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Minor Biomedical Sciences basic biology
What does this minor entail?

Get an impression of the minor Biomedical Sciences: From basic biology to booming business. Dr Renée van Amerongen tells you more about it in the video on the right.

Application and admission

This fulltime 30 EC minor is open for students who have successfully completed their first-year programme of a university Bachelor's programme. It is open for students from all disciplines, but particularly interesting for students of Biomedical Sciences, Psychobiology, Biology, and Bèta-Gamma. International students are welcome as well.

A maximum of 4 (inter)national students can be accepted for this minor. A total of 36 students will participate in the courses: up to 20 will be students from the Bachelor's programme in Biomedical Sciences of the University of Amsterdam, up to 12 will be students from the Bachelor's in Biology and/or Psychobiology of the University of Amsterdam, and related programmes.

To successfully take part in and complete the course, students with a background other than the University of Amsterdam’s Biomedical Sciences programme are expected to close critical knowledge gaps through self study and to have sufficient basic knowledge on the following topics: molecular and cell biology (including basic wet-lab skills in these areas), basic statistics (e.g. differential equations), basic concepts of genome wide analyses, and basic anatomy and physiology.

If you wish to apply, please send an email including your transcript of records from your prior and current academic programme(s) to vakaanmelding-fnwi@uva.nl before 1 June at the very latest. Please note that without these documents we cannot take your application into consideration. If we receive more applications than there are places available, you can be put on a waiting list. 

Students who are currently following another Bachelor's programme than Biomedical Sciences, Biology or Psychobiology will be contacted by the minor coordinator after you have submitted your email application including your transcript of records.

Important to know in advance

The Faculty of Science uses a different student information system than the other faculties of the University of Amsterdam. This system is called DataNose and is easy to use for your timetable, study programme and grades.

Continue your studies with a Master's programme

With a minor you sometimes have access to certain (extra) masters.

Facts & Figures
30 ECTS, 1 semester
Language of instruction