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Frequently Asked Questions (please check first)
  • What does the study programme look like?

    The Master’s programme Stochastics and Financial Mathematics focuses on the mathematics behind phenomena in which uncertainty plays a central role, such as fluctuations in stock prices or in complex networks (internet, mobile communication). Probabilistic modelling and data analysis and statistics are prominently present. A special focus is on Financial Mathematics, an important application field of Stochastics.

    The study programme consists of 3 compulsory components, the course Measure Theoretic Probability, the Master Seminar, specialisation courses in Financial Mathematics, Data Analysis and Statistics or Probability and Decision Making. Additionally you will take 36 EC worth of courses from one of the other specialisations.

  • What are the entry requirements for this Master’s programme?

    The entry requirements and the application procedure for this Master’s programme depends on whether you have completed your prior education in the Netherlands or abroad.

  • Can I study this programme in part-time?

    The Master's programme Stochastics and Financial Mathematics is only offered as a full-time programme. Due to the nature of the study programme, it isn’t possible to study in part-time.

  • How do I apply for this Master’s programme and when is the deadline?

    The application process and the deadline depend on whether you have completed your prior education in the Netherlands or abroad.  We strongly recommend to start the application procedure at least a week before the deadline. Getting all your documents ready and going through the process will take several days.

  • What is the double Master’s programme Stochastics and Financial Mathematics and Econometrics?

    Unique at UvA is the challenging 150 EC double Master’s degree programme in Econometrics and Stochastics and Financial Mathematics that enables you to obtain the degrees in both fields in two and a half years.

    As a student in the double degree programme, you will follow the essential courses from both programmes. However you only conduct one interdisciplinary Master's project with supervisors from both disciplines, resulting in one integrated Master's thesis. You can only follow a double degree programme if you meet the admission criteria for both programmes separately.

Master coordinator

For programme-related questions, please contact the Master coordinator, Asma Khedher.


International degree students with questions about the application procedure can contact the International Team using this web form. 

For other questions (from both Dutch and international degree students), contact the Central Student Service Desk:

Meet the MSc

Would you like to hear from one of our Master's students what it's really like to study at the UvA? Are you curious about the study programmes, student facilities, lecturers and research projects? You can either ask your questions by email, or make an appointment for a 'Meet the Master' day.