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Dr. W. (Wahideh) Achbari

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programmagroep: Core Lecturers CSSci

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Bio

    I am a migration scholar (Ph.D., University of Edinburgh) focusing on social cohesion. Substantively, my expertise spans the contact hypothesis, ethnic diversity, economic inequality, and crime, whilst methodologically I employ advanced statistical methods and computational tools.

    Previously I have held different research positions across Europe and obtained a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship at the University of Amsterdam (co-funded by the European Commission) titled Trust Radius.

    For more info om my research agenda, please see my website.

  • Manuscripts in Preparation
    • Achbari, W., J. Linde, B. Burgoon, and B. Doosje, ‘The relative impact of wealth inequality and income inequality on social and political trust: a global analysis’
    • Achbari, W. and W. Bernasco, ‘Asylum seekers and neighborhood crime: a spatial panel analysis’
    • Achbari, W. and A. Leerkes, ‘Crime offences among asylum seekers and the general population in the Netherlands: civic stratification, righteous migrant effect, or deportation anxiety?’
    • Achbari, W. ‘Out of sight, out of group? Testing the validity of generalized trust as a proxy for intergroup attitudes and behavior’
    • Achbari, W. and E. Davidov, ‘Re-assessing the radius of generalized trust through measurement invariance: cultural and educational differences across the globe’
    • Achbari, W., B. Doosje, and B. Geys, ‘Value congruence, opinion diversity and the development of generalized trust: experimental evidence using a minimal group design’
    • Bulsari, S., Achbari, W., Quiroz Flores, A. and Fasli, M. ‘The Community and Voluntary Sector in the Night-time Economy in an English City: The Impact of the SOS Bus in Colchester’
  • Publications



    • Achbari, W., Gesthuizen, M., & Holm, J. (2018). Ethnic diversity and generalized trust: testing the contact hypothesis in Dutch voluntary organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(4), 813-835. Advance online publication.



    • Achbari, W. (2015). Back to the Future: revisiting the contact hypothesis at Turkish and mixed non-profit organizations in Amsterdam. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38(1), 158-175.
    • Achbari, W. (2015). Bridging and bonding ethnic ties in voluntary organizations: a multilevel “schools of democracy" model. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41(14), 2291-2313.


    • van den Bos, M. E. W., & Achbari, W. (2007). Cultural migration: networks of Iranian organizations in the Netherlands’. Migration Letters, 4(2), 171-181.


    • Achbari, W. (2004). Modern Iran een paradox? Boekbespreking van Ansari, Ali M. "Modern Iran since 1921: the Pahlavis and after". Sharqiyyat, 16(2), 127-129.


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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities