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Maiara Leita Cardoso from Brazil graduated from Public International Law in 2016 and is now doing an internship with a judge in Brazil.
Maiara Leita Cardoso

‘I do not want to practice law in a law firm,’ Maiara says, ‘I want to try for the federal judge exam in Brazil. The LLM programme in Public International Law was an important step in that direction.’

‘What I liked about this programme were the discussions with fellow students during the tutorials. There are people from so many different countries here. I now have good friends in places like Italy and Luxembourg.’

‘The city is nice, too. Amsterdam has everything big cities like Paris, London and Berlin have, but it is still a small place. It is also very welcoming to internationals, you can have such nice interactions with people.’

A lot of reading

‘The study programme required a lot of reading. In the beginning I was not used to that yet, but I learned soon enough that if you do your work on time, you can manage. If you keep up instead of leaving everything for the exam week, you will be fine.’