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Prof. Mark Barenberg

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Labor Law

Prof. Mark Barenberg is Professor of Law at Columbia Law School and Director of the Columbia Program on Labor Law and Policy. He specializes in domestic and international labor and employment law, as well as constitutional law, the law of international economic institutions, and the relation between law and politics. He has published widely in each of these fields.

He is also course leader of the annual Columbia Summer Program in American Law, organised by the law faculties of the University of Amsterdam, Leiden University and Columbia University and held alternately at the Leiden Law School and the Amsterdam Law School.

Prof. Barenberg has worked with several labor unions in their domestic and cross-border strategies; has served as a legal adviser to the workers center of Florida Farmworkers; was a founding Director of the Worker Rights Consortium; has been an adviser to federal, state, and local governments; and has written major policy papers for labor think tanks. He served as an expert consultation to the Obama Department of Labor on methods for measuring country-by-country compliance with core labor rights. He was also an independent consultant with the UN's International Labor Organization on a large-scale research project on transnational codes of labor conduct covering several continents.

Prof. Ted M. de Boer

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Private International Law

Ted M. de Boer is emeritus professor of private international law and comparative law at the University of Amsterdam, member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands, part-time judge at the District Court of Alkmaar, and a member of the Dutch Standing Committee on Private International Law. In 2009, the University of Amsterdam granted him the title of 'distinguished professor', in acknowledgement of his academic achievement and his commitment to the cause of international legal studies.

On the occasion of his retirement prof. De Boer established a scholarship for excellent UvA Faculty of Law students who wish to continue their studies in the USA or another common law country. His publications include Beyond Lex Loci Delicti, Conflicts methodology and multistate torts in American case law (1987) and more than 80 journal articles.

Prof. James C. Hathaway

Distinguished Visiting Professor of International Refugee Law

James C. Hathaway is a leading authority on international refugee law whose work is regularly cited by the most senior courts of the common law world. He is the founding director of Michigan Law's Program in Refugee and Asylum Law, Distinguished Visiting Professor of International Refugee Law at the University of Amsterdam, and Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne.

Prof. Hathaway regularly provides training on refugee law to academic, non-governmental, and official audiences around the world. His publications include The Law of Refugee Status (2014), with Michelle Foster; Transnational Law: Cases and Materials (2013), with Mathias Reimann, Timothy Dickinson, and Joel Samuels; Human Rights and Refugee Law (2013); The Rights of Refugees Under International Law (2005); Reconceiving International Refugee Law (1997); and more than 80 journal articles. He is founding patron and senior adviser to non-profit organization Asylum Access and counsel on international protection to the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.