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Prof. dr. J.M. (Michiel) Baud

Latijns-Amerikaanse studies
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Expertisegebied: the role of ethnic movements in Latin American politics, the social history of Latin American borders, the analysis of Latin American modernity and the construction of collective memories in present-day Latin America
Fotograaf: Maria Luisa Talavera

  • Spuistraat 134
  • Postbus 15540
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Michiel Baud is former Director of CEDLA (until 2018) and emeritus Professor in Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He graduated in Contemporary History at the University of Groningen in 1982 and received his Ph.D. cum laude in Social Sciences at Utrecht University in 1991. From 1995 to 2000 he was Professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Leiden. He is still connected to CEDLA, The Centre for Latin American Studies at the UvA.

    Research interests

    Michiel Baud carried out his Ph.D research in the Dominican Republic, where he studied the social history of a tobacco producing peasantry in the northern part of the country. In doing so he combined traditional historical documentary research with oral history and anthropological fieldwork techniques. After finishing his Ph. D he did research in southern Ecuador, Argentina and North-Eastern Brazil. His current research interests are indigenista ideologies and their influence on present-day academic interpretations of the Andes. 

  • Selected publications

    - http://doi.org/10.32992/erlacs.10584 CEDLA, University of Amsterdam

    - (2019) “Realidades y utopías de progreso en la República Dominicana, 1880-1930”, in: Historia General del Pueblo Dominicano, (Santo Domingo: Academia de Historia); Tomo IV; pp. 63-84.

    - 2019 (With Rutgerd Boelens and Gerardo Damonte) eds., Dossier: ‘Nuevos Capitalismos’, Estudios Atacameños (Nov.)

    - (2018) “Between Academia and Civil Society: The Origins of Latin American Studies in the Netherlands”, Latin American Perspectives 45:4 (July); pp. 98-114

    - (2018) "Confianza. Governance and trust in Latin America and the Netherlands", Valedictory lecture, 23 November 2018 (CEDLA/UvA, 47 pp.) http://www.cedla.uva.nl/20_research/pdf/Baud/Valedictory_Michiel_Baud.pdf

    - (2016) (with Fabio de Castro and Barbara Hogenboom; editors), Environmental Governance in Latin America New (York/Basingstoke: Palgrave/MacMillan) (Also in Spanish: Gobernanza ambiental en América Latina (Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2015)

    - (2015) (with Jaime Hoogesteger and Rutgerd Boelens), “Water Reform Governmentality in Ecuador: Neoliberalism, Centralization, and the Restraining of Polycentric Authority and Community Rule-Making.”, Geoforum,64: 281-91

    - (2013) “State and Society in Argentina: State and Continuity under the Kirchners”, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 95 (Oct.); pp. 114-123.http://www.erlacs.org/articles/abstract/10.18352/erlacs.9234/

    - (2010) Indigenismo y los movimientos indígenas en la historia andina, siglos XIX y XX, in: Antonio Escobar Ohmstede, Romana Falcon Vega, Raymond Buve (eds.) La arquitectura histórica del poder. Naciones, nacionalismo y estados en América Latina. Siglos XVIII, XIX, XX (Mexico/Amsterdam: El Colegio de Mexico/CEDLA); pp. 95-110.

    - (2009) (edited with Annelou Ypeij) Cultural Tourism in Latin America: The Politics of Space and Imagery . C EDLA Latin America Studies 96, June 2009.
    - (2008) Review Essay: 'Intellectuals and Dictators in the Dominican Republic' , European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies , April 2008, pp. 101-105.

    - 2007 "Indigenous Politics and the State: The Andean Highlands in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Social Analysis , Special issue: "Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, and the Neo-Liberal State in Latin America", 51:2, (Summer 2007); 19-42. Reprinted in: Edward F. Fischer, Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, and the Neo-Liberal State in Latin America (New York/Oxford: Berghahn, 2009).
    - (2007) "Liberalism, Indigenismo, and Social Mobilization in Late Nineteenth Century Ecuador", in: A. Kim Clark and Marc Becker (eds.), Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007); pp. 72-88.
    - (2007) "Ambivalent Academia: Latin and Anglo-Saxon influences in Latin American Studies in Europe", LASA-Forum , 38:1 (Winter 2007); pp. 7-8.
    - (2006) "Ideologías de raza y nación en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX", in: Historia General de América Latina , Volumen IX: Teoría y metodología en la Historia de América Latina, Estevão de Rezende Martins and Héctor Pérez Brignoli (eds.), (Madrid: Ediciones UNESCO / Editorial Trotta, 2006 ); pp. 175-194.
    - (2006) " Intellectuals and History in the Spanish Caribbean: Between Autonomy and Power ", Caribbean Studies 34:1 (Jan. -June 2006); pp. 3-17
    - (2006) "Indigenismo, políticas de identidad y movimientos indígenas en la historia andina", in: Rutgerd Boelens, David Getches y Armando Guevara Gil (eds.), Agua y Derechos. Políticas Hídricas, Derechos Consuetudinarios e identidades Locales (Lima: IEP/WALIR, 2006); pp. 33-57
    - (2006) " Trends in Peruvian historiography ," review essay, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 80, April 2006 pp. 92-98. [Published online in a revised version as: " New Visions on the Social and Political History of Peru ", Sephis E-Magazine, 3:1 (Sept. 2006); pp. 50-54.]
    - (2005) "Intelectuales, nación y modernidad en la República Dominicana", in: Francisco Colom González (ed.), Relatos de nación. La construcción de las identidades nacionales en el mundo hispánico (2 vols.) (Madrid/Frankfurt a.M., Editorial Iberoamericana/Vervuert); pp. 933-954.
    - (2005) "Beyond Benedict Anderson: Nation-Building and Popular Democracy in Latin America", International Review of Social History 50 ; pp. 485-498.
    - (2005) "Beyond the State. Politics and society in Latin America and Africa", in: Anke van der Kwaak, Rachel Spronk, Karen Willemse (eds.), From Modern Myths to Global Encounters. Belonging and the dynamics of change in post-colonial Africa (Leiden: CNWS), pp 38-49.
    - ( 2004) Edited with Rosanne Rutten, 'Popular Intellectuals and Social Movements: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America'. Supplement 12 International Review of SocialHistory ( Also published as separate book by Cambridge University Press ).
    - ( 2004) Edited with Donny Meertens, Colombia from the Inside. Perspectives on Drugs, War and Peace , Cuadernos del CEDLA no. 18 (CEDLA: Amsterdam); pp. vi + 126.
    - (2004) ' Area Studies and academic colonialism: Latin America thirty years later' , in: Dirk Kruijt, Paul van Lindert & Otto Verkoren (eds) State and Development. Essays in Honour of Menno Vellinga. Amsterdam: Rozenberg; pp. 103-116.
    - (2003) ' History, Morality, and Politics: Latin American Intellectuals in a Global Context ', International Review of Social History , 48; pp. 55-78. [Published in German: "Wissenschaft, Moral und Politik. Lateinamerikanische Intellektuelle im globalen Kontext", in: Lateinamerika und Europa. Auf den Weg zu einem gemeinsamen Bildungs- und Kulturraum?, Atención . Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Latienamerika-Instituts, Band 7 2004; pp. 15-43.]
    - (2003) Intelectuales y sus utopías. Indigenismo y la imaginación de América Latina .Amsterdam: CEDLA.http://www.cedla.uva.nl/50_publications/pdf/cuadernos/cuad18.pdf
    - (2002) 'Latin American and Caribbean Studies in the Netherlands' , Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe , 72 (April); Special issue 'Major Trends and Topics in Latin American Studies in Europe'; pp. 139-160.
    - (2002) Wetenschap, moraal en politiek. Latijns Amerikaanse intellectuelen in een mondiale context (PDF), Inaugurele rede Universiteit van Amsterdam uitgesproken op 23 mei 2002. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA; 39pp.
    - (2002) 'Race and Nation in the Dominican Republic', New West Indian Guide, 76:3&4 (November); pp. 104-113.
    - (2001) Militair geweld, burgerlijke verantwoordelijkheid. Argentijnse en Nederlandse perspectieven op het militaire bewind in Argentinië (1976-1983) Den Haag: SDU.
    - (2001) El padre de la novia. Jorge Zorreguieta, la sociedad argentina y el régimen militar . Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura.
    -(2000) 'State-building and Borderlands in Latin America', in: Fronteras. Towards a Borderless Latin America , (Amsterdam: CEDLA, 2000). pp. 41-82
    - (2000) (Co-editor) Política, identidad y pensamiento social en la República Dominicana. Siglos XIX y XX , Madrid/Santo Domingo: Ed. Doce Calles/Academia de Ciencias de Dominicana.
    - (2000) "Un permanente guerrillero'. El pensamiento social de Ramón Marrero Aristy (1913-1959)", in: Raymundo González, et al. (eds.) Política, Identidad y Pensamiento Social en la República Dominicana. Siglos XIX y XX (Madrid/Santo Domingo: Ed. Doce Calles/Academia de Ciencias de Dominicana); pp.181-212.
    - (2000) (with Kees Koonings) 'Germans and Tobacco in Bahia (Brazil), 1870-1940', Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas , 37; pp. 149-175.
    - (1999) (With Kees Koonings) 'A lavoura dos pobres: Tobacco Farming and the Development of Commercial Agriculture in Bahia, 1870-1930', Journal of Latin American Studies 31; pp.287-329.

  • Publicaties


    • Dupuits, E., Baud, J., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., & Hogenboom, B. (2020). Scaling up but losing out? Water commons' dilemmas between transnational movements and grassroots struggles in Latin America. Ecological Economics, 172, Article 106625. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106625 [details]


    • Baud, J. M., Boelens, R. A., & Damonte, G. (2019). Nuevos capitalismos y transformaciones territoriales en la Región Andina. Estudios Atacameños, 63, 195-208. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0718-1043-2019-0033
    • Baud, M., Boelens, R., de Castro, F., Hogenboom, B., Klaufus, C., Koonings, K., & Ypeij, A. (2019). Commoning Xela: Negotiating collective spaces around a Central American intermediate city. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 108, 267-279. https://doi.org/10.32992/erlacs.10584 [details]



    • Baud, M. (2017). [Review of: Ricardo D. Salvatore (2016) Disciplinary Conquest. U.S. scholars in South America, 1900-1945]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 103. https://doi.org/10.18352/erlacs.10227 [details]
    • Baud, M. (2017). [Review of: Van Groesen, M. (2014), The Legacy of Dutch Brazil]. New West Indian Guide, 91(3-4), 278-279. [details]
    • Hoogesteger, J., Boelens, R., & Baud, M. (2017). Territorial pluralism: water users’ multi-scalar struggles against state ordering in Ecuador’s highlands. In R. Boelens, B. Crow, J. Hoogesteger, F. Lu, E. Swyngedouw, & J. Vos (Eds.), Hydrosocial Territories and Water Equity: Theory, Governance, and Sites of Struggle (pp. 266-281). (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315267630 [details]





    • Baud, M. (2013). State and society in Argentina: change and continuity under the Kirchners [Review of: J. Auyero (2012) Patients of the state: the politics of waiting in Argentina; A. Malamud, M. De Luca (2011) La política en tiempos de los Kirchner; B. Sarlo (2011) La audacia y el cálculo: Kirchner 2003-2010; M.A. Sitrin (2012) Everyday revolutions: horizontalism and autonomy in Argentina]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 95, 114-123. http://www.erlacs.org/index.php/erlacs/article/download/9234/9622 [details]



    • Baud, M. (2010). Identity Politics and Indigenous Movements in Andean History. In R. Boelens, D. Getches, & A. Guevara-Gil (Eds.), Out of the mainstream: water rights, politics and identity (pp. 99-117). Earthscan. [details]
    • Baud, M. (2010). Indigenismo y los movimientos indígenas en la historia andina, siglos XIX y XX. In A. Escobar Ohmstede, R. Falcón Vega, & R. Buve (Eds.), La arquitectura histórica del poder: naciones, nacionalismo y estados en América Latina: siglos XVIII, XIX y XX (pp. 95-110). (Centro de estudios históricos). México/Amsterdam: El Colegio de México/CEDLA. [details]


    • Baud, M., & Ypeij, A. (2009). Cultural Tourism in Latin America: An Introduction. In M. Baud, & A. Ypeij (Eds.), Cultural tourism in Latin America: the politics of space and imagery (pp. 1-20). (CEDLA Latin America studies; Vol. 96). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/ej.9789004176409.i-324.6 [details]


    • Baud, J. M. (2007). Indigenous politics and the state: The Andean highlands in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Social Analysis, 51(2), 19-42. [details]
    • Baud, J. M. (2007). Liberalism, indigenismo, and social mobilization in late nineteenth century Ecuador. In A. K. Clark, & M. Becker (Eds.), Highland Indians and the state in modern Ecuador (pp. 72-88). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. [details]


    • Baud, J. M. (2006). "Intellectuals and History in the Spanish Caribbean: Between Autonomy and Power". Caribbean Studies, 34(1), 3. [details]
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). 'Ideologías de raza y nación en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX'. In E. de Rezende Martins, & H. Pérez Brignoli (Eds.), Historia General de América Latina, Volumen IX (pp. 175-194). Madrid: Ediciones UNESCO / Editorial Trotta. [details]
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). Ideologías de raza y nación en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX. In E. de Rezende Martins, & H. Pérez Brignoli (Eds.), Historia General de América Latina, Volumen IX: Teoría y metodología en la Historia de América Latina Madrid: Ediciones UN.
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). Indigenismo, políticas de identidad y movimientos indígenas en la historia andina. In R. Boelens, D. Getches, & A. Guevara Gil (Eds.), Agua y Derechos. Políticas Hídricas, Derechos Consuetudinarios e identidades Locales (pp. 33-57). Lima: IEP/WALIR. [details]
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). Indigenismo, políticas de identidad y movimientos indígenas en la historia andina. In R. Boelens, D. Getches, & A. Guevara Gil (Eds.), Agua y Derechos. Políticas Hídricas, Derechos Consuetudinarios e identidades Locales. (pp. 20). Lima: IEP/WALIR. [details]
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). Intellectuals and History in the Spanish Carribean: Between Autonomy and Power. Caribbean Studies, 34(1), 3-17.
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). Trends in Peruvian Historiography. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 80, 91-98. [details]
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). Trends in Peruvian historiography. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 80, 91-98. [details]
    • Ypeij, J. L., Baud, J. M., & Zoomers, A. (2006). Introdución: turismo como estrategia de desarrollo sostenible’. In A. Ypeij, & A. Zoomers (Eds.), La Ruta Andina: Turismo y desarrollo sostenible en Perú y Bolivia (pp. 9-36). Quito: Editorial Abya Yala.







    • Baud, J. M. (2006). 'Je zit wel eens op de fiets en dan denk je na'; In gesprek met Michiel Baud. In L. Noordegraaf (Ed.), Waarover spraken zij? Economische geschiedbeoefening in Nederland omstreeks het jaar 2000 (pp. 33-43). Amsterdam: Aksant.
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). New Visions on the Social and Political History of Peru. SEPHIS e-magazine, 3(1).
    • Baud, M. (2006). Towards a new social and political history in Peru. Review Essay. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 80, 91-98.





    • Baud, M. (2016). De politiek van Latijns-Amerika. In C. Klaufus, & P. van Lindert (Eds.), Latijns-Amerika: Een regio in beweging (pp. 67-86). Volendam: LM Publishers. [details]
    • Baud, M. (2016). Ideologías de progreso. Transformando la cultura indígena y conquistando la naturaleza en América Latina, 1870-1910. In P. Andrade Andrade (Ed.), La gobernanza ambiental en Ecuador: Historia, presente y desafíos (pp. 29-54). (Biblioteca de ciencias sociales; Vol. 80). Corporación Editora Nacional. [details]



    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Er is nog meer dan Brazilië in Latijns Amerika. Vice Versa, 2012(nov.).
    • Baud, M. (2012). [Review of: J.C. Moya (2011) The Oxford handbook of Latin American History]. Journal of Latin American Studies, 44(1), 163-165. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022216X11001131 [details]
    • Baud, M., & Hogenboom, B. (2012). Nederland en Latijns-Amerika. Openbaar Bestuur, 22(7), 23-28. [details]



    • Baud, J. M., Mayorga, F., & Salman, T. (2009). Power and Change Analysis: Bolivia. Democracy or democracies? La Paz: Report for Dutch Embassy.
    • Baud, M. (2009). [Review of: A. Kennedy-Troya (2008) Escenarios para una patria : paisajismo ecuatoriano, 1850-1930; M. Becker (2008) Indians and leftists in the making of Ecuador's modern indigenous movements]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 87, 134-137. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25676382 [details]
    • Baud, M. (2009). [Review of: J. Burke (2007) Nineteenth-Century Nation Building and the Latin American Intellectual Tradition: A Reader]. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 28(4), 584-585. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1470-9856.2009.00320_18.x [details]
    • Baud, M. (2009). [Review of: J. Child (2008) Miniature messages : the semiotics and politics of Latin American postage stamps]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 86, 125-127. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25676367 [details]


    • Baud, M. (2008). Intellectuals and dictators in the Dominican Republic [Review of: T. Martínez-Vergne (2005) Nation & citizen in the Dominican Republic, 1880-1916; P.L. San Miguel (2004) Los desvaríos de Ti Noel: Ensayos sobre la producción del saber en el Caribe; P.L. San Miguel, J. Ramírez (2005) The imagined island: History, identity, and utopia in Hispaniola; R.L. Turits (2003) Foundations of despotism: Peasants, the Trujillo regime and modernity in Dominican history]. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 84, 101-105. http://www.cedla.uva.nl/50_publications/pdf/revista/84RevistaEuropea/84Baud-REVIEW-ESSAY-ISSN-0924-0608.pdf [details]
    • Baud, M. (2008). Towards a new social and political history in Peru: Review essay [Review of: S. O'Phelan Godoy, M. Ricketts (2004) Homenaje a Jorge Basadre: El hombre, su obra y su tiempo; M. Burga (2005) La Historia y los historiadores en el Perú; P. Drinot, L. Garofalo (2005) Más allá de la dominación y la resistencia: Estudios de historia peruana, siglos XVI-XX; C. Méndez (2005) The plebeian republic: The Huanta rebellion and the making of the Peruvian state, 1820-1850; J.L. Rénique (2004) La batalla por Puno: Conflicto agrario y nación en los Andes peruanos 1866-1995]. Revista de Indias, 68(242), 289-300. http://revistadeindias.revistas.csic.es/index.php/revistadeindias/article/view/643/709 [details]
    • Baud, M. (2008). [Review of: M.I. Santiago (2006) The ecology of oil: Environment, labor, and the Mexican Revolution, 1900-1938]. International Review of Social History, 53(2), 328-330. https://doi.org/10.1017/S002085900807346X [details]
    • Baud, M. (2008). [Review of: R.E. Carrasquillo (2006) Our landless patria: Marginal citizenship and race in Caguas, Puerto Rico, 1880-1910]. American Historical review, 113(2), 538-539. https://doi.org/10.1086/ahr.113.2.538 [details]


    • Baud, J. M. (2007). Ambivalent academia: Latin and Anglo-Saxon influences in Latin American Studies in Europe. LASA Forum, 38(1), 7-8. [details]
    • Baud, J. M. (2007). Book review L. DuBois [Review of: (2005) The politics of the past in an Argentine working-class neighbourhood]. International Review of Social History, 52(2), 313-315. [details]


    • Baud, J. M. (2006). Ideologías de raza y nación en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX. In E. de Rezende Martins, & H. Perez Brignoli (Eds.), Historia General de América Latina, Volumen IX: Teoría y metodología en la Historia de América Latina (pp. 175-194). Madrid: Ediciones UNESCO / Editorial Trotta. [details]
    • Baud, J. M. (2006). Intellectuals and history in the Spanish Caribbean: Between autonomy and power. Caribbean Studies, 34(1), 3-17. [details]


    • Baud, J. M. (2018). The ‘liminal moment’: European millenarianism and Andean indigenismo. Paper presented at Latin American Studies Association Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Chair, Bath-de Jong Foundation for the History of Latin America.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Chair of Steering Committee of Sephis programme, Foreign Affairs and DGIS.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Member Wissenschaftliche Beirat GIGA, German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Managing editor, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, CEDLA, Amsterdam.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Member of the International Board, Bulletin of Latin American, Blackwell.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Member Raad van Advies, Latin American Film Festival.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Member KNAW scientific committee, KITLV.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Member KNAW scientific committee, International Institute of Social, Amsterdam.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Chair, Prince Bernhard Fellowships Foundation of Latin American Studies.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Visiting Professorial Chair, Chilean Culture, Universiteit Leiden.
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Member Raad van Toezicht, HIVOS (Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries)..
    • Baud, J. M. (2012). Member of International Board, Journal of Latin American Studies, Cambridge, University Press..
    • Baud, J. M. (2009). Member Wissenschaftliche Beirat, Ibero-Amerikanischen Instituts.
    • Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Member scientific committee, KITLV (KNAW).
    • Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Member Scientific Committee, International Institute of Social History (KNAW).
    • Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Member of the General Board of Concertación programme, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
    • Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Editorship CEDLA Latin American Studies, CEDLA.
    • Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Latin American Network Chair, European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC).
    • Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Member Wissenschaftliche Beirat, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).
    • Baud, J. M. (2007-2009). Chair of Steering Committee of Sephis programme, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (DGIS).



    • Baud, J. M. (editor) (2009-2011). Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (Journal).
    • Baud, J. M. (editor) (2008). Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (Journal).


    • Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (7-6-2012). Latin America and the world, Guest Lecture, Encuentro Latino Europea, The Hague.
    • Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (16-5-2012). Latin America in 2015, Guest Lecture, Radio Netherlands Worldwide.
    • Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (6-12-2011). De Nederlandse politiek ten opzichte van Latijns Amerika, Guest Key note Lecture, Latijns Amerika Commissie, Tweede Kamer, The Hague.
    • Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (28-9-2011). Latin America: Emerging and Revolutionary Powers, Guest Lecture, Rooseveldt Academy, Middelburg.
    • Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (15-6-2011). Dutch relations with Latin America, Guest Lecture IOB, The Hague.
    • Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (26-5-2011). The Future of Latin America, Guest Lecture, ELE Conference, The Hague.
    • Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (3-3-2011). Historical trends in Latin American Politics, Guest Lecture Historical trends in Latin American Politics, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague.
    • Baud, J. M. (invited speaker) (26-1-2011). Current developments in Ecuador, Guest Lectures IMD/ISS, The Hague.
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