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Here's why you want to study Health Promotion & Behaviour Change at the UvA

Multidisciplinary approach

Biological, psychological and social dimensions

Career prospects 

Develop skills important for your future career as Scientist-practitioner 

Problem-based learning

Cover the most important health problems in our society in small groups

Bridge between theory and practice

You acquire hands-on methods to prevent and change behaviours, based on solid understanding of the available scientific knowledge

Is Health Promotion & Behaviour Change right for you?

Yes, if you are interested in: 

  • Preventing unhealthy behaviours and increasing healthy behaviours, both on a personal level and on a population level
  • Deepening your knowledge and applying this knowledge for the benefit of society
  • Practical training 
  • Working intensively with others 
  • Developing your professional skills as a scientist-practitioner
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Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Psychologie
60 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus