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Dr. R. (Rose) van der Zwaard

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Tweede Taalverwerving
Fotograaf: onbekend

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Kamernummer: 542
  • Postbus 1641
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Fields of Expertise
    • Second Language Acquisition
    • Teaching English as a Second Language
    • Computer Assisted Language Learning
    • Computer Mediated Communication
    • Teacher Education/Training
    • Educational Methodology and Innovation



  • Research and presentations


    Van der Zwaard, R. & Bannink, A. (in preparation) Using digital recording tools and an interactive web-based environment to promote reflection and peer review in L2 teacher education (working title).

    Bannink, A., & van der Zwaard, R. (2020). Action Research on Remote Teaching as an Instrument for Reflection on Online and Face-To-Face Teaching. In Action Research on Remote Teaching as an Instrument for Reflection on Online and Face-To-Face Teaching (pp. 489-493). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

    Van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2020). Coaching Novice Inservice University Lecturers: From Face-To-Face Supervision to Online Video Tagging. In R. E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field (pp. 521-525). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

    Van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2020). Negotiation of Meaning in Digital Task-based Language Teaching: Task Design versus Task Performance. TESOL Quarterly54(1), 56-89. 

    Van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2019). Towards a new model of negotiated interaction in computer-mediated communication. Language Learning & Technology23(3), 116-135. 

    Van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2018). Reversal of Participation Roles in NS-NNS Synchronous Telecollaboration. CALICO journal35(2), 162-181. 

    van der Zwaard, R. (2017). Patterns of (negotiated) interaction during task-based telecollaboration between native and advanced non-native speakers. Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics.

    Cohen, I. & Van der Zwaard, R. (2016). I’m leaving and I’m never coming back: The complexity of translating simple short stories.  In A. Bannink  & W. Honselaar, W. (Eds.), From variaton to iconicity: festschrift for Olga Fischer on the occasion of her 65th birthday.

     Van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2016). Nonoccurrence of Negotiation of Meaning in Task‐Based Synchronous Computer‐Mediated Communication. The Modern Language Journal100(3), 625-640. 

    Van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2014). Video call or chat? Negotiation of meaning and issues of face in telecollaboration. System44, 137-148. 

    Prior, Y., Johnson, L., & van der Zwaard, R. (2011). e-Learning through digital theatre: breaking down the tyranny of distance and limits of location. Ubiquitous learning3, 1-14.

    Prior, Y., van der Laaken, M., & van der Zwaard, R. (2009). Artspeak: Articulating Artistic Process Across Cultural Boundaries through Digital Theatre. The International Journal of the Arts in Society4(3), 433-446. 

    Relevant presentations/lectures:


    2007      L2 through Arts and Literature (ILO)

    2007      L2 through Arts and Literature (Master course for VWO docenten – UvA)

    2008      Anéla - Dutch Society for Applied Linguistics. Utrecht University, The Netherlands (presentation).

    2009      The Arts in Society. Ca'Foscari University, Venice, Italy (presentation).

    2010      Ubiquitous Leaning Conference. University of British Columbia, Canada (presentation).  

    2010      Transcultural – Transnational – TransformationMonash University, Melbourne Australia. Presentation through Skype in collaboration with Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia and British Museum, London, UK.

    2010      Invited presentation at Groningen University about De-bug Your English!  A Webclass for Exchange Students

    2011      TBLT – Task-Based Language Teaching - Lancaster UK.

    2012      EuroCALL: The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Gothenborg, Sweden (presentation).

    2012      Invited lecture at the Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands about  Digital Collaboration Between Universities. 

    2013      CALICO: The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium. University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA (presentation).

    2014      Anéla - Dutch Society for Applied Linguistics. Utrecht University, The Netherlands (presentation).

    2015      EuroCALL: The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. University of Padova, Italy (presentation).

    2015      TBLT: Task-Based Language Teaching. Leuven University, Belgium (presentation).

    2015      Invited lecture at the University of Amsterdam (MA module Current Issues in Linguistics Research) .

    2016      Unicollaboration: New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice. Trinity University, Dublin, Ireland (presentation).

    2017      Invited lecture at Ghent University, Belgium within their programme of Second Language Acquisition: New Flavours.

    2017      Invited lecture at the University of Amsterdam. MA module: Issues in Second Language Acquisition.

    2017      EuroCALL: The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. University of Southampton, UK (presentation).

    2018      Invitation to award ceremony for Best Article 2018 – CALICO Journal - Montreal, Canada.

    2019      EuroCALL: The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Jyväskylä, Finland (presentation).

    2019      Blended Learning: How to set up Virtual Exchange Projects in the language learning classroom (several presentations at UvA).

    2020      CALICO: The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium. Seattle, Washington (cancelled due to Corona)

    2021      (June) CALICO: The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium – the conference will be held online (panel presentation with colleagues from US universities)

  • Teaching and curriculum development

    2005-date          Undergraduate modules:

    • English Language Acquisition & Language proficiency
    • For exchange/Erasmus students
    • For European Studies & Language and Communication students (Minor programme)
    • For students majoring in English Language and Culture
    • Teacher Education
      • Methodology of L2 and foreign language teaching,
      • Educational science,
      • Classroom discourse,
      • Intercultural communication,
      • Stories/narratology in the classroom
    • English Literature
      • British and American Culture;
      • Survey 1;
      • Survey 2;
      • English Literature 1: Genres, Texts, Contexts
    • Language in Literature: A Stylistic Approach
    • Literary Translation Dutch-English
    • Research Seminar
    • Rhetoric and Writing
    • Academic English (for students majoring in English Language and Culture and students from other departments)


    2017-date           Graduate modules:

    • L2 in the Classroom
    • Literature in the Classroom
    • Schoolvak MVT en Nederlands
    • Translation lab (literary translations English-Dutch)
    • Research Seminar

    2017-date           Other:              

    • Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (Dutch staff FGw)
    • University Teaching Qualification (non-Dutch staff FGw)
    • Pre-BKO (Dutch staff FGw)
    • Pre-UTQ (non-Dutch staff FGw)

    Supervision: BA and MA thesis; PhD supervision

    Thesis topics: 

    • Second Language Acquisition,
    • L2 language teaching/learning,
    • Computer-assisted language learning,
    • Stylistics,
    • L2 classroom discourse,
    • Education and communication
    • Literary Translation
  • Administrative tasks

    2010-2013          Member of OC Taal en Communicatie/Neerlandistiek

    2013-2014          Member of OC Engelse Taal en Cultuur

    2014-2018          Chair of OC English Language and Culture

    2013-2019          In charge of ‘voorlichting’ and ‘proefstuderen’ - English Department

    2015-2018          In charge of Exchange Programmes (Erasmus and Harting) for students of English

    2018                     Member of Harting Programme Committee (with 5 other Dutch universities)

    2018                     Chair of programme committee English Proficiency New Style (to prepare the transition to the international programme of English Language and Culture)

    2016-date           Member of Assessment Committee BKO/UTQ (FGw)

    2018-date           Member of Exam Board College of Humanities

    2018-date           Chair of Exam Board Cluster Engels


  • Publicaties


    • Bannink, A., & van der Zwaard, R. (2020). Action Research on Remote Teaching as an Instrument for Reflection on Online and Face-To-Face Teaching. In R. E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field (pp. 489-492). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/p/216903/ [details]
    • van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2020). Coaching Novice Inservice University Lecturers: From Face-To-Face Supervision to Online Video Tagging. In R. E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field (pp. 521-525). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/p/216903/ [details]
    • van der Zwaard, R., & Bannink, A. (2020). Negotiation of Meaning in Digital Task-based Language Teaching: Task Design versus Task Performance. TESOL Quarterly, 54(1), 56-89. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.537 [details]






    • Prior, Y., van der Laaken, M., & van der Zwaard, R. (2009). Artspeak: Articulating Artistic Process Across Cultural Boundaries through Digital Theatre. The International Journal of the Arts in Society, 4(3), 433-446. Advance online publication. http://ija.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.85/prod.465 [details]

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Bannink, A. & van der Zwaard, R. (2018). CALICO Award for Most Outstanding Article 2018.


    • Bannink, A. (speaker) & van der Zwaard, R. (speaker) (23-4-2016). NNS/NS telecollaboration in dyadic task-based SCMC: task-appropriate versus face-appropriate behaviour, New directions in telecollaboration, Dublin (2016)., New directions in telecollaboration, Dublin.


    • van der Zwaard, R. (2017). Patterns of (negotiated) interaction during telecollaboration between native and advanced non-native speakers. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. LOT. [details]
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