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Visiting address

Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam

Route description

Our labs are located in building E, on the ground floor. They can be reached through the main building via the first floor. The offices of Prof. Gadi Rothenberg (C2.246) and Dr. Amanda Garcia (C2.250) are located in the main building, on the second floor.
All visitors must register at the front desk and obtain a visitor’s pass. 

By car:

All highways to Amsterdam converge on the Ring Amsterdam, A10. Choose Ring Oost and take exit S113 to Watergraafsmeer, then follow the signs to Science Park. Use parking P7.

By train:

Science Park Amsterdam has its own train station on the line Amsterdam CS - Almere. It's a small 10 minutes walk to the main building

By bus:

There are busses to Science Park from station Amsterdam Amstel and from station Muiderpoort: bus 40 and bus 240 (Amstel only). Leave the bus at bus stop “Science Park Terra”. 

 If you’re stuck, call our institute secretary, Renate Hippert: 020-525 5265 or our technician, ing. Norbert Geels: 020-525 7021. 

Route to HCSC lab

Postal address for letters and packages

Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry
Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences
University of Amsterdam

(for Prof. dr. Gadi Rothenberg and Dr. Amanda Garcia:)
Postbus 94157
1090 GD Amsterdam
The Netherlands

(for all other group members:)
Postbus 94720
1090 GS Amsterdam
The Netherlands


For any questions or comments related to the website itself, please contact the group webmaster, Ing. Norbert J. Geels.