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Here's why you want to study this Master's at the UvA

Explore your own research interests

Research seminars and electives empower you to pursue your academic passions in a supportive learning environment.

Internationally active scholars

Teachers of the programme conduct leading research, guaranteeing you access to top-tier expertise and cutting-edge insight.

Large network

The programme collaborates with many cultural institutions and media companies to organise guest lectures, excursions and workshops.

Individual guidance

You benefit from personalised support from tutors and study counselors, ensuring individual attention and fostering academic success every step of the way.

Is Global Cross-Media Cultures right for you?

  1. You are eager to explore the networked relations and ongoing transformation of media culture.
  2. You want to gain in-depth knowledge of contemporary cross-media culture, viewed from historical, theoretical and critical perspectives.
  3. You want to learn how to identify the most important dynamics of our media culture and how to conceptualise them in a critical and meaningful way.
  4. You would like to participate in ongoing debates and give relevant input to cultural, political or industrial endeavours concerning media culture.
Discover Media Studies

In this video, teachers and a student of the Master’s in Media Studies share their experiences with the study programme at the University of Amsterdam.

Degree certificate

Global Cross-Media Cultures is an accredited degree programme of Media Studies. After successful completion of this programme, you will receive a legally accredited Master’s degree in Media Studies and the title Master of Arts (MA). 

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MA Media Studies
Regular study programme
60 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
University Quarter