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The Office of International Student Affairs (BIS) oversees and coordinates incoming student exchange programmes within the Global Exchange Programme. We offer many services to help you adjust to life in Amsterdam and make your stay at the UvA unforgettable.

Am I eligible to participate in the Global Exchange Programme?

If your home university has a current formal agreement with the UvA, you are eligible to apply to attend the UvA as an exchange student within the Global Exchange Programme. Please contact your home university’s exchange or international office to get officially nominated for the Global Exchange Programme.

If your home university does not have an agreement with the UvA, you will need to contact your university's exchange or international office and follow the procedures indicated by your home university.

The application process from start to finish

Global Changemaker Scholarship

The Global Changemaker Scholarship is more than just financial support; it's a holistic programme aimed at developing future leaders equipped to tackle global challenges. We are thrilled to extend this scholarship to students from a select number of our partner universities.

Explore your preferred UvA faculty

Even though you have to get officially nominated by your home university in order to study at the UvA on exchange, feel free to already explore your preferred faculty's exchange page for student testimonials and a programme overview.

Fact sheet

For a concise document of all facts, figures, general info, and requirements, please take a look at our fact sheet.


For questions about the Global Exchange programme you can contact our Office of International Student Affairs.