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Please complete this form to enrol in this ABS Open Programme.

Open programme Big Data for Managers

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Please complete this form to register for an ABS Open Programme. By clicking on Submit you accept the following cancellation policy: I agree with the following conditions: The participant can only be enrolled when the admission requirements as published on the website are met. The tuition fee for Big Data for Managers is €1,950 per participant. The student is at all times personally responsible for the payment of the course fee. To cancel participation, notice of cancellation must be given by email up to 3 weeks before the course starts. After this date, there will be no refund. If not enough applicants have enrolled for the course, the Amsterdam Business School may decide to postpone or cancel a course up to 2 weeks before the course starts. In case of cancellation by the organiser, the participants will receive a full refund. The organiser can change the lecturer without giving notice.