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The FNV has given the UvA an ultimatum regarding the adjustment of the university’s house rules and rules on collaborations with external parties.

The UvA is surprised by this ultimatum and the possible actions to follow, says chair of the board Edith Hooge. ‘We have made good progress on both subjects. New house rules, with an extension of the right to demonstrate, and a new assessment framework for collaborations with third parties will be sent to the representative advisory bodies this week. That is how democratic decision-making works at the UvA.’

The FNV has not indicated exactly which actions it intends to undertake, but it is possible that they will cause inconvenience for students and employees. Once more information is available, you will receive it via your own department or programme. 


Demonstrations have taken place regularly at the UvA in recent months. The new house and demonstration rules once again clearly delineate the right to demonstrate. The Central Works Council and Central Student Council have the right to approve these new rules. Hooge: ‘Students and employees have given their input on these new rules in recent months. The unions have also accepted our invitation to give their opinions. All this input has been taken to heart and the advisory bodies will continue to be closely involved in this process. That is why we believe any actions by the FNV are unnecessary.’