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Larissa de Ruijter

'I enjoy that the Master's program is very fundamental. It focuses on theory and mathematics, which is important in a fast-evolving field like Artificial Intelligence. Having a solid theoretical foundation makes it easier to understand new research and continue learning. I also liked that the program offers a lot of freedom to tailor the curriculum to your interests.'

Taco Cohen

'In AI research we focus on getting the system to actually perform a task – whether it is recognizing objects in images, understanding natural language, or any of the myriad manifestations of intelligence - while only occasionally glancing at biology. This is what appeals to me most.'

Janneke van der Zwaan

'When I started studying I did the Bachelor Dutch linguistics and language. It wasn't enough challenge for me. When I transferred to the Faculty of Science, it really felt like coming home. The people thought the same way as me.'

Hossain Kazemi

'There are only a few universities worldwide that offer a MSc in Artificial Intelligence, the University of Amsterdam being one of them. I first found out all about the programme on the web and was triggered by the quality of the education.'