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Actuarial Science student

'A safe environment to work and perform best'

Vu Ha Anh Pham - Vietnam

'I have always wanted to pursue a Master’s in Actuarial Science in Europe, and at the same time having access to any of the wonderful countries on this continent.'

'Overall, this programme has met my expectations. It is intellectually interesting and although I think the experience would be even more complete if we were able to attend in person, there are many plus points of attending this track online. I had the flexibility to design my schedule to work around the assignment and was free in picking my groupmate when doing coursework. This helped me to connect virtually with my fellow students, who are highly intelligent and hardworking.'

'What I like specifically about the Amsterdam School of Economics is that researchers and fellow students are knowledge-driven, working together in a problem-solving mode. The lecturers and tutors are very enthusiastic about their lectures and they guided us through the difficulties whenever we need help.'

'I feel that studying in Amsterdam (and probably in the Netherlands, from what I heard from my other friends living in other cities) means that your opinions matter. Lecturers at the ASE are open-minded, tolerant and caring for the growth of their students. This created a safe environment for me to work and perform best in my study.'

'During my studies in Amsterdam I had the opportunities to join some extracurricular activities, like events hosted by ISN Amsterdam, the network for international students, and being a member of the association for honours programme students. I also did an internship at a Japanese personal care and cosmetics company. I am currently an intern at ING, in credit risk management.'

'In the far future, I think I would like to contribute to a growing Vietnam, both mentally and economically. Right now I am still busy with my final thesis and some consulting companies and banks are offering me a position to work for them. Most likely, I will go back to Vietnam for a few months. However, I will return and apply for the orientation year permit after graduation in order to look for a job here, and experience the working life in the Netherlands.'