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Excellent career prospects

As a graduate of the UvA's SFM Master’s programme, your career prospects are excellent. Graduates find employment in the financial and consultancy sector within Amsterdam and beyond or in technology and service organisations world-wide. Your analytical training and problem-solving skills are highly valued in all these workplaces. Other graduates remain in academia and pursue PhD and devote themselves to SFM-related mathematical research. A career in teaching is also an option after graduating SFM with a major in Teaching.

Alumnus Elin about her career after her master

At the Faculty of Science, in addition to our current students, we also have our alumnus (former students). So let’s have a look at our alumnus. Where do they end up after graduating? Elin tells you more about her career path. 

Alumnus views

Read where these former students of Stochastics and Financial Mathematics ended up working after finishing the Master's programme:

The programme is well structured and offers many interesting (and applicable) courses. It starts with simple basics, but in advanced courses it goes beyond the theory which is usually used in practice. Alumnus, Tomas Marada Read the story of Tomas
I opted for the Master's in Stochastics and Financial Mathematics because I wanted to move into finance: shares, indices, prices, options and so on. Alumnus Rick Duursma Read the story of Rick
Look beyond the lectures and the theory books, because then you really see what it’s like to apply this knowledge in practice. Alumnus Wessel Martens Read the story of Wessel