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How banks work and interact

These courses take an in-depth look at how banks work and interact with other players in the finance world and how they manage risk. Quantitative finance uses advanced methods in econometrics to better model returns on financial assets.

You can choose from 3 different modules on Banking and Quantitative Finance.

  • Financial Econometrics

    You will develop skills for the econometric analysis of macroeconomic and financial data, with a particular emphasis on regression theory and time series analysis.


    Lectures: September-October, once a week on Tuesdays.
    First class: 5 September
    Times: 18:30-22:00
    Assessment: Group assignment and individual written exam
    Application deadline:  15 August

    *The schedule is subject to change. The module is offered once per academic year.

  • Financial Modelling

    You will concentrate on building financial models for corporate finance, investments, portfolios and corporate valuation.


    Lectures: February-March, three consecutive weekends on Saturday and Sundays.
    First class: 17 February
    Times: 10:00-14:00
    Assessment: Group assignments and individual written exam
    Application deadline: 1 February

    *The schedule is subject to change. The module is offered once per academic year.

  • Risk Management

    You get an overview of key issues in financial risk management. You are trained in evaluating, measuring and managing a range of financial risks to which companies are exposed.


    Lectures: February-March, once a week on Wednesdays.
    First class: 7 February
    Times: 18:30-22:00
    Assessment: Group assignment and individual written exam
    Application deadline: 20 January

    *The schedule is subject to change. The module is offered once per academic year.


If you have any questions regarding the Finance Modules, please contact:

Madeleine Wolters
Sales and Recruitment Manager, Executive Programmes
E: admissions-mif@uva.nl
T: +31 (0)20 525 4056
M/WhatsApp: +31 (0)6 1165 2044