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Polly Pallister-Wilkins was presented with the ‘International Political Sociology Section’s’ Best Book Award at the International Studies Association’s (ISA) 64th Annual Convention, held in Montreal, Canada.

Published in 2022 by Verso, Humanitarian Borders ‘interrogates the politics of humanitarian responses to border violence and unequal mobility, arguing that such responses mask underlying injustices, depoliticise violent borders and bolster liberal and paternalist approaches to suffering. Focusing on the diversity of actors involved in humanitarian assistance alongside the times and spaces of action, the book draws a direct line between privileges of movement and global inequalities of race, class, gender and disability rooted in colonial histories and white supremacy, and humanitarian efforts that save lives while entrenching such inequalities.’

Read more about Humanitarian Borders

Dr. P.E. (Polly) Pallister-Wilkins

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen

Programmagroep: Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance