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portrait student

This study programme..

was one of the most complete I found, when looking for a Master. In addition, the researchers of the Faculty of Science are well known and published in important scientific journals. The track of my choice gets deeper into what ecology is and the techniques that can be used to analyse the problems we have in diverse biological countries. Landscape ecology and Spatial processes in ecology were the subjects that I liked the most. While focusing in these two areas I was already looking at the factors that would help me resolve landscape fragmentation problems, something that I wanted to look at during my research project.

 My final research project...

is about forest fragmentation and the impact it has on the woody plant species.  I am testing if forest fragments, for example when they are small, have less plant species than bigger forest patches. I include variables as size, perimeter and shape of fragments. I also compare the same forest with 1999 and 2006 to see if any land cover change has occurred during this period and how much forest has been lost.

Since my arrival...

I always felt I had a friend around. My supervisor was always supporting my curricular activities and gave me advice about my courses and research. Everything was amazing and I learned something from all the things going on. The activities in my study department such as congresses, and symposia helped me join the research community.  I could describe the environment of the University of Amsterdam as ‘free, and at the same time ‘thinking’ and ‘connecting’ put the environment here in words.

The Science Park..

makes you feel at home but with everything you need in order to achieve your final goal. I am currently preparing my proposal for a PhD in ecology to stay here at the University of Amsterdam. I had no difficulties finding a place to live in Amsterdam. The university arranged everything for the first year and the second year was not very difficult as I already knew people who could tell me about available rooms.