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In our research group we aim at:

  • the development of new synthetic methodology; and 
  • the (enantioselective) synthesis of biologically active molecules, using methodologies developed in our own group or in other groups.

We particularly strive to use our newly developed methodology in the synthesis of bioactive compounds. In several of our research projects we cooperate with national and international chemical and pharmaceutical companies.

The greater part of our funding is provided by the UvA university and through research grants of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Technology Foundation STW and other renowned research organizations.

We have excellent research facilities. In addition to modern synthetic laboratory equipment, up-to-date spectroscopic tools are available such as routine NMR machines (300, 400 and 500 MHz). X-Ray crystallography and mass spectrometric services are readily available within the HIMS institute.

Our main research themes are: