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B.R. (Rens) Wilderom

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Core Lecturers CSSci

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Social media
  • About

    I work as a Core Lecturer in Computational Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam and a Visiting Lecturer at the American University Kyiv.

    My PhD dissertation “Genres, webs of fields, and institutional change: The development of dance in the US, UK, and the Netherlands, 1985-2005” has recently (27 September, 2023) been completed.

    I am currently setting up a new project titled “How style impacts organization: modeling stylistic variations in the film art world” for which I received a Valorization grant from the Social and Behavioural Data Science Centre at the University of Amsterdam.

    Previously, I completed my master in Cultural Sociology (Cum Laude, University of Amsterdam) with a thesis titled “The culinary order: sustainable consumer identities and new organizational forms on the alternative market for foods.”

  • Publicaties


    • Eads, A., Schofield, A., Mahootian, F., Mimno, D., & Wilderom, B. R. (2021). Separating the wheat from the chaff: A topic and keyword-based procedure for identifying research-relevant text. Poetics, 86, 1-19. Article 101527. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2020.101527
    • Wilderom, B. R., Bröer, C., & van Rijsewijk, M. (2021). Van geheimzinnig buitenlands virus naar binnenlands systemisch risico: een studie naar de veranderende frames over COVID-19. Tijdschrift Sociologie, 2, 12-42. https://doi.org/10.38139/TS.2021.03



    • van Venrooij, A., & Wilderom, R. (2023). The dynamics of dance: An early history of electronic dance music. In A. Bennett (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music and Youth Culture (pp. 257-280). (Bloomsbury Handbooks). Bloomsbury Academic. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781501333729.ch-013 [details]



    • van Venrooij, A. (speaker) & Wilderom, B. R. (speaker) (28-8-2017). The dynamics of dance: a cross-national comparison of the institutionalization of electronic/dance music in the US and UK, 13th conference of the European Sociological Association , Athens.
    • Wilderom, B. R. (speaker) & van Venrooij, A. (speaker) (12-8-2017). The development of electronic/dance music in the US, UK and the Netherlands, 1985-2005, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal.
    • van Venrooij, A. (speaker) & Wilderom, B. R. (speaker) (19-5-2017). The dynamics of dance: a cross-national comparison of the institutionalization of electronic/dance music in the US and UK, Communicating Music Scenes, IASPM Meeting, Budapest.


    • Wilderom, R. (2023). Genres, webs of fields, and institutional change: The development of dance in the US, UK, and the Netherlands, 1985 – 2005. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • American University Kyiv
      Teaching course "Introduction to Sociology" and "Innovation in Society"