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  • Investment Arbitration Reporter (IAReporter)
    News and analysis service focusing on international arbitrations between foreign investors and their host governments. Covers international investment claims, legal rulings, and policy developments and offers reports on the very latest legal pleadings, decisions, and arbitral awards.
  • Investor-State LawGuide
    Provides access to treaties, rules of arbitration, decisions and awards, and other related documents. Use the specialized research tools to search on subject, articles, jurisprudence or do a full-text search.
  • KluwerArbitration
    Offers full-text access to a collection of journals and books from Kluwer Law International on arbitration, as well as on international investment agreements (IIAs, including BITs and TIPa) and related case law, conventions, legislation, treaties, news, and more.
  • Nexis Uni
    Database that contains international law reviews and journals, case law, legal news, statutes and legislation, administrative codes and regulations, and directories.
  • UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Hub
    Includes case law, international investment agreements (IIAs, including BITs and TIPs) investment-related instruments (IRIs), model agreements and draft instruments, multilateral conventions on dispute settlement and arbitration rules, and documents adopted by international organisations.
  • Westlaw - Arbitration Materials
    Contains international arbitration cases from EU, Hong Kong, UK and US, awards and rules from CPR, ICSID, ICC, NAFTA, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, WIPO, WTO/GATT etc., and numerous relevant conventions and international investment agreements.
  • WorldTradeLaw.net
    Offers free access to current trade news and resources and a full-text search engine for WTO decisions. The subscription service, Dispute settlement commentary (DSC), provides a summary and analysis of all WTO dispute settlement decisions.
  • WTO/Dispute Settlement Body
    Access to official documents, legal texts, GATT documents, disputes, reports and publications.


