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The programme focuses on all major branches of advanced modern mathematics, pure and applied. From the four specialisations below you choose the one of your interest. Within each, several sub-fields and/or courses are indicated as well. 


  • Algebra and Geometry
    Algebraic Geometry/Topology
    Representation Theory
    Number Theory
    Mathematical Logic 
  • Analysis and Dynamical Systems
    Differential Geometry 
    Functional Analysis, Wavelets 
    Numerical Analysis, PDEs 
    Dynamical Systems 
  • Discrete Mathematics and Quantum Information
    Graph Theory, Optimization 
    Coding and Cryptography 
    Quantum Computing 
    Quantum Information 
  • Stochastics
    Probability and Statistics
    Networks and Queueing Theory
    Causality and Machine Learning 


The curriculum is as follows:

  • Five (or sometimes six) courses from your specialisation (around 36 EC)
  • Master Seminar (6 EC)
  • Elective courses (42 EC)
  • Master's project (36 EC)

You may choose more courses from your specialisation but also courses from another specialisation, and even selected courses from related Master's programme's such as Physics, Econometrics, Quantum Computer Science or Logic. These can be local UvA courses or also Mastermath courses. Contrary to Mastermath couses, local courses are usually only attended by your fellow Mathematics students at UvA and are therefore ideal to strengthen the ties with your cohort. The curriculum is updated often in order to modernise mathematical content and also to meet the demands of the continually and rapidly changing world.

For detailed information regarding the curriculum and courses, please see the UvA Course Catalogue via the link below. 

Master Seminars

During the first year of your programme you participate in one of the four Master Seminars related to your specialisation direction:

  • Algebra and Geometry and Mathematical Physics;
  • Stochastics;             
  • Analysis and Dynamical Systems;
  • Discrete Mathematics and Quantrum Information

The Master Seminars are led by active researchers, and form the link between your Master's programme and mathematical research in Amsterdam. The Master Seminars comprise presentations of local staff on their research interests, of graduating students on their thesis project, of the participating students on research literature studied in groups and of alumni and potential employers.


As part of your Master's programme you participate in the national Mastermath network. Students can choose courses from a broad offering of national Master's and PhD level courses,  taught at different centrally located Dutch universities. These joint courses offer students the highest quality of instruction and open up opportunities for tailoring your programme to your personal mathematical interest and interaction with students at other institutes of mathematics.

Local Master's courses

Staff members of the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics teach local Master's courses in all specialisation directions on topics touching on current research developments. Contrary to Mastermath couses, local courses are usually only attended by your fellow Mathematics students at UvA and are therefore ideal to strengthen the ties with your cohort.

Master's project

You will conclude your Master's programme with a research project. You conduct this project within a research group of the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics under personal guidance of a staff member. Halfway your project, you present your progress at one of the Master Seminars. Your work includes writing a Master's thesis, and giving a final presentation about your entire project in the presence of your supervisor, an independent second reviewer, and all interested.

Mathematics and Econometrics

Mathematics has always been intimately connected with other disciplines, among which Econometrics. Unique at UvA is the double Master's degree programme that enables you to obtain the degrees of both the two-year 120 EC Master Mathematics and the one-year  60 EC Master Econometrics while doing only 150 EC of selected courses. For this, you first need to have been admitted into both Master Programmes separately: formally you participate in two Master programmes.  

Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Are you fascinated by abstract mathematics and theoretical physics? The double Master's degree programme in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the UvA lets you study both fields and search for answers to deeply fundamental questions. This programme enables students who are admitted to the Master's programme Mathematics, and to the Master's Programme Physics and Astronomy with track Theoretical Physics, to obtain the corresponding two Master's degrees while finishing 180 EC instead of 240 EC. Formally, you participate in two Master's programmes. Doing so will put you in the unique position to do high-level research at the interface between both disciplines.

Majors and Minors

At the UvA  you can choose to do your Master's programme with a society-/ business-oriented major or minor that focuses on other skills than doing research. In this case you will follow the programme of your chosen scientific discipline during the first year of your Master's (although slightly adjusted), and a society-/ business-oriented major or minor during the second year. You will graduate as a Master of Science. If you have the ambition to do a professional specialisation make sure to inform about conditions early in your Master's programme.   

Bring your own device

All students enrolled in the Mathematical master's programme are requested to bring their own laptop. More information on specific system requirements can be found here

Accreditation and title

This Master's programme has been accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This means that upon successful completion of the programme (a total of 120 EC), you will receive a legally recognised Master's degree in Mathematics and the title of Master of Science (MSc).