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Dr. B. (Barbara) Abatino

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15966
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Curriculum vitae

    Barbara Abatino received from the University Federico II of Naples her doctor's degree in Roman Law and Roman Foundation of European Law with a thesis dedicated to the emptio venditio of res quae pondere numero mensura constant (January 2007).

    At the Rechtswissenschaftliches Institut of the University of Zurich she carried out a postdoctoral research  focusing on legal language in use in the chirographa from the Sulpicii’s archive (February-July 2007).

    Since 2007 she has been affiliated to the University of Amsterdam and from September 2007 till May 2012 she collaborated as a researcher in the international and multidisciplinary project “Fiat Lex. The Evolution of Lawmaking” at the Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics.

     The focus of her actual project is on linguistic patterns and lexical aspects of nineteenth-century translations of Justinian’s Digests into Italian, French and German and on the effects produced by legal translations of the Corpus iuris civilis on the cultural identity of Europe and on the legal and linguistic reception of Roman law and Latin legal language in the XIX century.

     The field of interest of her researches are Roman law of contracts, economic analysis of the Roman legal system and lexical aspects of the XIX century’s translations of the Digests.


  • C.V. and list of publications
  • Publicaties



    • Abatino, B. (2013). L’‘affaire’ Vignali: per una biografia del traduttore ottocentesco del Corpus iuris. Index. Quaderni Camerti di Studi Romanistici, 41, 525-542. [details]


    • Abatino, B. (2012). 'Pignoris arrabonisve nomine' in TPSulp. 51 (TPN 43): a case of diglossia? Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 80(3-4), 311-328. https://doi.org/10.1163/15718190-000A1210 [details]
    • Abatino, B. (2012). Alle radici delle obbligazioni generiche: le «emptiones venditiones» di «res quae pondere numero mensura constant»: riflessione dei giuristi e prassi. (Pubblicazioni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Diritto Civile dell'Università di Camerino). Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane. [details]
    • Abatino, B. (2012). Le belles infidèles e i Digesta tradìti Per aversionem e pondere numero mensura emere Per aversionem e pondere numero mensura emere. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquité, 59, 309-333. http://local.droit.ulg.ac.be/sa/rida/file/2012/18.Abatino.pdf [details]


    • Abatino, B. (2011). La ‘Société’ a Barcellona. Index. Quaderni Camerti di Studi Romanistici, 39, 750-756. [details]
    • Abatino, B. (2011). Libri e storia della giurisprudenza romana [Review of: M. Spallone (2008) Giurisprudenza romana e storia del libro]. Index. Quaderni Camerti di Studi Romanistici, 39, 558-571. [details]
    • Abatino, B., Dari-Mattiacci, G., & Perotti, E. C. (2011). Depersonalization of business in ancient Rome. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 31(2), 365-389. https://doi.org/10.1093/ojls/gqr001 [details]



    • Abatino, B. (2013). Giovanni Vignali. In I. Birocchi, E. Cortese, A. Mattone, & M. N. Miletti (Eds.), Dizionario biografico dei giuristi italiani (XII-XX secolo). - Vol. II (pp. 2047-2048). Bologna: Il Mulino. [details]
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