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Dr. N.J. (Klaasjan) van Druten

Faculty of Science

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C4.255
Postal address
  • Postbus 94485
    1090 GL Amsterdam
  • Publications




    • de Hond, J., Cisternas, N., Spreeuw, R. J. C., van Linden van den Heuvell, H. B., & van Druten, N. J. (2020). Interplay between van der Waals and dipole-dipole interactions among Rydberg atoms. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 53(8), Article 084007. [details]


    • Davtyan, D., Machluf, S., Soudijn, M. L., Naber, J. B., Van Druten, N. J., van Linden van den Heuvell, H. B., & Spreeuw, R. J. C. (2018). Controlling stray electric fields on an atom chip for experiments on Rydberg atoms. Physical Review A, 97(2), Article 023418. [details]
    • de Hond, J., van Bijnen, R., Kokkelmans, S. J. J. M. F., Spreeuw, R. J. C., van Linden van den Heuvell, H. B., & van Druten, N. J. (2018). From coherent collective excitation to Rydberg blockade on an atom chip. Physical Review A, 98(6), Article 062714. [details]



    • Naber, J., Machluf, S., Torralbo-Campo, L., Soudijn, M. L., van Druten, N. J., van Linden van den Heuvell, H. B., & Spreeuw, R. J. C. (2016). Adsorbate dynamics on a silica-coated gold surface measured by Rydberg Stark spectroscopy. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 49(9), Article 094005. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Davis, M. J., Blakie, P. B., van Amerongen, A. H., van Druten, N. J., & Kheruntsyan, K. V. (2012). Yang-Yang thermometry and momentum distribution of a trapped one-dimensional Bose gas. Physical Review A, 85, 031604. [details]


    • Leung, Y. F. V., Tauschinsky, A., van Druten, N. J., & Spreeuw, R. J. C. (2011). Microtrap arrays on magnetic film atom chips for quantum information science. Quantum Information Processing, 10(6), 955-974. [details]
    • Whitlock, S., Wicke, P., & van Druten, K. (2011). Controlling spin motion and interactions in a one-dimensional Bose gas. In 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011): Munich, Germany, 22-26 May 2011 (pp. 936). IEEE. [details]




    • Teepen, T. F., van Veen, A. H. V., van 't Spijker, H., Steenbrink, S. W. H. K., van Zuuk, A., Heerkens, C. T. H., Wieland, M. J., van Druten, N. J., & Kruit, P. (2005). Fabrication and characterization of p-type silicon field-emitter arrays for lithography. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 23(2), 359-369. [details]



    • van der Lee, A. M., van Exter, M. P., Assadian, H. A., van Druten, N. J., & Woerdman, J. P. (2002). Threshold behavior of a laser with nonorthogonal polarization modes. Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 19(6), 1454-1460. [details]


    • Lien, Y., de Vries, S. M., van Druten, N. J., van Exter, M. P., & Woerdman, J. P. (2001). Photon statistics of a laser with slow inversion. Physical Review Letters, 86(13), 2786-2789.
    • van Druten, N. J., Oemrawsingh, S. S. R., Lien, Y., Serrat, C., van Exter, M. P., & Woerdman, J. P. (2001). Observation of transverse modes in a microchip laser with combined gain and index guiding. Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 18(12), 1793-1804.
    • van Druten, N. J., van Exter, M. P., & Woerdman, J. P. (2001). Equivalence of transverse modes in Raman amplifiers and microchip lasers. Optics Communications, 200(1-6), 217-221. [details]
    • van Druten, N. J., van Exter, M. P., & Woerdman, J. P. (2001). Resonant excess quantum noise in focused-gain lasers. Optics Letters, 26(15), 1176-1178.
    • van Exter, M. P., van Druten, N. J., van der Lee, A. M., Dutra, S. M., Nienhuis, G., & Woerdman, J. P. (2001). Semi-classical dynamics of excess quantum noise. Physical Review A, 63(043801). [details]
    • van Exter, M. P., van Druten, N. J., van der Lee, A. M., Dutra, S. M., Nienhuis, G., & Woerdman, J. P. (2001). Semiclassical dynamics of excess quantum noise. Physical Review A, 63(4).
    • van der Lee, A. M., van Exter, M. P., van Druten, N. J., & Woerdman, J. P. (2001). A physical explanation of excess quantum noise due to non-orthogonal modes. New Journal of Physics, 3, 2.1-2.15. [details]
    • van der Lee, A. M., van Exter, M. P., van Druten, N. J., & Woerdman, J. P. (2001). A physical explanation of excess quantum noise due to non-orthogonal modes. New Journal of Physics, 3, 21-215.


    • van Druten, N. J., Lien, Y., Serrat, C., Oemrawsingh, S. S. R., van Exter, M. P., & Woerdman, J. P. (2000). Laser with thresholdless intensity fluctuations. Physical Review A, 62(5).
    • van der Lee, A. M., Mieremet, AL., van Exter, M. P., van Druten, N. J., & Woerdman, J. P. (2000). Quantum noise in a laser with nonorthogonal polarization modes. Physical Review A, 61(3).
    • van der Lee, A. M., van Druten, N. J., van Exter, M. P., Woerdman, J. P., Poizat, J.-P., & Grangier, P. (2000). Critical Petermann K factor for intensity noise squeezing. Physical Review Letters, 85(22), 4711-4714.


    • Dutra, S. M., Joosten, K., Nienhuis, G., van Druten, N. J., van der Lee, A. M., van Exter, M. P., & Woerdman, J. P. (1999). Maxwell-Bloch approach to excess quantum noise. Physical Review A, 59(6), 4699-4702.
    • Serrat, C., van Exter, M. P., van Druten, N. J., & Woerdman, J. P. (1999). Transverse mode formation in microlasers by combined gain- and index-guiding. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 35(9), 1314-1321.


    • van der Lee, A. M., van Exter, M. P., Mieremet, AL., van Druten, N. J., & Woerdman, J. P. (1998). Excess quantum noise is colored. Physical Review Letters, 81(23), 5121-5124.





    • Townsend, C. G., van Druten, N. J., Andrews, M. R., Durfee, D. S., Kurn, D. M., Mewes, M. O., & Ketterle, W. (1997). Bose-Einstein condensation of a weakly-interacting gas. In H. B. van Linden van den Heuvell, J. T. M. Walraven, & M. W. Reynolds (Eds.), Atomic physics 15: Fifteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics, Zeeman-effect centenary: Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 5-9 August 1996 (pp. 192-211). Singapore: World Scientific. [details]
    • Townsend, C. G., van Druten, N. J., Andrews, M. R., Durfee, D. S., Kurn, D. M., Mewes, M. O., & Ketterle, W. (1997). Bose-Einstein condensation of a weakly-interacting gas. In K. Burnett (Ed.), Ultracold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation (pp. 2-13). (Trends in optics and photonics; No. 7). Washington, DC: OSA. [details]
    • van Druten, N. J., Constantinescu, R. C., Schins, J. M., Nieuwenhuize, H., & Muller, H. G. (1997). Adiabatic stabilization: observation of the surviving population. Physical Review A, 55(1), 622-629. [details]
    • van der Lee, A. M., van Druten, N. J., Mieremet, A. L., van Eijkelenborg, M. A., Lindberg, Å. M., van Exter, M. P., & Woerdman, J. P. (1997). Excess quantum noise due to nonorthogonal polarization modes. Physical Review Letters, 79(22), 4357-4360. [details]


    • Andrews, M. R., Mewes, M. O., van Druten, N. J., Durfee, D. S., Kurn, D. M., & Ketterle, W. (1996). Direct, nondestructive observation of a Bose condensate. Science, 273(5271), 84-87. [details]
    • Ketterle, W., & van Druten, N. J. (1996). Bose-Einstein condensation of a finite number of particles trapped in one or three dimensions. Physical Review A, 54(1), 656-660. [details]
    • Mewes, M. O., Andrews, M. R., van Druten, N. J., Kurn, D. M., Durfee, D. S., & Ketterle, W. (1996). Bose-Einstein condensation in a tightly confining dc magnetic trap. Physical Review Letters, 77(3), 416-419. [details]
    • Mewes, M. O., Andrews, M. R., van Druten, N. J., Kurn, D. M., Durfee, D. S., Townsend, C. G., & Ketterle, W. (1996). Collective excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a magnetic trap. Physical Review Letters, 77(6), 988-991. [details]
    • van Druten, N. J., & Muller, H. G. (1996). Observation of Rydberg transitions induced by optical core dressing. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 29(1), 15-24. [details]
    • van Druten, N. J., Townsend, C. G., Andrews, M. R., Durfee, D. S., Kurn, D. M., Mewes, M. O., & Ketterle, W. (1996). Bose-Einstein condensates: a new form of quantum matter. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 46(S6), 3077-3088. [details]


    • Spreeuw, R. J. C., van Druten, N. J., Beijersbergen, M. W., Eliel, E. R., & Woerdman, J. P. (1995). Classical realization of a strongly driven two-level system. SPIE Milestone Series, 104(21), 42. [details]


    • van Druten, N. J., Trainham, R., & Muller, H. G. (1994). Multiphoton ionization of magnesium and covariance mapping. In D. K. Evans, & S. L. Chin (Eds.), Multiphoton processes: proceedings of the 6th International Conference, Universiteì Laval, Ste. Foy, Queìbec, Canada, 25-30 June 1993 (pp. 377-379). (Series in optics and photonics; No. 6). Singapore: World Scientific. [details]


    • Trainham, R., van Druten, N. J., Noordam, L. D., Muller, H. G., Breger, P., Petite, G., ... Antonetti, A. (1992). Search for the ''direct '' channel in multiphoton double ionization of magnesium with femtosecond pulses. In A. D. Bandrauk, & C. S. Wallace (Eds.), Coherence phenomena in atoms and molecules in laser fields (pp. 1-10). (NATO Advanced Study Institute Series. Series B: Physics; No. 287). New York: Plenum Press. [details]



    • van Druten, N. J. (1995). One- and two-electron atoms in intense light fields. [details]
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