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Hundreds of colleagues and students participated in the walk-out on the Roeterseiland campus against the announced cuts in higher education on Thursday afternoon, November 14. The forced cancellation of the national protest and all the expressions of support made the urgency of the message all the more clear: these cuts must not be allowed to continue.
A protest sign saying 'No teachers no future' on the Roeterseiland campus
A protest sign saying 'No teachers no future' on the Roeterseiland campus

'If the national demonstration cannot go ahead, then we will take action in some other way,' was the prevailing thought. And that is what colleagues and students did en masse: including through the walk out on campus, the action of college members in the Lower House (rewatch the livestream with all speakers), protesting student organizations and endless support online. 

College President Edith Hooge: 'A lot of people now feel the need to do something. So do I. That so much togetherness can be seen at this time gives hope. These cuts must be off the table. On to the next manifestation on November 25 in The Hague.' 

On November 25, the Education Budget will be debated in the Lower House. Further information on actions on November 25 will follow.