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The Bachelor’s programme in Business Administration of the University of Amsterdam is a high-quality Bachelor's with good career prospects. This is why the number of places available in this programme is limited to 800 in the first year. To be eligible for admission in this programme, you are required to participate in a selection procedure. This is described in detail below.

The information on this page applies to the academic year 2024 - 2025.

How does the selection procedure work?

To take part in the selection procedure for this programme, we ask you to take a selection test. If you have taken the time to prepare well by studying the indicated study materials, there is a good chance that you will be offered a place in the programme. The steps you need to take to successfully register for the selection procedure are outlined below.  

Step-by-step application procedure

  1. Submit a registration request in Studielink by 15 January 2024* 

  2. Submit a complete application through My Applications by 15 January 2024 

  3. The Admissions Office will evaluate whether you meet the entry requirements** 

  4. Select your test date in your Enrolment Checklist by 15 January 2024

  5. Study for the selection test - prepare for your selection test using the materials we have supplied to you 

  6. Complete the selection test in February or March 

  7. You will receive your ranking number on 15 April 2024

* Please note that Studielink will only allow you to register for a maximum of two programmes with an enrolment restriction. If you apply to two programmes with an enrolment restriction and you are admitted to both, you may only accept one of the offers. 

**The evaluation of whether you meet the programme’s entry requirements may not yet be fully complete before the selection test date occurs. Consequently, it is possible to complete the selection test, but to fail to meet the entry requirements. If that is the case, you will unfortunately not be admitted. 

Step 1, 2 and 3: Registration deadlines and application assessment 

The first step of your application for the Bachelor’s programme in Business Administration is to submit a registration request in Studielink. You can register in Studielink from October 2023 up to the deadline date of 15 January 2024. To ensure you are eligible for selection and placement, please view the admission requirements

When registering in Studielink, please select the option: ‘Business Administration' (Numerus Fixus programme). 
After registering in Studielink, the second step is to submit an application in our application system SIS 'My Applications. Please make sure you complete this step before the 15 January 2024 deadline. 

After submitting a complete application in SIS 'My Applications' your eligibility for the Business Administration programme will be assessed by the Admissions Office. 

Step 4: Select your test date

All applicants will take the selection test online. You can enrol for your preferred selection test date in your Enrolment Checklist. Please make sure you complete this step before 15 January 2024.  

Note that it is not possible to change test dates after the submission of your chosen test date. Therefore please ensure that you make any necessary preparations to allow your participation in the selection test. Applicants who do not complete the selection test will not be eligible for admission. 

The selection test dates are:

  • Saturday 24 February 2024 - 14.00 or 14.30 CET
  • Saturday 2 March 2024 - 14.00 or 14.30 CET

Step 5 and 6: Selection test

The selection test for the Business Administration programme will assess your academic ability in the subjects Mathematics, Economics and Strategy & Organisation. No prior knowledge is required. However, we expect you to have a basic (pre-university) school level and the study skills to understand the material, make it your own and apply it

The study material for the selection test will be provided to all candidates approximately one week prior to the test date in our online learning environment Canvas. In total you are expected to dedicate approximately 20 to 25 hours of study. Past experience shows that if you prepare well using the study materials, you should have no problem to successfully pass the selection test. This means you stand a good chance of obtaining a place in this programme.  

Step 7: Ranking number

Once the selection test dates have passed, each applicant will receive a ranking number. The ranking number is ultimately what determines whether a candidate is offered a place in the Business Administration programme. Your ranking number is based on your selection test score.  

You will receive a notification with your ranking number on 15 April 2024. Depending on your ranking number, you will immediately be offered a place in the programme, or you will first be placed on a waiting list. If you are immediately offered a place in the programme, you will receive an email with additional information. 

If you are not immediately offered a place, there is a still good chance that a place will be offered to you between 15 April and 1 August 2024. This happens when another student chooses not to take his/her place in the programme. You will be sent an email as soon as a place becomes available for you. 

Selection procedure - student experience

Do you want to know what’s it like to participate in the selection procedure of the Bachelor’s in Business Administration? Bachelor’s student Nika Urgant from Russia shares her experiences.


If you have questions regarding admission and/or application process, check our FAQ or contact the selection committeeDownload the infographic to see all steps you need to complete in order to register successfully.