formation, emploi, migrations (pp. 179-190). Lille: Revue du Nord, Collection Histoire no. 15.
Zeitlin, J. H., & Kristensen, P. H. (2001). The Making of a Global Firm: Local Pathways to Multinational Enterprise. In G. Morgan, P. H. Kristensen, & R. Whitley (Eds.), The Multinational Firm: Organizing Across Institutional and National Divides (pp. 172-195). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zeitlin, J. (2000). Introduction: Americanization and its limits: reworking US technology and management in post-war Europe and Japan. In J. Zeitlin, & G. Herrigel (Eds.), Americanization and its limits: reworking US technology and management in post-war Europe and Japan (pp. 1-50). Oxford University Press.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2000). Americanizing British Engineering? Strategic Debate, Selective Adaptation, and Innovative Hybridization in Postwar Reconstruction. In J. H. Zeitlin, & G. Herrigel (Eds.), Americanization and Its Limits Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2021). The Single Supervisory Mechanism for Banking Union: Uniformity, Differentiation, and Experimentalism in EU Financial Regulation’. Amsterdam Centre for European Studies.
Barcevičius, E., Weishaupt, J. T., & Zeitlin, J. (2014). Assessing the open method of coordination: institutional design and national influence of EU social policy coordination. (Work and welfare in Europe). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
Sabel, C. F., & Zeitlin, J. (2010). Experimentalist governance in the European Union: towards a new architecture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [details]
Heidenreich, M., & Zeitlin, J. (2009). Changing European employment and welfare regimes: the influence of the open method of coordination on national reforms. (Routledge/EUI studies in the political economy of welfare; No. 12). Routledge.
Zeitlin, J., Bokhorst, D., & Eihmanis, E. (2023). Governing the RRF: Drafting, Implementing, and Monitoring National Recovery and Resilience Plans as an Interactive Multilevel Process. (Policy Study), (Recovery Watch series). Foundation for European Progressive Studies.[details]
Zeitlin, J., Bokhorst, D., & Eihmanis, E. (2023). Rethinking the Governance and Delivery of the Cohesion Policy Funds: Is the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) a Model? European Commission. [details]
Zeitlin, J. H. (2021). Uniformity, Differentiation, and Experimentalism in EU Financial Regulation: The Single Supervisory Mechanism in Action. (Amsterdam Centre for European Studies Research Paper; No. 2021/04), (SSRN Research Paper). Amsterdam Centre for European Studies.
Zeitlin, J., Weimer, M., van der Duin, D., Kuhn, T., & Jensen, M. D. (2021). Reforming EU Pesticides Regulation, Rebuilding Public Support: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Six Member States: an ACES policy report. (Amsterdam Centre for European Studies Research Paper; No. 2021/03), (SSRN Research Paper). Amsterdam Centre for European Studies.[details]
Zeitlin, J., & Brito Bastos, F. (2020). SSM and the SRB accountability at European level: room for improvements? Banking Union Scrutiny. European Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Policies.[details]
Rangoni, B., & Zeitlin, J. (2019). Is Experimentalist Governance Self-Limiting or Self-Reinforcing? Strategic Uncertainty and Recursive Rulemaking in EU Electricity Regulation. (Amsterdam Centre for European Studies Research Paper; No. 2019/07), (SSRN Research Paper). Amsterdam Centre for European Studies. [details]
Zeitlin, J., & Overdevest, C. (2019). Experimentalist Interactions: FLEGT and the Transnational Timber Legality Regime. (Amsterdam Centre for European Studies Research Paper; No. 2019/04), (SSRN Research Paper). Amsterdam Centre for European Studies.[details]
Zeitlin, J. (2017). [Review of: K.W. Abbott, P. Genschel, D. Snidal, B. Zangl (2015), International Organizations as Orchestrators]. Perspectives on Politics, 15(3), 928-930.[details]
Cashore, B., Leipold, S., Cerutti, P. O., Bueno, G., Carodenuto, S., Chen, X., de Jong, W., Denvir, A., Hansen, C., Humphreys, D., McGinley, K., Nathan, I., Overdevest, C., Rodrigues, R. J., Sotirov, M., Stone, M. W., Tekle Tegegne, Y., Visseren-Hamakers, I., Winkel, G., ... Zeitlin, J. (2016). Global Governance Approaches to Addressing Illegal Logging: Uptake and Lessons Learnt. In D. Kleinschmit, S. Mansourian, C. Wildburger, & A. Purret (Eds.), Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade – Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses: A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report (pp. 119-131). (IUFRO World Series; No. 35). International Union of Forest Research Organizations.[details]
Zeitlin, J. (2011). Transnational transformations of governance: The European Union and beyond. (Inaugural lecture; No. 388). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]
Zeitlin, J. H. (2017). Experimentalism in Transnational Forest Governance: Implementing FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreements in Indonesia and Ghana; (conference paper). Paper presented at 29th annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Lyon, France.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2017). Socializing the European Semester: EU Economic and Social Policy Coordination in Crisis and Beyond: paper presented at panel on “When the European Semester Hits Home: The Influence of the EU’s Post-Crisis Governance Architecture on National Reforms”. Paper presented at European Union Studies Association (EUSA) biennial conference, Miami, Florida, United States.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2017). Socializing the European Semester: EU Economic and Social Policy Coordination in Crisis and Beyond. Paper presented at Jean Monnet Fellowship 25th Anniversary conference, Florence, Italy.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2017). Socializing the European Semester: EU Economic and Social Policy Coordination in Crisis and Beyond. Paper presented at “Citizens, Populism and Politicisation: European Economic Governance and Beyond”, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Prijs / subsidie
Zeitlin, J. H. (2014). Senior Research Fellow, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2011). Jean Monnet Chair in European and Transnational Governance.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2011). Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks.
Lidmaatschap / relevante positie
Zeitlin, J. (2023). Member of International Advisory Board - Regulation & Governance (Wiley), Regulation & Governance (Wiley).
Zeitlin, J. (2023). Member of Scientific Advisory Board (Wetenschappelijk Advies College), Social Sciences and Humanities, NWO.
Zeitlin, J. (2023). Member of Scientific Advisory Board, European Social Observatory/Observatoire Social Européen (OSE).
Zeitlin, J. H. (2017-2021). European Social Observatory/Observatoire Social Européen (OSE).
Zeitlin, J. H., Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. & Bekker, S. (2013). Track and panel organizer, "Europeanization of Social and Employment Policies", 10th European Conference of the International Labor and Employment Relations Association (ILERA).
Zeitlin, J. H. (2012). Member of the Programme Committee and Panel Organizer, Twentieth International Conference of Europeanists.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2011). Panel organizer, "Transnational Governance in the Global Economy", Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics annual conference, Madrid, June 23-25 2011.
Zeitlin, J. H. (2010-2011). Annual Conference Organizer, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE).
Zeitlin, J. (member of editorial board) (2019-2020). Business History Review (Journal).
Zeitlin, J. (member of editorial board) (2019-2020). Regulation & Governance (Journal).
Zeitlin, J. H. (member of editorial board) (2017-2023). Business History Review (Journal).
Zeitlin, J. (member of editorial board) (2016-2023). Journal of European Public Policy (Journal).
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (23-11-2023). Governing the EU's Recovery and Resilience Facility: National Plans and Performance-Based Financing in Theory and Practice, Seminar presentation to Institutional and Administrative Capacities Observatory (CAPIS), Padua.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) & Bokhorst, D. (speaker) (18-11-2023). Governing the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility: Formulating, Implementing, and Monitoring National Plans as an Interactive, Multi-Level Process”, Jean Monnet Chair/Centre of Excellence conference on “The Next Generation EU and the State: Implementation", Rome.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) & Bokhorst, D. (speaker) (13-9-2023). Governing the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility: Formulating, Implementing, and Monitoring National Plans as an Interactive, Multi-Level Process, European Social Policy Association Network (ESPAnet) conference on “Welfare Systems in Transition: Between Equity and Sustainability”, Milan.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) & Bokhorst, D. (speaker) (20-4-2023). Governing the EU Resilience and Recovery Facility: Formulating, Implementing, and Monitoring National Plans as an Interactive Multi-Level Process, Max Weber Programme - Multidisciplinary Research Workshop , Florence.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) & Bokhorst, D. (speaker) (27-3-2023). Governing the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility: Formulating, Implementing, and Monitoring National Plans as an Interactive, Multi-Level Process, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) Recovery Watch Programme.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (20-3-2023). The Single Supervisory Mechanism: An Innovative Institution”, lecture to SSM training course on “The Essentials of Banking Union, Florence School of Banking, European University Institute, Florence..
Zeitlin, J. (keynote speaker) (20-2-2023). Hierarchy, Polyarchy, and Experimentalism in EU Banking Regulation: The Single Supervisory Mechanism in Action, Hierarchy, polyarchy, and experimentalism in EU banking regulation: The SSM in action, Florence.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (10-7-2022). “Hierarchy, Polyarchy, and Experimentalism in EU Banking Regulation: The Single Supervisory Mechanism in Action”, paper presented to the conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Society for the Advancement of Socio Economics.
Rangoni, B. (speaker) & Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (8-6-2022). Paper Presentation "EU Regulation Between Uniformity, Differentiation, and Experimentalism: Electricity and Banking Compared", European Consortium on Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group on the EU (SGEU) Conference 2022, Rome.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (31-5-2022). Presented paper "Hierarchy, Polyarchy, and Experimentalism in EU Banking Regulation: The Single Supervisory Mechanism in Action” at workshop “The Politics, Law and Political Economy of European Banking Union", University of Luxembourg.
van der Duin, D. (speaker), Weimer, M. (speaker), Kuhn, T. (speaker) & Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (21-5-2022). Paper Presentation "Governance Reform and Public Acceptance of Regulatory Decisions: Cross-National Evidence from Linked Survey Experiments in the European Union", 17th Biennial International Conference, European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Miami, Miami .
Rangoni, B. (speaker) & Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (20-5-2022). Paper presentation "EU Regulation Between Uniformity, Differentiation, and Experimentalism: Electricity and Banking Compared", 17th Biennial International Conference, European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Miami, Miami .
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (4-4-2022). Discussant at ACES online book panel on Brice Laurent, European Objects: The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization, Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES).
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) & Rangoni, B. (speaker) (7-2-2022). Lecture (online) Zeitlin & Rangoni - EU regulation between uniformity, differentiation, and experimentalism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Zeitlin, J. (keynote speaker) (28-11-2019). Experimentalist Interactions: Joining Up the Transnational Timber Legality Regime, Power Sharing or Power Shifts? Examining the Role of Public-Private Interactions in Global Governance, München.
Zeitlin, J. (keynote speaker) (1-11-2019). United in Diversity? European Regulation between Uniformity and Differentiation, Towards a New World Order? Past and Present Reflections, Oslo .
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (14-5-2019). United in Diversity? European Regulation between Uniformity and Differentiation, Differentiated Integration – the Future of European Cooperation?, Amsterdam.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (9-5-2019). Experimentalist Interactions: The EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Initiative and Transnational Forest Governance, International Biennial Conference , Denver .
Zeitlin, J. (keynote speaker) (15-4-2019). United in Diversity? European Regulation between Uniformity and Differentiation, Politics in Perspective (PiP): The Fate of Europe.
Zeitlin, J. (speaker) (13-2-2019). The Influence of the European Semester on National Reforms: Analytical Framework and Empirical Synthesis, Research seminar on Politics and Culture in Europe.
Zeitlin, J. H. (speaker) (15-11-2018). The Influence of the European Semester on National Reforms: Analytical Framework and Empirical Synthesis, Centre Européen de Sociologie et de Science Politique.
Zeitlin, J. H. (keynote speaker) (17-10-2018). Experimentalist Interactions: The Emerging Timber Legality Regime and Transnational Forest Governance, Timber Legality Research Symposium, Copenhagen.
Zeitlin, J. H. (keynote speaker) (25-9-2018). Combating Illegal Logging and Improving Forest Governance through FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreements, Illegal Logging and the Illegal Wildlife Trade: Synergies and Lessons, London.
Zeitlin, J. H. (speaker) (23-8-2018). Experimentalist Interactions: The Emerging Timber Legality Regime and Transnational Forest Governance, European Consortium on Political Research: General Conference, Hamburg.
Zeitlin, J. H. (speaker) (23-6-2018). Paper presentation: “Experimentalist Interactions: The Emerging Timber Legality Regime and Transnational Forest Governance, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics conference, Kyoto.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (4-12-2017). Experimentalist Governance in Data Privacy.
Zeitlin, J. H. (speaker) (1-12-2016). “Participation by Local and Regional Authorities in EU Socio-Economic Policy Coordination”. Statement to expert hearing on “A Code of Conduct for Cities and Regions in the European Semester”., Committee of the Regions, Brussels.
Zeitlin, J. H. (speaker) (25-11-2016). “Retrospect and Prospect”, Ius Commune conference, Maastricht.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (4-7-2016). Experimentalist Governance in the EU, lecture to European Integration Summer School (EISS), University of Agder, Kristiansand.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (4-7-2016). EU Experimentalist Governance in Times of Crisis, lecture to European Integration Summer School (EISS), University of Agder, Kristiansand.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (27-6-2016). Socializing the European Semester: EU Economic Governance and Social Policy Coordination since the Crisis, presentation to workshop on ‘The Constitutional Dimension of the European Semester’, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (3-6-2016). Centralized Economic Governance vs. Enhanced Market Discipline: Is a Third Way Needed?, presentation to expert seminar on “The Future of EMU”, Permanent Representation of the European Commission in Belgium and Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (30-5-2016). Socializing the European Semester: EU Economic Governance and Social Policy Coordination since the Crisis, presentation to EU Horizon 2020 ENLIGHTEN project workshop on “Legitimacy of the European Union’s Modes of Governance after the Crisis”, Institut d’Études Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (24-3-2016). Experimentalism in the EU and Global Governance, lecture to series on “Global Governance, International Law and the EU - Actors, Institutions, Policies and Rules”, Centre for Global Governance, University of Leuven (KUL), Leuven.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (11-3-2016). Invited lecture: Experimentalist Governance in the European Union, seminar on “Questioning the Local Implementation of EU Environmental and Sustainable Development Policy", Bordeaux.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (18-11-2015). EU Experimentalist Governance in Times of Crisis, keynote lecture to EUROPAL workshop on “National Policy Styles in the EU: Towards Convergence?”, Radboud University, Nijmegen.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (9-12-2014). Socializing the European Semester? Economic Governance and Social Policy Coordination in Europe 2020., presentation to EURODIV conference on “Europe’s Incredible (?) Monetary Union”, ARENA Centre for European Studies, Oslo.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (25-11-2014). Experimentalist Governance after the Crisis: Why the EU Needs It Now More than Ever, presentation to Political Economy Forum, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (20-11-2014). Socializing and Democratizing the European Semester, keynote presentation to Annual Convention of the European Platform Against Poverty and Social Exclusion, Brussels.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (14-11-2014). Extending Experimentalist Governance? The European Union and Transnational Regulation., presentation to seminar on “The State and Capitalism since 1800”, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Boston.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (3-11-2014). Experimentalist Governance after the Crisis: Why the EU Needs It Now More than Ever., guest lecture, Center for the Study of Europe, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University, Boston.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (22-10-2014). Socializing the European Semester? Economic Governance and Social Policy Coordination in Europe 2020, presentation to seminar on “Social Europe”, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (20-10-2014). Extending Experimentalist Governance? The European Union and Transnational Regulation., presentation to international research conference on “The European Union and Global Governance”, Institute for European Integration Research (EIF), University of Vienna, Vienna.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (10-7-2014). Extending Experimentalist Governance? The European Union and Transnational Regulation., presentation to panel at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Chicago.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (15-6-2014). Experimentalist Governance after the Crisis: Why the EU Needs It Now More than Ever., presentation to international workshop on “Rethinking European Integration”, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (5-6-2014). Socializing the European Semester? Economic Governance and Social Policy Coordination in Europe 2020, presentation to panel on “The End of Social Europe?” at the 7th ECPR Pan-European Conference on the European Union, The Hague.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (11-4-2014). Socializing the European Semester? Economic Governance and Social Policy Coordination in Europe 2020, presentation to workshop on “The European Semester and the New Architecture of EU Socio-Economic Governance”, Amsterdam Centre for Contemporary European Studies (ACCESS EUROPE), Amsterdam.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (27-2-2014). Participant, roundtable on "Transformations of European Social Policy Governance", 4th GR:EEN AGORA Forum on “The Eurozone Crisis and the Transformation of EU Governance: Internal and External Dimensions”, Institut d’Études Europénnes, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (8-1-2014). Socializing the European Semester? Economic Governance and Social Policy Coordination in Europe 2020, presentation to the 5th International Conference on ‘Democracy as Idea and Practice’, University of Oslo, Oslo.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (2-12-2013). "Democratizing the European Semester", Invited/Keynote at the Committee of the Regions workshop on "The Future of Europe 2020", Brussels.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (14-11-2013). "Constructing a Transnational Timber Legality Assurance Regime: Architecture, Accomplishments, Challenges, Invited/Keynote at the Watson Institute of International Studies, Faculty Seminar on Governance and Development, Providence, Rhode Island.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (26-9-2013). "Extending Experimentalist Governance? The EU and Transnational Regulation", Invited/Keynote at the Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (25-9-2013). "Socializing the European Semester? Economic Governance and Social Policy Coordination in Europe 2020", Invited/Keynote at the Netherlands-China Joint Dialogue Seminar on “The Future of Work, Care and Welfare in Europe and China”, Renmin University of China, Beijing.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (24-9-2013). "Tracing the Social OMC from Its Origins to Europe 2020", Invited/Keynote at the Netherlands-China Joint Dialogue Seminar on “The Future of Work, Care and Welfare in Europe and China”, Renmin University of China, Beijing.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (4-7-2013). Extending Experimentalist Governance? The EU and Transnational Regulation., Keynote presentation to International Workshop on “European and Transnational Rulemaking”, UvA, Amsterdam.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (24-6-2013). "How a Reformed European Platform on Poverty Could Contribute to a More Participatory European Semester", Invited/Keynote at the Platform of European Social NGOs, Social Policy Working Group, Brussels.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (24-4-2013). "Extending Experimentalist Governance? The EU and Transnational Regulation", Invited / Keynote at the Research Seminar, Maastricht Centre for European Law, Maastricht.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (4-4-2013). "Extending Experimentalist Governance? The EU and Transnational Regulation", Invited/Keynote at the Annual conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (8-11-2012). "Extending Experimentalist Governance? The EU and Transnational Regulation", GR:EEN (Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks) EU FP7 Project annual conference, “Learning in Transnational Networks”, University of Warwick.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (11-6-2012). Experimentalist Governance, Berkeley-Utrecht conference on “Complex Systems, Pernicious Instability, and Institutional Resilience: Urgent Challenges for Public Administration”.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (23-2-2012). Assembling an Experimentalist Regime: Transnational Governance Interactions in the Forest Sector, Fostering Regional Regulative Integration – Learning Across Regions, European University Institute/Inter-American Development Bank, Washington D.C..
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (23-2-2012). Assembling an Experimentalist Regime: Transnational Governance Interactions in the Forest Sector, Inter-American Development Bank/European University Institute conference on “Fostering Regional Regulative Integration – Learning Across Regions, Washington, D.C..
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (13-2-2012). Assembling an Experimentalist Regime: Transnational Governance Interactions in the Forest Sector, conference on "The Nature of the EU as a Global Actor" (EU FP7 GR:EEN project), Palazzo Clerici, Milan.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (21-10-2011). Experimentalist Governance in the European Union, Symposium on Experimentalist Governance in the EU, Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe", Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, Free University, Berlin.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (24-6-2011). Experimentalism in Transnational Governance: Emergent Pathways and Diffusion Mechanisms, panel on “Transnational Governance in the Global Economy”, 23rd annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Universidad Autonoma di Madrid.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (23-5-2011). Assembling an Experimentalist Regime: EU FLEGT and Transnational Governance Interactions in the Forest Sector, international conference on “Transnational Business Governance Interactions”, European University Institute, Florence.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (15-4-2011). "Experimentalism in Transnational Governance: Emergent Pathways and Diffusion Mechanisms, international conference on “Transnational Business Governance Interactions”,, European University Institute, Florence.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (17-3-2011). Experimentalism in Transnational Governance: Emergent Pathways and Diffusion Mechanisms, panel on “Global Governance in Transition”, International Studies Association annual conference, Montreal.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (16-3-2011). "Experimentalism in Transnational Governance: Emergent Pathways and Diffusion Mechanisms", research seminar, Desautels Faculty of Management and Department of Sociology, McGill University, Montreal.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (18-11-2010). Extending Experimentalist Governance: From the EU to the World?, “GR:EEN (Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks” project workshop, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (14-9-2010). Towards a Stronger OMC in a More Social Europe 2020: A New Governance Architecture for EU Policy Coordination, Belgian Presidency of the EU Conference, “EU Coordination in the Social Field in the Context of Europe 2020: Looking Back and Building the Future, La Hulpe, Belgium.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (3-9-2010). Extending Experimentalist Governance: From the EU to the World?", panel on “Transnational Integration Regimes", annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C..
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (25-6-2010). Presidential Address: Pragmatic Transnationalism: Governing Across Borders in the Global Economy, 22nd annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Temple University, Philadelphia.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (17-5-2010). Inter-firm Relations in Global Manufacturing: Disintegrated Production and Its Globalization, Business History Seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (5-5-2010). Extending Experimentalist Governance: From the EU to the World?, workshop on “Rule-Making in the EU and Global Governance: Is There a Convergence?”, Straus Institute for the Advanced Study of Law and Justice, New York University.
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (23-4-2010). Inter-firm Relations in Global Manufacturing: Disintegrated Production and Its Globalization, faculty research seminar, Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO), Catholic University of Leuwen (KUL).
Zeitlin, J. H. (invited speaker) (8-4-2010). Learning from Difference: The New Architecture of Experimentalist Governance in the European Union, workshop on “Peer Reviews as an Instrument of International Governance, University of Bremen.
Zeitlin, J. (participant), Bokhorst, D. (participant) & Eihmanis, E. (participant) (13-11-2023). Group of high-level specialists on the future ofCohesion Policy, Etterbeek. Rethinking the Governance and Delivery of the Cohesion Policy Funds: Is the Recovery & Resilience Facility (RRF) a Model? (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. (organiser), Bokhorst, D. (organiser), Corti, F. (organiser) & Eihmanis, E. (organiser) (13-9-2023 - 15-9-2023). Sessione 15 - From the Pillar of Social Rights to Next Generation EU: A Step Change for Social Europe?, Milan. The European response to the Covid crisis marks an important step in the development of Social Europe. The SURE support mechanism to mitigate (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).…
Zeitlin, J. (chair) (13-7-2023). 9th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, Antwerpen . The global regulation of pesticides and the glyphosate controversy: Politicization, Responsiveness, and Public Support for EU Policies: The Case of (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. (participant) & Rangoni, B. (participant) (13-7-2023). 9th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, Antwerpen . Between uniformity and flexibility: The trajectory of differentiation in EU policy: How Does the EU Reconcile Uniform Regulation with Legitimate (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. (participant) & Bokhorst, D. (participant) (15-5-2023). Governing through Funding in the EU, Maastricht . Governing Crisis or a New Era of EU Financial Governance? Scrutinising the Next Generation EU Recovery Plan: Governing the EU Resilience and Recovery (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. (organiser) & Nicoli, F. (organiser) (6-5-2023). 18th Biennial International Conference. European Union Studies Association., Pittsburgh. 2 panels at the EUropean Union Association: - Escaping the Politics Trap? EU Integration Pathways Beyond the Polycrisis - How Does the EU Reconcile (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. (organiser) & Brack, N. (organiser) (1-1-2023 - 1-4-2024). European Consortium on Political Science Research (ECPR). Standing Group on the European Union (SGEU). Co-organizer (with Nathalie Brack), European Consortium on Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group on the European Union (SGEU) monthly online (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Weimer, M. (organiser) & Zeitlin, J. (organiser) (24-2-2022). Spui25 symposium "Fighting Global Deforestation - EU Cooperation with Partner Countries". Public symposium on the EU draft deforestation regulation with Bojan Grlaš (DG Envi, EU Commission); Sebastian Lesch (German Ministry for (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Weimer, M. (organiser) & Zeitlin, J. (organiser) (1-2-2022). Spui 25 symposium: Fighting Global Deforestation - Making Due Diligence Work for Forests. public symposium on the EU draft deforestation regulation with Delara Burkhardt (MEP); Rob Busink (Dutch Ministry for Agriculture); Ingrid Hontis (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Broulík, J. (organiser), Cseres, K. (organiser) & Zeitlin, J. (chair) (25-10-2021). Roundtable on Yane Svetiev's book, ''Experimentalist Competition Law and the Regulation of Markets" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. (organiser) (14-5-2019). Differentiated Integration – the Future of European Cooperation?, Amsterdam. Workshop co-organized with the T.M.C. Asser Institute and the Netherlands Scientific Council on Government Policy (WRR) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (8-11-2018). European Asylum and Migration Governance, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) & Vandenbroucke, F. I. G. (organiser) (5-10-2018). The European Pillar of Social Rights: Ambiguities, Implementation, Possibilities, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) (23-6-2018 - 25-6-2018). Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics conference, Kyoto. Discussant at: Author-Meets-Critics panel on Tim Bartley, Rules without Rights: Land, Labor, and Private Authority in the Global Economy (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) (23-6-2018 - 25-6-2018). Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics conference, Kyoto. Discussant at: Author-Meets-Critics panel on Abraham L. Newman and Elliot Posner, Voluntary Disruptions: International Soft Law, Finance, and Power (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (13-6-2018 - 15-6-2018). ECPR Standing Group on the EU, Pan-European Conference, Paris. Co-organizer, Section on Social Europe and the Future of the Welfare State, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) & Crespy, A. (organiser) (2018). ECPR Standing Group on the EU, Pan-European Conference, Paris. Section on “EU Socio-Economic Governance and the Future of the Welfare State” (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser), Bokhorst, D. J. (organiser) & Nicoli, F. (organiser) (8-12-2017). The Future of the Economic and Monetary Union, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser), Duyvendak, J. W. (organiser) & Wiers, R. W. H. J. (organiser) (21-10-2017). Populism conference: between resentment and resistance, Amsterdam. public conference, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, UvA (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (17-3-2017). European Law and Governance: Economization or Experimentalism?”, international workshop, Amsterdam Centre for Contemporary European Studies (ACCESS EUROPE), Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (2017). “When the European Semester Hits Home: The Influence of the EU’s Post-Crisis Governance Architecture on National Reforms”, panel at European Union Studies Association (EUSA) biennial conference, Miami (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (2017). Actor Strategies and Institutional Processes in Transnational Sustainability Governance, Lyon (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (other) (2017 - 2021). Yearbook of Polish European Studies (Advisory Board) (other).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) & Nicoli, F. (organiser) (2017). Transformation or Collapse? Integration and Politicization in Post-Functionalist Times., Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser), Crum, B. (organiser), Kuhn, T. (organiser) & Vandenbroucke, F. I. G. (organiser) (2017). "Solidarity and European Integration”, ACCESS EUROPE Annual Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) & Thatcher, M. (participant) (16-6-2016 - 18-6-2016). At: University of Trento, Trento. Regulatory Governance Section, 8th Pan-European Conference, Standing Group on the European Union (SGEU), European Consortium for Political Research (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) & Verdun, A. C. (organiser) (11-12-2015 - 12-12-2015). international workshop, Amsterdam Centre for Contemporary European Studies (ACCESS EUROPE). EU Socio-Economic Governance since the Crisis: The European Semester in Theory and Practice (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) & Cioffi, J. M. (organiser) (1-7-2015 - 4-7-2015). Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), annual conference, London School of Economics, London. Research Network on Regulation and Governance (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser), Hardon, A. P. (organiser) & Bowen, J. (organiser) (4-6-2015 - 5-6-2015). international research workshop, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research/ACCESS EUROPE, Amsterdam. Recursive Learning in Organizations and Institutions (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) & Sabel, Ch. (participant) (12-12-2014). international workshop at the Watson Institute for International Studies, Providence, RI. New Approaches to Financial Regulation: The European Union in Global Context (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) & Sabel, Ch. (participant) (22-8-2014 - 23-8-2014). international research workshops, Amsterdam. Experimentalist Regimes in Transnational Governance: The European Union and Beyond (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) (10-7-2014 - 12-7-2014). panel at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Chicago. Extending Experimentalist Governance? The European Union and Transnational Regulation. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) (11-4-2014). Convenor workshop, Amsterdam Centre for Contemporary European Studies (ACCESS EUROPE), Amsterdam. The European Semester and the New Architecture of EU Socio-Economic Governance (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) & Curtin, D. M. (organiser) (1-7-2013 - 5-7-2013). Co-organisers International Workshop on European and Transnational Rulemaking: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) & Hemerijck, A. C. (participant) (25-6-2013 - 27-6-2013). Co-organizers, "Changing Welfare States", panel at International Conference of Europeanists Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) (25-6-2013 - 27-6-2013). Member of the Program Committee, Twentieth International Conference of Europeanists, Amsterdam, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) & Scott, J. (participant) (9-5-2013 - 11-5-2013). Co-organizers, "New Perspectives on EU External Governance", panel at European Union Studies Association (EUSA) biennial conference, Baltimore, MD (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (participant) & Jentleson, B. (participant) (3-4-2013 - 4-4-2013). Co-organizers, "Global, Regional, and Transnational Governance: Socialization, Emulation, Learning?" Presidential theme panel, annual conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (8-11-2012 - 9-11-2012). 2nd annual GR:EEN (Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks), EU FP7 project conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. "Networked Learning in Transnational Governance" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (17-5-2012 - 18-5-2012). international conference, GR:EEN (Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks) EU FP7 Project, Workpackage 6, University of Amsterdam. "Extending Experimentalist Governance? The EU and Transnational Regulation" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (23-6-2011 - 25-6-2011). 23rd annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Universidad Autonoma, Madrid. "Transformations of Contemporary Capitalism: Actors, Institutions, Processes" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (24-6-2010 - 26-6-2010). 22nd annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. "Governance across Borders: Coordination, Regulation, and Contestation in the Global Economy" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (23-10-2009 - 24-10-2009). international research workshop, European Center of Excellence and the Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE), University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Extending Experimentalist Governance: From the EU to the World?" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (14-6-2009 - 15-6-2009). International Research Conference, Copenhagen Business School. Global Components: Manufacturing across Borders in the Global Economy (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zeitlin, J. H. (organiser) (7-7-2008 - 11-7-2008). Carlo Alberto Summer School on European Governance, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, Turin. "Innovating Governance and Policy Making in an Enlarged Europe: EU and Member State Perspectives" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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