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The total cost of the damage caused by the occupations and destruction in May and June during protests on UvA campuses stemming from the war between Israel and Hamas amounts to €4.1 million.

During May and June, several protests took place that resulted in vandalism, graffiti and occupations. On the Roeterseiland, the Binnengasthuisterrein and Science Park, barricades were erected, rooms trashed, windows broken, walls graffitied and doors forced open.

Total cost of damage
The total amount includes, among other things, replacing coffee machines, furniture and security cameras, removing graffiti from buildings and classrooms, and replacing broken windows. Buildings had to be cleared and cleaned, and screens replaced, canteens had to be restocked. In addition, the construction of the new University Library was delayed by the protest on the Binnengasthuisterrein, with major financial consequences.

The costs can now be almost fully calculated, because (most of) the requested quotes and invoices for repair work or replacements have been received. The amounts below have been rounded up or down, based on the most recent available data.

Description Amount
Costs of damage to exterior of buildings 600,000
Costs of damage to interior of buildings 300,000
Costs of damage to catering property and loss of turnover of caterer 400,000
Costs of damage to security systems 30,000
Delay in work on new University Library 2,800,000
Total 4,130,000

Additional costs for construction of University Library due to postponed work
The construction of the new University Library was affected by the occupation of the Binnengasthuisterrein. There was direct damage to the construction site, but also costs as a result of postponed work. The demonstrations on 7 and 8 May meant that, among other things, planned excavation work by utility companies – to connect the library to electricity - could not go ahead. Because this work could only be eventually carried out weeks later, construction was delayed by almost three months. This had major financial consequences, with costs amounting to 2.5 million euros. The costs of direct damage amounted to €267,000.

Despite the delay, we expect that the new library can still be opened in September 2025, provided that everything goes according to plan and there are no more setbacks.

Security costs: €140,657
The protests have meant that the UvA has had to deploy extra security throughout the past year. Buildings sometimes had to be closed or needed a doorman at the entrance and security was also needed at night. The estimated cost of this so far is €140,657. This amount is not included in the figures mentioned above.

Recovering damages
The UvA will recover damages from the perpetrators, if legally feasible. Unfortunately, in such situations, it is not always clear exactly who is responsible for what. Any damages that cannot be recovered from the perpetrators will be claimed from the UvA’s insurance.