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Matthew White - MSc Business Economics - Amsterdam School of Economics

'I got to learn from the best of the best'

Matthew White (South Africa) - Neuroeconomics track

'I chose the University of Amsterdam because of its internationally acclaimed status as a top University, and it allowed me to study Neuroeconomics at a Master’s level (one a very few universities do). Neuroeconomics is especially exciting because it combines my favourite subject (econometrics) with neuroscience. Amsterdam is an amazing city. It is beautiful and always full of vibrant energy.'

'The coursework met and exceeded my expectations. The content is as powerful as it is fascinating. My favourite course would be Neuroeconomic Methods, which allowed us to work with real fMRI data. Studying at the Amsterdam School of Economics was an amazing experience. I got to learn from the best of the best. Throughout the programme, the lecturers were always incredibly dedicated and passionate about their subjects. It was obviously an unusual year, but I really believe that the academic staff did as best they could, given the sudden transition to remote education.'

'I worked part time as a data-scientist while studying, but unfortunately have not been able to pick up any university sports due to the pandemic. I would say this was the biggest downside of remote education - use of the university's amazing facilities was very limited.'

'After completing my Master’s I plan on continuing my research in a private capacity ideally at an innovative startup. The UvA has reignited my passion to change the world for the better.'