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Master’s student Alexander Mutafchiyski talks about attending the programme European Private Law and his fascination for the law. ‘After an internship I knew I wanted to pursue a career in law.’

‘From an early age on, I was fascinated by the legal profession by watching documentaries, TV shows and movies. Out of curiosity I took an unofficial internship at a law firm after finishing high school. At this internship I gained insight into the legal profession and the legal field. After that I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in law.’

Variety of subjects

‘The Master’s programme European Private Law covers a variety of areas of private law. To me this variety of subjects is one of the strengths of the programme. Especially the courses in the area of trade law, corporate law and tax law appeal to me.’

Tips for future students

‘After graduating, I found a job as an academic tutor for the Bachelor’s programme Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics, also known as PPLE, here at the University of Amsterdam. My tips for future Master’s students: do not stress out about the workload, keep your future plans in mind and be consistent with your studies.’

Alexander Mutafchiyski