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Internationalisation within the UvA is intended to enhance the quality of teaching, learning and research and to promote a sense of community among students and staff.

The UvA has become increasingly international in recent years, as demonstrated by the composition of its student population, its international research projects and copublications and its international orientation within the academic community. 

Internationalisation is therefore a strategic theme in the UvA’s Strategic Plan ‘Boundless Curiosity’, which sets out the University’s strategy for the 2015-2020 period.

Because some of the Strategic Plan’s objectives can only be achieved by focusing on stimulating the University's international orientation, a Strategic Framework for Internationalisation was developed in 2012. The last strategy period was characterised by the speed and impact of developments in internationalisation, both in a global context and within the UvA itself.  As a result, the internationalisation framework required an update in 2017.

This updated version puts the focus on quality. In addition, the updated framework and the development of initiatives also takes into account the impact of internationalisation on Dutch students and staff. The primary objectives have therefore been formulated and amended as follows: 

  1. To prepare each student in the best possible way for a successful career in a dynamic, changing global society and labour market.
  2. To attract talented students with a view to enhancing the quality and diversity of the student population and our teaching.
  3. To strengthen the UvA’s role in the European and international research domains. 
  4. To strengthen the UvA’s international identity, actively facilitate social integration and inclusivity within its academic community and position it as an international employer.