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Here's why you want to study Chemistry Analytical Sciences in Amsterdam

Unique programme

Unique fully-focused analytical chemistry Master's programme in the Netherlands

Focus on all aspects of chemical analysis

A balanced curriculum between fundamental analytical chemistry and its real-life applications


Teaching and research built on the long-standing tradition of analytical chemistry excellence in Amsterdam

Plenty career options

Analytical Sciences is a specialisation for which there is currently a great demand on the labour market

Analytical Sciences will suit you, if you...

  1. Have a solid background in chemistry.
  2. Are eager to expand your knowledge and skills in the area of analytical chemistry.
  3. Want the advantages of a small-scale programme, where students and staff all know each other.

Track list

Joint degree programme with VU Amsterdam

Analytical Sciences is a track in the Master's programme Chemistry, a joint degree programme of the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Courses are taught at locations of both universities. UvA and VU jointly issue a degree certificate to graduates. As a Chemistry student in Amsterdam you benefit from expertise, networks and research projects at both universities and affiliated research institutes.

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Chemistry
Regular study programme
Full-time, part-time
120 ECTS, 24 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
February, September
CROHO code
UvA Science Park and VU Campus