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Lecturer Carolin smiling at camera, dark shirt and hair, light background
Dr. Carolin Ischen

In Persuasive Communication we study the factors that explain the development, reach, processing and effects of messages in marketing and health communication. A very important part of your academic journey is your Master's Thesis, in which you will conduct an empirical research project from start to finish.

How does tailoring an online health message influence its effect on healthy behaviour? What is the effect of targeted advertising on consumers’ attitudes and what role do privacy concerns play? How can we empower people to cope with algorithm-driven persuasive communication? Who is vulnerable to influencer marketing? Does posting on social media about (un)healthy behaviour result in more (un)healthy behaviour? How can environmental cues help people make green decisions? These and many more questions you can explore in your thesis project.

Our programme prepares you for writing your Master's thesis from the get-go. You receive support in developing, conducting, and reporting your own research project. The different parts are spread throughout the entire year of your Master's. Already in the first semester, you will start with a thesis preparation group where you can explore and eventually decide on a thesis topic. Afterwards, you will get a refresher on methodology and academic skills, before you are matched with your thesis supervisor who advises at key milestones of the thesis writing.