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Numerus fixus

Whether this Bachelor's programme has a numerus fixus for the academic year of 2025-2026 still has to be decided. The information about the application procedure will be updated in September 2024.

Why study Communication Science at the UvA?

Study 4 different domains

Which ones?
Corporate, Entertainment, Persuasive and Political Communication and Journalism. These courses are covered so you learn to look at Communication Science from different perspectives.

Get hands-on experience

You do an internship as part of the study programme.

Worldwide number 1

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Our Bachelor’s has been ranked Nr. 1 in the QS Media & Communication rankings since 2018.

Research-orientated programme

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You learn a lot about doing research and conduct research yourself. Also, the programme has strong links with top researchers at one of the world's biggest research institutes: Amsterdam School of Communication Research.

Flexibility to arrange your own study programme

After one and a half years, you have many options to choose from, such as your internship, studying abroad, electives or a minor.

Is Communication Science right for you?

  • You are interested in media, society, culture and communication.
  • You enjoy school subjects such as economics, history and social studies. 
  • You can work well independently, take initiative and develop your own ideas.
  • You speak English very well, so you can read English academic literature and engage in group discussions.
Facts & Figures
Degree programme
BSc Communication Science
180 ECTS, 36 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus