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The Criminal Law department provides Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. Master's education is provided in the fields of national, international, European, cross-border and comparative criminal and military law. In addition, the section provides education in the Forensic Science Master's programme.

Bachelor's programme

In the Dutch Bachelor's programme Rechtsgeleerdheid, the Criminal Law department is responsible for the subjects Introduction to Criminal Law, Substantive Criminal Law and Formal Criminal Law.

Master's programme

Dutch Master's track Strafrecht

The Master's track Strafrecht offers a complete criminal law programme of 60 EC. The programme trains students to become all-round criminal lawyers and focuses on metropolitan, (rule of law) undermining, cross-border and current criminal law issues. The programme devotes a great deal of attention to the practice of criminal law.

More information about the Dutch Master's track Strafrecht

Master's in International Criminal Law 

The Master's programme in International Criminal Law has two tracks: a Joint Program with Columbia Law School (track 1) and a track in International and Transnational Criminal Law at the University of Amsterdam (track 2).

Read more about the Master's in International Criminal Law

The Criminal Law department also includes a group of researchers and lecturers with special expertise in the field of military law. They provide Master's education in a number of military law subjects: Military Criminal and Disciplinary Law, Military Officers' Law, Armed Forces and State Law, International Humanitarian Law and International Law of Military Operations. Together these subjects form the specialisation programme Military Law.

Prof. T.D. (Terry) Gill

Coordinator Military Law