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Maandag 11 maart sloot het Humanities Lab van de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen zijn Explore Programma af met een wedstrijd waarin acht teams een pitch gaven. De jury, bestaande uit voorzitter Patricia Lulof, directeur van het 4D-Research Lab, René Rietmeyer, directeur van het European Cultural Centre en Gerard Nijsten, directeur bedrijfsvoering van de FGw, riep het team van ARtSpy uit als winnaar.

Lees hieronder meer over de app van het winnende team (in het Engels).

FGw Humanities Lab
The ARtSpy team: Afonso De Almeida Santos, Aranka Kooi and Eline van Workum 

New app: Augmented Reality Art Platform

The idea of ARtspy is a mobile platform that curates and shows augmented reality art around the world. The main aim of this platform is to assemble all of AR artworks in one app: something that has not been done before. The art shown on this platform is not physical, but made by AR artists who add a digital layer to reality. This can be art of AR artists on random locations in the city (location-based) but ARtspy also would like to work with museums that add an extra AR layer to their famous artworks or that show special AR exhibitions in their space (e.g. the Moco Museum).
The platform uses the GPS-location of the user and a map will then allow the user to easily find all AR artworks and expositions near them in the city that they are located at. When you go to the location, the app will provide a function to see the art through your phone screen. The user can save the artworks in a list and take photos of the artworks which they can share on social media platforms like Instagram with plug-in buttons.
ARtspy want to make AR art as easily accessible for everybody. For those that already know AR art, this means finding its location easier. For those that don’t know AR art, it means an easy first meeting with the phenomenon. But ARtspy is also interested in making art in general more accessible for the public. For people who are not that familiar with or passionate about art yet, this platform makes the step to engage with art less big and perhaps less boring because you can interact with it through the familiar comfort of your phone. Especially for the younger digital generation AR art can inspire them to go to expositions and museums more often.