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Frequently Asked Questions (please check first)
  • What does the study programme look like?

    The Master’s track Environmental Management is a two-year programme (120 EC) with 24-30 EC dedicated to compulsory courses, 24 EC to restricted choice electives, an independent Master’s research project (30-36 EC) as well as a second research project or an internship in corporate consultancy, civil society or a governmental organisation (at least 24 EC).  

    Students also have the possibility to do either a major or minor (Science for Sustainability is recommended) to deepen their knowledge. 

  • What are the entry requirements for this Master’s programme?

    The entry requirements and the application procedure for this Master’s track depend on whether you have completed your prior education in the Netherlands or abroad.

  • Can I study this programme in part-time?

    The Master's programme Earth Sciences is a full-time programme and does not offer a part-time programme.

  • What are the career prospects after this Master’s programme?

    Graduates of the Master's programme in Earth Sciences are trained professionals with excellent international career opportunities within or outside the sphere of Earth Sciences. For example, some UvA Earth Sciences alumni work at:

    • consultancy and research firms (e.g. Royal Haskoning)
    • government agencies (e.g. the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)
    • international environmental agencies (e.g. IUCN)
    • multinational corporations (e.g. Shell)
    • educational organisations (e.g. high schools)
    • Graduates seeking a research career within academia are eligible to pursue a PhD
  • How do I apply for this Master’s programme and when is the deadline?

    The application process and the deadline depend on whether you have completed your prior education in the Netherlands or abroad.  We strongly recommend to start the application procedure at least a week before the deadline. Getting all your documents ready and going through the process will take several days.

Do you have any questions? We are here to help you. For programme related questions, please contact Dr Kenneth F. Rijsdijk.

International Team

International degree students with questions about the application procedure can contact the International Team for a quick answer using this web form or by sending them an email. 

Meet the MSc

Would you like to hear from one of our Master's students what it's really like to study at the UvA? Are you curious about the study programmes, student facilities, lecturers and research projects? You can either ask your questions by email, or make an appointment for a 'Meet the Master' day.