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Prof. dr. H. (Hamideh) Afsarmanesh Tehrani

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Informatics Institute
Fotograaf: UvA

  • Science Park 904
  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
  • About Me

    Current Position

    Professor - Computer Science Department (IvI), University of Amsterdam.

    Group Leader - Federated Collaborative Networks (FCN).

    Chair of General Assembly - Society of Collaborative Networks (SoColnet). 

    Research Interests

    • Collaborative Networks: Virtual Organizations /Virtual Laboratories /Virtual Communities
    • Federated Collaborative Databases
    • Interoperability, Semantic Information Modeling and Ontology Engineering
    • Semi-automation of Federated Schema Matching / Schema Integration for Collaboration
    • Reference Architectures for Collaborative Networks
    • Modeling and Management of Trust in Collaborative Networks
    • Application of Soft Computing and Learning to Collaborative Decision Making
    • Specialized and Complex Web-based Application Domains: Bio-Informatics, Manufacturing, Bio-Diversity, Distributed Control Engineering.


    • PhD in Computer Science, University of Southern California (USC), July 1985.
    • MS in Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), September 1980
    • MS in Computer Science, Arya-Mehr (now Sharif) University of Technology (AMUT), Tehran, December 1977.
    • BBA in Business Administration, Tehran School of Business and Administration, June 1975.


    Visiting address: Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Room: C3.257)

    Mailing address: Postbus 94323, 1090 GH Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Tel: +31 20 525 7512   Secr: +31 20 525 7561 (Ms. Sanne Veenenbos)

    Fax: +31 20 525 7490

  • Projects

    Current Projects

    GLONET [FP7 / Project No. 285273, 2011-2014].

    Collaborating with a network of eight research and industry partners, the project aims at designing,developing, and deploying a virtual organization environment for networks of SMEs, involved in highly customized and service-enhanced product specification and co-development, e.g. supporting the solar energy industry. GLONET's virtual organization will support end-to-end collaboration with customers, as well as co-creation among regional and remote suppliers. Development of the planned support environment of GlONET adopts a cloud-based approach (applying the CAS OPEN's cloud-based PaaS and SaaS offerings) so its supporting services dynamically upgrade without influencing the nodes and stakeholders in the environment.

    COVE [International IFIP TC5] (2000- open ended).

    In collaboration with IFIP associated experts from all around the world, aiming at the assessment and categorization of results achieved in both research and practices in the area of virtual enterprises and electronic business, leading to the design of common reference models, cooperation infrastructures, and prospects for further collaborative developments.

    Completed Projects 

    BRAID [FP7 project No. 2484852] (2010-2012).

    Collaborating within a network of nine research and academic partners, focus on bridging research in ageing and ICT development. The project aims at development of a consolidated "roadmap" to characterize the key research challengesand to produce a vision for a comprehensive approach in supporting the integration of increasing number of senior professionals in Europe.The technological perspective of the vision for these Virtual Communities (VCs) of elderly professionals will identify the needed R&D in related areas such as the soft computing, affective computing, machine learning, and collaborative networks. 

    ePAL [FP7 project No. 215289] (2008 – 2010).

    In collaboration with four other European partners from research and industry, aiming at development of a “roadmap” to identify the needed models, methodologies, technologies, architectural infrastructure, and constituting components, towards supporting the establishment of Virtual Communities (VCs) for elderly professionals to remain active. The main target of establishing these VCs is to support the challenging fluid formation of problem solving Virtual Teams (VTs), with the focus on behavior modeling, causal reasoning and soft computing, affective computing / emotion-oriented systems, machine learning, and collaborative networks.

    LifeWatch [FP7 / ESFRI project No. 211372], (2008-2011).

    In collaboration with a network of twenty seven research and academic partners, and more associated organizations world-wide. This is a ESFRI preparatory project investigating the required infrastructure for global biodiversity research. The project aims to generate a roadmap for this infrastructure, namely focused on the identification and characterization of: the key research and development challenges, the construction of required physical and virtual networks, and the supporting infrastructure for collaborative activities within this network, focused on all aspects of global biodiversity.

    VL-e [Dutch Bsik] (2004-2009).

    In close collaboration with twenty other Dutch universities, research institutes, and industies, building a support environmentand a the proof of concept for e-science experimentations applied to six different scientific application areas.

    ECOLEAD [6FP/IP - European Collaborative networks Leadership initiative] (2004-2008).

    An Integrated Project in the 6th Framework Program of the European Commission,collaborating with twenty other European partners, aiming to achieve the necessary base for establishment of collaboration networks in Europe, creating impact both in academia and industry. In specific the project develops a holistic approach to the VO breeding environments, dynamic VO management, and professional virtual communities,as well as the theoretical foundation, and the IC technology base for this paradigm.

    Future VBEs in Action - Movie of the Scenario script

    ENBI [5FP - European Network for Biodiversity Information, Project No. 2001-00618] (2002-2006).

    Collaborating with twelve other European partners, aiming to provide possibilities to monitor biodiversity world-wide by both stimulating integrated access to (existing historical) biodiversity data and by developing a common monitoring biodiversity information infrastructure. ENBI, in particular, includes and involves all European national nodes of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) as well as all other relevant EU-funded projects.

    TeleCARE [5FP/IST project No. 27607] (2001-2004).

    Collaborating within a network of six European industrial, research, and academic partners, building a configurable base framework and new tools and mechanisms for tele-supervision and tele-assistance, applied to aid elderly people. The development of TeleCARE is based on the virtual organization paradigm and the mobile multi-agent systems technology.

    THINKCreative [5FP/IST-Working Group, Project No. 2000-29478] (2001-2004).

    Collaborating within a network of eleven European experts in the area of Virtual/Networked Organizations, from industry, research, and academia, aiming to characterize and define scenarios of the emerging organizational forms in Europe, their required IT, social, organizational, legal, ethical infrastructures, necessary future modeling approaches and tools, for the next 5, 10, and 20 years, and to develop a Green Book to advise EC on its future RTD planning.

    VOSTER [5FP/IST-Accompanying measure, project No. 2001-32031] (2001-2004).

    Collaborating within a network of fourteen European industrial, research, and academic -partners, aiming at the systematization and harmonization of the developments and results achieved in a number of leading European RTD projects and industry, on Virtual and Smart Organizations (VO).

    VOmap [5FP/IST-Thematic Network project No. 2001-38379] (2002-2003).

    Collaborating within a network of eight European industrial, research, and academic partners, aiming to generate a road-map for a multi-disciplinary RTD, e.g. to identify and characterize the key research areas of challenge, required constituency, and implementation models, to be able to develop systems supporting emerging dynamic collaborative networks of organizations.

    Virtual Laboratory - VL [Dutch-ICES/KIS II] (1999-2003).

    In close collaboration with Four groups - two within the UvA's Informatics Institute (IvI) and two external Dutch research institutes (SILS and FOM) - building an open, and configurable Grid-based framework and a variety of generic tools and mechanisms, to facilitate scientists and engineers with their experimentation. VL makes optimum use of modern IT, and is demonstrated for several application domains, namely: experimental physics, bio-informatics, bio-medicine, and systems engineering.

    BMI-Flexwork [Dutch/NWO, Bio-molecular Informatics] (2001-2003).

    Collaborating with four other Dutch Universities and institutes, building a flexible distributed and Grid-based framework for integration of a wide variety of data, such as gene sequences, molecular markers, micro-array expression data, and the mass spectrometry protein sequence data. Applying the high performance Grid infrastructure being developed in the Virtual Laboratory project (described below), Flexwork will support and demonstrate some application-based collaborative biological experimentation among these institutes.

    FETISH-ETF [5FP/IST, Accompanying measure, project No. 13015] (1999-2001).

    In collaboration with six Other European academic and industry partners, aiming to provide a web-based common infrastructure to integrate the fragmented tourism information systems and their IT-based services into a federation of distributed resources, and to be accessed by the end users and other service provider enterprises through a single connect point.

    MASSYVE [INCO-DC, project No. 962219] (1997-2000).

    In collaboration with two European industry and academic institutes and one Latin American academic institute, aiming at the design of a federated multi-agent platform to support distributed scheduling of manufacturing activities.

    PRODNET II [ESPRIT IV project No. 22.647] (1996-1999).

    In collaboration in a network of eight industry, research, and academic partners, developing the base infrastructure and interoperability facilities to provide an open platform and some co-working mechanisms, supporting the operation phase of the Virtual Enterprises, developed and demonstrated for production planning and management in the extended manufacturing enterprise sector.

    WATERNET [ESPRIT IV project No. 22.186] (1996-1998).

    In collaboration in a network of ten industry, research and academic partners, building a support infrastructure and system for co-working of pre-existing legacy systems involved in advanced supervision, management and control of water distribution networks.

    3DOME [Dutch HPCN project] (1996-1998).

    In collaboration with seven other Dutch industries, building a 2D/3D graphic data and services broker/mediator center.

    DIGIS [Dutch SION/NWO project No. 612-32-000] (1995-1997).

    In collaboration with two other European cancer institutes, developing an architecture for the virtual integration of pre-existing huge Genome databases.

    CIMIS.net [ESPRIT IV basic research, ECLA 004: 76102] (1993-1996).

    Collaborating within a network with five other international academic, research and development centers, aiming at the design of a support system for CIM.

    PEER [partially supported by the IBM] (1990-1995).

    An intra-departmental project, aiming at the development of a generic federated database management system, to be used for the purpose of teaching, practice, and research within the federated database group.

    ARCHON [ESPRIT III project No. P2256] (1989-1994).

    In collaboration in a network of fourteen European industry, research, and academic institutes, building a generic framework for cooperation and information sharing among the nodes a network of loosely-coupled semi-autonomous systems, applied to the electricity distribution control systems.

    CIM-PLATO [ESPRIT III project No. 2202] (1989-1992).

    In collaboration with seven Other European industry, research and academic partners, building a tool box to facilitate concurrent engineering. 

  • Teaching & Theses Supervision


    Current Teaching 

    • Analyseproject - for the IK (Information Science) program
    • Databases Bachelor IK - for the IK (Information Science) program
    • (Virtual) Organizations in a Dynamic Context - for the Master Information Studies program

    Courses Taught Before

    • Databases AI - for the AI (Artificial Intelligence) program
    • Databases 1- for the IN (Informatica) program
    • Conceptual Modeling: for the IK (Information Science) program at UvA
    • Project database applications: for the IK (Information Science) program at UvA
    • Databases & Web-based Applications: for the BIS (Business Information Systems) program at UvA

    Theses Supervision 

    Defended Ph.D theses:

    • 2001, Cesar O. Garita "Federated Information Management for Virtual Enterprises".
    • 2002, Ammar. Benabdelkader "Information Integration among Heterogeneous and Autonomous Applications".
    • 2004, Ersin C. Kaletas "Scientific Information management in Collaborative Experimentation Environments".
    • 2007, Victor Guevara Masis "Information management for telecaring virtual organizations".
    • 2009, Simon S.Msanjila "On Inter-organizational Trust Engineering in Networked Collaborations".
    • 2010, Ozgul Unal Karkas,"A Semi-automated Schema Matching and Schema Integration in Collaborative Networks."
    • 2013, Jafar Tanha, "Ensemble Approaches to Semi-Supervised Learning"

    Ph.D theses under development:

    • Hodjat Soleimanimalekan [Area: Software Service Composition for Business Process Integration in Networks of Organizations].
    • Mahdi Sargolzaei [Area: Discovery and Monitoring of Service Execution in Networks of Organizations].
    • Mahdieh Shadi [Area: Modeling and Enhancement of Collaboratiive Behavior in Networks ].
    • Naser Ayat [Area: Service integration in virtual organizations].
    • Luis Osorio [Area: Process modeling and support infrastructure for intelligent collaborative transportation systems].
    • Ekaterina Ermilova - Area: Ontology engineering and Management / Discovery of Competency in Virtual Organizations Breeding Environments - Expected graduation in 2013.
  • Publicaties


    • Pang, B., Gou, J., Afsarmanesh, H., Mu, W., & Zhang, Z. (2023). Methodology and mechanisms for federation of heterogeneous metadata sources and ontology development in emerging collaborative environment. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 53(1), 80-99. https://doi.org/10.1108/VJIKMS-09-2020-0159


    • Osório, A. L., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Belloum, A., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2021). Collaborative Trusted Digital Services for Citizens. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, X. Boucher, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0: 22nd IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2021, Saint-Étienne, France, November 22–24, 2021 : proceedings (pp. 212-223). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 629). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_19 [details]


    • Osório, A. L., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Belloum, A. (2020). Liability in Collaborative Maintenance of Critical System of Systems. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & A. Ortiz (Eds.), Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0: 21st IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2020, Valencia, Spain, November 23–25, 2020 : proceedings (pp. 191-202). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 598). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62412-5_16 [details]
    • Urze, P., Osório, A. L., Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2020). A Balanced Sociotechnical Framework for Collaborative Networks 4.0. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & A. Ortiz (Eds.), Boosting Collaborative Networks 4.0: 21st IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2020, Valencia, Spain, November 23–25, 2020 : proceedings (pp. 485–498). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 598). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62412-5_40 [details]


    • Osório, A. L., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Belloum, A. (2019). Towards a Mobility Payment Service Based on Collaborative Open Systems. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & D. Antonelli (Eds.), Collaborative Networks and Digital Transformation: 20th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2019, Turin, Italy, September 23–25, 2019 : proceedings (pp. 379-392). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 568). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-28464-0_33 [details]


    • Osório, A. L., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Belloum, A. (2018). On Reliable Collaborative Mobility Services. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & Y. Rezgui (Eds.), Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems: 19th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2018, Cardiff, UK, September 17-19, 2018 : proceedings (pp. 297-311). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 534). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99127-6_26 [details]


    • Andres, B., Poler, R., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2017). A simulation approach to assess partners selected for a collaborative network. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 16(3), 399-411. https://doi.org/10.2507/IJSIMM16(3)3.382 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Fornasiero, R., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2017). Collaborative networks as a core enabler of industry 4.0. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Fornasiero (Eds.), Collaboration in a Data-Rich World: 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2017, Vicenza, Italy, September 18-20, 2017 : proceedings (pp. 3-17). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 506). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_1 [details]
    • Osório, A. L., Belloum, A., Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2017). Agnostic informatics system of systems: The open ISoS services framework. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Fornasiero (Eds.), Collaboration in a Data-Rich World: 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2017, Vicenza, Italy, September 18-20, 2017 : proceedings (pp. 407-420). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 506). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_37 [details]
    • Sargolzaei, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2017). C3Q: A specification model for web services within virtual organizations. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Fornasiero (Eds.), Collaboration in a Data-Rich World: 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2017, Vicenza, Italy, September 18-20, 2017 : proceedings (pp. 432-443). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 506). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_39 [details]
    • Sargolzaei, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2017). Service oriented collaborative network architecture. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Fornasiero (Eds.), Collaboration in a Data-Rich World: 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2017, Vicenza, Italy, September 18-20, 2017 : proceedings (pp. 381-394). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 506). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_35 [details]
    • Shafahi, M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Bart, H. (2017). Accelerating the exploitation of (bio)medical knowledge using linked data. In A. Fred, & H. Gamboa (Eds.), Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: 9th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2016 : Rome, Italy, February 21–23, 2016 : revised selected papers (pp. 122-144). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 690). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54717-6_8 [details]
    • Tanha, J., van Someren, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2017). Semi-supervised self-training for decision tree classifiers. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 8(1), 355-370. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-015-0328-7 [details]


    • Adamiak, K., Soleimani Malekan, H., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2016). Semi-automated BP integration in virtual organizations. In H. Afsarmanesh, L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & A. Lucas Soares (Eds.), Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World: 17th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2016, Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2016 : proceedings (pp. 87-100). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 480). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45390-3_8 [details]
    • Oliveira, A. I., Shafahi, M., Afsarmanesh, H., Ferrada, F., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2016). Competence matching in collaborative consortia for service-enhanced products. In H. Afsarmanesh, L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & A. Lucas Soares (Eds.), Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World: 17th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2016, Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2016 : proceedings (pp. 350-360). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 480). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45390-3_30 [details]
    • Shafahi, M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Paap, S. (2016). BioMed wizard: An approach for gathering personal risk factor data. In J. Gilbert, H. Azhari, H. Ali, C. Quintão, J. Sliwa, C. Ruiz, A. Fred, & H. Gamboa (Eds.), BIOSTEC 2016 : proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: Rome, Italy, 21-23 February, 2016. - Volume 5: HEALTHINF (pp. 298-305). SciTePress Science and Technology Publications. https://doi.org/10.5220/0005701102980305 [details]
    • Shafahi, M., Bart, H., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2016). BioMed Xplorer: Exploring (bio)medical knowledge using linked data. In J. Gilbert, H. Azhari, H. Ali, C. Quintão, J. Sliwa, C. Ruiz, A. Fred, & H. Gamboa (Eds.), BIOSTEC 2016 : proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: Rome, Italy, 21-23 February, 2016. - Volume 3: Bioinformatics (pp. 51-62). SciTePress Science and Technology Publications. https://doi.org/10.5220/0005700300510062 [details]
    • Shafahi, M., Hu, Q., Afsarmanesh, H., Huang, Z., ten Teije, A., & van Harmelen, F. (2016). A task-based comparison of linguistic and semantic document retrieval methods in the medical domain. In M. Dragoni, D. Reforgiato Recupero, K. Denecke, Y. Deng, & T. Declerck (Eds.), Joint Proceedings of the 2th Workshop on Emotions, Modality, Sentiment Analysis and the Semantic Web and the 1st International Workshop on Extraction and Processing of Rich Semantics from Medical Texts: co-located with ESWC 2016 : Heraklion, Greece, May 29, 2016 Article 6 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 1613). CEUR-WS. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1613/paper_6.pdf [details]
    • Shafahi, M., Kempers, L., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2016). Phishing through social bots on Twitter. In J. Joshi, G. Karypis, L. Liu, X. Hu, R. Ak, Y. Xia, W. Xu, A-H. Sato, S. Rachuri, L. Ungar, P. S. Yu, R. Govindaraju, & T. Suzumura (Eds.), 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data: Dec 05-Dec 08, 2015, Washington D.C., USA : proceedings (pp. 3703-3712). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/BigData.2016.7841038 [details]
    • Soleimani Malekan, H., Rezazade Mehrizi, M. H., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2016). Positioning collaboration in business process model consolidation in VOs. In H. Afsarmanesh, L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & A. Lucas Soares (Eds.), Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World: 17th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2016, Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2016 : proceedings (pp. 110-123). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 480). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45390-3_10 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Shadi, M. (2015). Bayesian network-based risk prediction in virtual organizations. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, F. Bénaben, & W. Picard (Eds.), Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks: 16th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2015, Albi, France,, October 5-7, 2015 : proceedings (pp. 39-52). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 463). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24141-8_4 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Sargolzaei, M., & Shadi, M. (2015). Semi-automated software service integration in virtual organisations. Enterprise Information Systems, 9(5-6), 528-555. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/17517575.2014.928953 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Shafahi, M., & Sargolzaei, M. (2015). On service-enhanced product recommendation: Guiding users through complex product specification. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT'15): 26-27 February 2015, Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, India (pp. 43-48). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292717 [details]
    • Osório, L. A., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2015). ECoNet platform for collaborative logistics and transport. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, F. Bénaben, & W. Picard (Eds.), Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks: 16th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2015, Albi, France,, October 5-7, 2015 : proceedings (pp. 265-276). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 463). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24141-8_24 [details]
    • Romero, D., Noran, O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2015). Green virtual enterprise breeding environments bag of assets management: A contribution to the sharing economy. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, F. Bénaben, & W. Picard (Eds.), Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks: 16th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2015, Albi, France,, October 5-7, 2015 : proceedings (pp. 439-447). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 463). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-24141-8_40 [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2014). Collaborative Systems for Smart Environments: Trends and Challenges. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014 : Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2014 : proceedings (pp. 3-15). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 434). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_1 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Oliveira, A. I., & Ferrada, F. (2014). Cloud-based Collaborative Business Services Provision. In S. Hammoudi, J. Cordeiro, L. A. Maciaszek, & J. Filipe (Eds.), Enterprise Information Systems: 15th International Conference, ICEIS 2013, Angers, France, July 4-7, 2013 : revised selected papers (pp. 366-384). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing ; Vol. 190). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09492-2_22 [details]
    • Jongmans, S. T. Q., Santini, F., Sargolzaei, M., Arbab, F., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2014). Orchestrating web services using Reo: from circuits and behaviors to automatically generated code. Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 8(4), 277-297. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-013-0147-1 [details]
    • Shadi, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2014). Behavioral Norms in Virtual Organizations. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014 : Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2014 : proceedings (pp. 48-59). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 434). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_5 [details]
    • Shafahi, M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Sargolzaei, M. (2014). A Coopetition Space for Complex Product Specification. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014 : Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2014 : proceedings (pp. 83-97). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 434). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_8 [details]
    • Soleimani Malekan, H., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2014). Overview of Business Process Modeling Languages Supporting Enterprise Collaboration. In B. Shishkov (Ed.), Business Modeling and Software Design: Third International Symposium, BMSD 2013, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, July 8-10, 2013: revised selected papers (pp. 24-45). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 173). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-06671-4_2 [details]
    • Tanha, J., van Someren, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2014). Boosting for Multiclass Semi-Supervised Learning. Pattern Recognition Letters, 37, 63-77. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2013.10.008 [details]
    • Unal, O., Afsarmanesh, H., & Angelov, S. (2014). An Agile Innovation Framework Supported through Business Incubators. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014 : Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2014 : proceedings (pp. 307-316). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 434). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_30 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Shafahi, M. (2013). Specification and Configuration of Customized Complex Products. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 408, 81-90. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40543-3_9 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Soleimani Malekan, H. (2013). Analysis and Evaluation of Business Process Modeling Adoption in Collaborative Networks. In B. Shishkov (Ed.), BMSD 2013: proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design: 08-10 July 2013, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands (pp. 23-32). SciTePress Science and Technology Publications. https://doi.org/10.5220/0004773700230032 [details]
    • Ayat, N., Akbarinia, R., Afsarmanesh, H., & Valduriez, P. (2013). Entity resolution for distributed probabilistic data. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 31(4), 509-542. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-013-7129-3 [details]
    • Camarihna-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Ferrada, F., Oliveira, A. I., & Rosas, J. (2013). A comprehensive research roadmap for ICT and ageing. Studies in Informatics and Control, 22(3), 233-254. http://sic.ici.ro/sic2013_3/art01.pdf [details]
    • Camarihna-Matos, L. M., Ferrada, F., Oliveira, A. I., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2013). Supporting product-servicing networks. In D. Aboutajdine, A. Skalli, B. Benchekroun, & A. Artiba (Eds.), 2013 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2013): Rabat, Morocco, 28-30 October 2013 (pp. 806-812). IEEE. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6761514 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Oliveira, A. I., & Ferrada, F. (2013). Collaborative Business Services Provision. In S. Hammoudi, L. A. Maciaszek, J. Cordeiro, & J. L. G. Dietz (Eds.), ICEIS 2013: proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems: Angers, France, 4-7 July, 2013 (Vol. 2, pp. 380-390). SciTePress Science and Technology Publications. https://doi.org/10.5220/0004535803800390 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Macedo, P., Oliveira, A. I., Ferrada, F., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2013). Collaborative Environment for Service-enhanced Products. In L. Gomes, & M. Hübner (Eds.), 2013 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN): proceedings: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany: 29-31 July, 2013 (pp. 374-379). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/INDIN.2013.6622913 [details]
    • Osório, A. L., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2013). Enterprise Collaboration Network for Transport and Logistics Services. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 408, 267-278. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40543-3_29 [details]
    • Sargolzaei, M., Santini, F., Arbab, F., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2013). A Tool for Behaviour-Based Discovery of Approximately Matching Web Services. In R. M. Hierons, M. G. Merayo, & M. Bravetti (Eds.), Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 11th International Conference, SEFM 2013, Madrid, Spain, September 25-27, 2013 : proceedings (pp. 152-166). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 8137). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40561-7_11 [details]
    • Shadi, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2013). Behavior Modeling in Virtual Organizations. In L. Barolli, F. Xhafa, M. Takizawa, T. Enokido, & H-H. Hsu (Eds.), WAINA 2013: proceedings, 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 25-28 March 2013, Barcelona, Spain (pp. 50-55). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/WAINA.2013.95 [details]
    • Shadi, M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Dastani, M. (2013). Agent Behaviour Monitoring in Virtual Organizations. In M. Jmaiel, & S. M. Reddy (Eds.), WETICE 2013: Proceedings, 22nd IEEE International WETICE Conference : Hammamet, Tunisia, 17-20 June 2013 (pp. 9-14). (IEEE Conference Proceedings). IEEE Computer Society. https://doi.org/10.1109/WETICE.2013.25 [details]
    • Soleimani Malekan, H., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2013). Business Process Modeling Languages Supporting Collaborative Networks. In S. Hammoudi, L. A. Maciaszek, J. Cordeiro, & J. L. G. Dietz (Eds.), ICEIS 2013: proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems: Angers, France, 4-7 July, 2013 (Vol. 1, pp. 258-266). SciTePress Science and Technology Publications. https://doi.org/10.5220/0004420602580266 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Msanjila, S. S., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2012). Technological research plan for active ageing. Information Systems Frontiers, 14(3), 669-692. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-011-9295-z [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Sargolzaei, M., & Shadi, M. (2012). A framework for automated service composition in collaborative networks. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 380, 63-73. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32775-9_7 [details]
    • Ayat, N., Afsarmanesh, H., Akbarinia, R., & Valduriez, P. (2012). An uncertain data integration system. In R. Meersman, H. Panetto, T. Dillon, S. Rinderle-Ma, P. Dadam, X. Zhou, S. Pearson, A. Ferscha, S. Bergamaschi, & I. F. Cruz (Eds.), On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012: confederated international conferences: CoopIS, DOA-SVI, and ODBASE 2012, Rome, Italy, September 10-14, 2012: proceedings (Vol. 2, pp. 825-842). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7566). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33615-7_26 [details]
    • Ayat, N., Afsarmanesh, H., Akbarinia, R., & Valduriez, P. (2012). Pay-as-you-go data integration using functional dependencies. In G. Quirchmayr, J. Basl, I. You, L. Xu, & E. Weippl (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Research and Practice for Information Systems: IFIP WG 8.4, 8.9/TC 5 : international cross-domain conference and workshop on availability, reliability, and security, CD-ARES 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, August 20-24, 2012 : proceedings (pp. 375-389). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7465). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32498-7_28 [details]
    • Ayat, N., Akbarinia, R., Afsarmanesh, H., & Valduriez, P. (2012). Entity resolution for uncertain data. In BDA'2012: 28e journées bases de données avancées: contributions http://bda2012.isima.fr/papers [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2012). Collaborative networks in active ageing - a roadmap contribution to demographic sustainability. Production Planning & Control, 23(4), 279-298. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2011.627659 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2012). Taxonomy of collaborative networks forms: FInES Task Force on Collaborative Networks and SOCOLNET - Society of Collaborative Networks. In Roots and Wings European Commission. http://www.fines-cluster.eu/fines/jm/Publications/Download-document/378-FInES_Taxonomy_of_Collaborative_Networks_Forms_Final.html [details]
    • Jongmans, S. T. Q., Santini, F., Sargolzaei, M., Arbab, F., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2012). Automatic code generation for the orchestration of web services with Reo. In F. De Paoli, E. Pimentel, & G. Zavattaro (Eds.), Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: first European conference, ESOCC 2012, Bertinoro, Italy, September 19-21, 2012 : proceedings (pp. 1-16). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7592). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33427-6_1 [details]
    • Tanha, J., van Someren, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2012). An AdaBoost algorithm for multiclass semi-supervised learning. In M. J. Zaki, A. Siebes, J. X. Yu, B. Goethals, G. Webb, & X. Wu (Eds.), 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining: ICDM 2012, 10-13 December 2012, Brussels, Belgium: proceedings (pp. 1116-1121). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDM.2012.119 [details]
    • Tanha, J., van Someren, M., de Bakker, M., Bouten, W., Shamoun-Baranes, J., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2012). Multiclass semi-supervised learning for animal behavior recognition from accelerometer data. In 24th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (pp. 690-697). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICTAI.2012.98 [details]




    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. (2009). Towards modeling a collaborative environment for extension of professional active life. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 307, 721-732. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04568-4_73 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2009). Management of information supporting Collaborative Networks. In S. S. Bhowmick, J. Küng, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications: 20th International Conference, DEXA 2009, Linz, Austria, August 31 – September 4, 2009 : pProceedings (pp. 1-6). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5690). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-03573-9_1 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2009). On the classification and management of Virtual Organisation Breeding Environments. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 8(3), 234-259. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJITM.2009.024604 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Msanjila, S. S. (2009). A well-conceived vision for extending professional life of seniors. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 307, 682-694. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04568-4_70 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Msanjila, S. S. (2009). On management of 2nd generation Virtual Organizations Breeding Environments. Annual Reviews in Control, 33(2), 209-219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arcontrol.2009.05.007 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Ermilova, E., Msanjila, S. S., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2009). Modeling and management of information supporting functional dimension of Collaborative Networks. In A. Hameurlain, J. Küng, & R. Wagner (Eds.), Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems I (pp. 1-37). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5740). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-03722-1_1 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2009). Collaborative mechanisms for a new perspective on active ageing. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST 2009): Istanbul, Turkey, 1-3 June 2009 (pp. 475-480). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/DEST.2009.5276754 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Galeano, N., & Molina, A. (2009). Collaborative networked organizations - Concepts and practice in manufacturing enterprises. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 57(1), 46-60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2008.11.024 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2009). The need for a strategic R&D roadmap for active ageing. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 307, 669-681. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04568-4_69 [details]
    • Leonard, W., Afsarmanesh, H., Msanjila, S. S., & Playfoot, J. (2009). Exploring the gap for effective extension of professional active life in Europe. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 307, 695-706. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04568-4_71 [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2009). On development of TrustMan system assisting configuration of temporary consortiums. International Journal of Production Research, 47(17), 4757-4790. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207540902847330 [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2009). On hard and soft models to analyze trust life cycle for mediating collaboration. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 307, 381-392. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04568-4_40 [details]
    • Unal, O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2009). Schema matching and integration for data sharing among collaborating organizations. Journal of Software, 4(3), 248-261. https://doi.org/10.4304/jsw.4.3.248-261 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2008). Related work on reference modeling for collaborative networks. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networks: Reference modeling (pp. 15-28). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79426-6_3 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2008). The ARCON modeling framework. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networks: Reference modeling (pp. 67-82). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79426-6_7 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Ermilova, E. (2008). VBE reference framework. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 35-68). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79424-2_2 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Msanjila, S. S., Ermilova, E., Wiesner, S., Woelfel, W., & Seifert, M. (2008). VBE management system. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 119-154). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79424-2_5 [details]
    • Camarihna-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Concept of collaboration. In G. D. Putnik, & M. M. Cunha (Eds.), Encyclopedia of networked and virtual organizations (pp. 311-315). Information Science Reference. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Classes of collaborative networks. In G. D. Putnik, & M. M. Cunha (Eds.), Encyclopedia of networked and virtual organizations (pp. 193-198). Information Science Reference. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Enhancing performance in industrial collaborative networks. International Journal of Production Research, 46(5), 1203-1205. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207540701224178 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). On reference models for collaborative networked organizations. International Journal of Production Research, 46(9), 2453-2469. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207540701737666 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (2008). ECOLEAD and CNO base concepts. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 3-32). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79424-2_1 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Cardoso, T., & Klen, E. (2008). A reference curriculum for education in collaborative networks. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 491-511). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79424-2_20 [details]
    • Ermilova, E., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). A comprehensive semantic-indexing schema for ARCON. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networks: Reference modeling (pp. 113-128). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79426-6_9 [details]
    • Ermilova, E., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). A unified ontology for VO Breeding Environments. In V. Mařík (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems (DHMS 2008), Athens, Greece Czech Technical University. [details]
    • Ermilova, E., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). An ontology based approach for development and operation of Virtual organization Breeding Environments. In C. Pahl (Ed.), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE'08) (pp. 147-152). ACTA. [details]
    • Ermilova, E., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Competency modeling targeted on promotion of organizations towards VO involvement. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & W. Picard (Eds.), Pervasive Collaborative Networks: IFIP TC 5 WG 5.5 Ninth Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES, September 8-10, 2008, Poznan, Poland (pp. 3-14). (IFIP – The International Federation for Information Processing ; Vol. 283). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-84837-2_1 [details]
    • Ermilova, E., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Managing characteristic organization knowledge in collaborative networks. In J. Cordeiro, & J. Filipe (Eds.), ICEIS 2008 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. - Volume 6: AIDSS, Barcelona, Spain, June 12-16, 2008 (pp. 313-320). SciTePress Science and Technology Publications. https://doi.org/10.5220/0001709603130320 [details]
    • Galeano, N., Ermilova, E., Giraldo, J., Afsarmanesh, H., & Molina, A. (2008). Competency concept in VO breeding environments. In G. D. Putnik, & M. M. Cunha (Eds.), Encyclopedia of networked and virtual organizations (pp. 297-304). Information Science Reference. [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). A multi-model approach to analyze interorganizational trust in VBEs. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative Networks: Reference modeling (pp. 195-214). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79426-6_15 [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Automating trust assessment for configuration of temporary partnerships. In A. Azevedo (Ed.), Innovation in Manufacturing Networks: Eighth IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems, Porto, Portugal, June 23-25, 2008 (pp. 95-104). (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing; Vol. 266). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-09492-2_10 [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Inter-organizational trust in VBEs. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 91-118). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-79424-2_4 [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). On architectural design of TrustMan system applying HICI analysis results: The case of technological perspective in VBEs. Journal of Software, 3(4), 17-30. http://www.jsoftware.us/show-59-601-1.html [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Trust analysis and assessment in virtual organization breeding environments. International Journal of Production Research, 46(5), 1253-1295. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207540701224350 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2007). Towards a semi-typology for virtual organization breeding environments. In COA’07 - 8th IFAC Symposium on Cost-Oriented Automation (pp. 1-12). Habana, Cuba. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Ermilova, E. (2007). Ontology Engineering for VO Breeding Environments. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises - MITIP’07 (pp. 124-137). Florence, Italy. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Msanjila, S. S. (2007). Virtual Organizations Breeding Environment: Key Results from ECOLEAD. In Proceedings of the Int. conference on Cost Effective Automation in Networked Product Development and Manufacturing - IFAC-CEA'2007 (pp. 1-8). Monterey, Mexico. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). A comprehensive modeling framework for collaborative networked organizations. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 18(5), 527-615. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-007-0061-5 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). A framework for Virtual Organization creation in a breeding environment. Annual Reviews in Control, 31, 119-135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arcontrol.2007.03.006 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Collaborative networks in industry and services: research scope and challenges. In COA’07 - 8th IFAC Symposium on Cost-Oriented Automation (pp. 1-16). Habana, cuba. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Results assessment and impact creation in collaborative research - An example from the ECOLEAD project. Technovation, 27(1-2), 65-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2006.07.002 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Towards a reference model for collaborative networked organizations. In Information Technology for Balanced Manufacturing Systems (pp. 193) [details]
    • Ermilova, E., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Modeling and management of Profiles and Competencies in VBEs. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 18(5), 561-586. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-007-0066-0 [details]
    • Guevara-Masís, V., Belloum, A., Adriaans, P., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2007). An agent-based resource management for a service-oriented telecare environment. In 6th International Special Topic Conference on ITAB, 2007 (pp. 143-148). (Proceedings of the IEEE/EMBS Region 8 International Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. https://doi.org/10.1109/ITAB.2007.4407365
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). HICI: An Approach for Identifying Trust Elements: The case of technological perspective in VBE. In proceedings of second international conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2007) (pp. 757-764). Vienna, Austria. [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Modeling Trust Relationships in Collaborative Networked Organizations. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 6(1), 40-55. [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Specification of the TrustMan System for Assisting Management of VBEs. In C. Lambrinoudakis, G. Pernul, & A. M. Tjoa (Eds.), Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: 4th International Conference, TrustBus 2007, Regensburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2007 : proceedings (pp. 34-43). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 4657). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74409-2_6 [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Towards Establishing Trust Relationships among Organizations in VBEs. In Proceedings of 8th Internation PRO-VE2007 conference. (pp. 3-14). Springer. [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2006). Creation of virtual organizations in a breeding environment. In Proceedings of INCOM 2006, 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems Manufacturing Saint-Etienne, France. [details]
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    • Guevara Masis, V. J., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2006). An agent-based federated information system for telecare environments. In Proceedings of the International Special Topic Conference on Information Technology in Biomedicine: ITAB 2006 : Ioannina, Epirus, Greece, 26-28 October 2006 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2006). Assessment and creation of trust in VBEs. In Proceedings of 7th PRO-VE'06, Network-centric collaboration and Supporting Frameworks (pp. 161-172). Springer. [details]
    • Msanjila, S. S., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2006). Understanding and Modeling Trust Relationships in Collaborative Networked Organizations. In Proceedings of Business, Law & Technology present and Emerging Trends, Volume 2 (Vol. 2, pp. 402-416). Copenhagen, Denmark: IAITL. [details]
    • Unal, O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2006). Interoperability in Collaborative Network of Biodiversity Organizations. In proceedings of 7th PRO-VE'06, Network-centric collaboration and Supporting Frameworks (pp. 515-524) [details]
    • Unal, O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2006). SASMINT System for Database Interoperability in Collaborative Networks. In Proceedings of the CoopIS 2006, 14th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (pp. 91-108). Montpellier, France: Springer-Verlag. [details]
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    • Unal, O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2006). Using Linguistic Techniques for Schema Matching. In Proceedings of the International conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2006) (pp. 115-120). INSTICC Press. https://doi.org/10.5220/0001319801150120 [details]


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    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2005). Brief historical perspective for virtual organizations. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Virtual Organizations: Systems and Practices Springer Verlag. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2005). Collaborative networks- new scientific discipline. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Virtual Organizations: Systems and Practices Springer. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2005). Collaborative networks: A new scientific discipline. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16, 439-452. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-005-1656-3 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2005). Infrastructure for Collaborative Networks - An application in elderly care. In Proceedings of SAINT '05- 2005 Symposium on Applications and the Internet (pp. 94-101). IEEE Computer Society Press. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (2005). ECOLEAD: A holistic approach to creation and management of dynamic virtual organizations. In Proceedings of PRO-VE '05 - Collaborative Networks and their Breeding Environments (pp. 3-16) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Silveri, I., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2005). Towards a framework for creation of dynamic virtual organizations. In Proceedings of PRO-VE '05 - Collaborative Networks and their Breeding Environments (pp. 69-80). Springer. [details]
    • Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2005). Analysis of requirements for collaborative scientific experimentation environments. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos (Ed.), Emerging Solutions for Future Manufacturing Systems: IFP TC 5/WG 5.5 Sixth IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing and Services : 27–29 September 2004, Vienna, Austria (pp. 251-262). (IFIP - The International Federation for Information Processing; Vol. 159). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-22829-2_26 [details]
    • Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., Anastasiou, M., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2005). Emerging technologies and standards. In Virtual Organiszations: Systems and Practices (pp. 2.2). Springer. [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Guevara Masis, V. J., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2004). Management of Federated Information in Tele-assistance Environments. Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare, 2(2), 87-108. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Guevara Masis, V. J., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2004). Ontology-Based Automatic Data Structure Generation for Collaborative Networks. In Proceedings of PRO-VE'04 - Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Guevara-Masis, V., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2004). Federated management of information for TeleCARE. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Communities in Elderly Care : TELECARE: in conjunction with ICEIS 2004 : Porto, Portugal, 13 April 2004 (pp. 49-62). INSTICC Press. https://doi.org/10.5220/0002683800490062 [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Mařik, V., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2004). Challenges of collaborative networks in Europe. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 77-90). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_9 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). A multi-agent based infrastructure to support virtual communities in elderly care. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2(3), 246-266. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJNVO.2004.005490 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). A roadmapping methodology for strategic research on VO. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 275-288). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_30 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). Emerging behavior in complex collaborative networks. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 229-236). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_25 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). Formal modeling methods for collaborative networks. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 237-244). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_26 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). Support infrastructures for new collaborative forms. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 175-192). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_21 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). TeleCARE: Collaborative virtual elderly care support communities. Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare, 2(2), 73-86. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). TeleCARE: Collaborative virtual elderly support communities. In Proceedings of TELECARE 2004 - Int. Workshop on Tele-Care and Collaborative Virtual Communities in Elderley Care (Vol. 1, pp. 1-12). INSTICC Press. https://doi.org/10.5220/0002677300010012 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). The emerging discipline of collaborative networks. In Proceedings of PRO-VE'04 - Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks (pp. 3-16). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Löh, H., Sturm, F., & Ollus, M. (2004). A strategic roadmap for advanced virtual organizations. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 289-312). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_31 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Tschammer, V., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). On emerging technologies for VO. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 207-224). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_23 [details]
    • Guevara Masis, V. J., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2004). Service-Oriented Architecture for TeleCARE. In Proceedings of On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004 (pp. 14-14). Agia NAPA. [details]
    • Guevara Masis, V. J., Unal, O., Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2004). Using Ontologies for Collaborative Information Management: Some Challenges & Ideas. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Information Systems (ADVIS 2004) [details]
    • Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2004). A Collaborative Experimentation Environment for Biosciences. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2(3), 209-231. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJNVO.2004.005488 [details]
    • Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2004). A Methodology for Integrating New Scientific Domains and Applications in a Virtual Laboratory Environment. In I. Seruca, J. Filipe, S. Hammoudi, & J. Cordeiro (Eds.), ICEIS 2004 : sixth international conference on enterprise information systems: proceedings : Porto, Portugal, April 14-17, 2004 (Vol. 3, pp. 265-272). INSTICC. https://doi.org/10.5220/0002634802650272 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Guevara Masis, V. J., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2003). Virtual Community Support in TeleCARE. In Proceedings of the 4th IFIP Working Conference on Infrastructures For Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE'03) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2003). A roadmap for strategic research on virtual organizations. In Proceedings of the 4th IFIP Working Conference on Infrastructures For Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE' 03) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2003). Designing the information technology subsystem. In P. Bernus, L. Nemes, & G. Schmidt (Eds.), Handbook on Enterprise Architecture (pp. 617-680). Springer. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2003). Elements of a base VE infrastructure. Computers in industry, 51(2), 139-163. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0166-3615(03)00033-2 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Rabelo, R. (2003). Infrastructure developments for agile virtual enterprises. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 16(4-5), 235-254. https://doi.org/10.1080/0951192031000089156 [details]
    • Garita, C., Afsarmanesh, H., Unal, O., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2003). Building A Virtual Laboratory For Scientific Experimentation In Molecular Biology. In Proceedings of the 4th IFIP Working Conference on Infrastructures For Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE' 03) (pp. 181-190) [details]
    • Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2003). Modelling Multi-Disciplinary Scientific Experiments and Information. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Computer And Information Sciences (ISCIS03) (pp. 75-82) [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Belleman, R. G., Belloum, A. S. Z., Benabdelkader, A., van den Brand, J. F. J., Eijkel, G. B., Frenkel, A., Garita, C., Groep, D. L., Heeren, R. M. A., Hendrikse, Z. W., Hertzberger, L. O., Kaandorp, J. A., Kaletas, E. C., Korkhov, V., de Laat, C. T. A. M., Sloot, P. M. A., Vasunin, D., Visser, A., & Yakali, H. H. (2002). VLAM-G: A Grid-based virtual laboratory. Scientific Programming, 10(2), 173-181. [details]
    • Belloum, A. S. Z., Kaletas, E. C., van Halderen, A. W., Afsarmanesh, H., Hertzberger, L. O., & Peddemors, A. J. H. (2002). A Scalable Web Server Architecture. World Wide Web - Internet and Web Information Systems, 5(1), 5-23. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1015723705980 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2002). Design of a virtual community infrastructure for elderly care. In Proceedings of PRO-VE 2002 3rd IFIP Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises (pp. 439-450). Sesimbra, Portugal: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2002). Dynamic Virtual Organization, or not so dynamic? In Proceedings of BASYS'02 - Knowledge and technology integration in production and services (pp. 111-124). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2002). Trends in Virtual Organizations and sSupport Infrastructures. Journal Systems, Control and Information, Journal of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 46(10). [details]
    • Garita, C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2002). A Survey of Distributed Information Management Approaches for Virtual Enterprise Infrastructures. In I. G. Publishing (Ed.), Managing Virtual Web Organizations in the 21st Century: Issues and Challenges U.J. Franke. [details]
    • Garita, C., Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2002). A Service Interface Definitions Catalogue for Virtual Enterprises in Tourism. In Proceedings of the 5th IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for BALANCED AUTOMATION SYSTEMS In Manufacturing and Services (BASYS 2002) (pp. 97-108) [details]
    • Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2002). Virtual Laboratories and Virual Organizations Supporting Biosciences. In Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises [details]
    • Marik, V., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2002). Knowledge and technology integration in production and services. onbekend: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Kaletas, E. C., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2001). The Potential of Grid, Virtual Laboratories and Virtual Organizations for Bio-sciences. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics (SOFSEM 2001) (pp. 1-9). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 2234). Springer. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Kaletas, E. C., Benabdelkader, A., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2001). A reference architecture for scientific virtual laboratories. Future Generation Computer Systems, 17(8), 999-1008. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-739X(01)00042-5 [details]
    • Belloum, A. S. Z., Hendrikse, Z. W., Groep, D. L., Kaletas, E. C., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2001). The Vlam-G abstract machine: a data and process handling system on the Grid. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN) (pp. 81-93) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2001). A systematic approach to IPR definition in cooperative projects. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. J. Rabelo (Eds.), E-Business and Virtual Enterprises: Managing Business-to-Business Cooperation (pp. 465-476). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 56). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-35399-9_45
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2001). Virtual communities and elderly support. In C. E. D' Attellis, & N. E. Mastorakis (Eds.), Advances in Automation, Multimedia and Video Systems, and Modern Computer Science (pp. 279-284). V.V. Kluev. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Osorio, A. L. (2001). Flexibility and Safety in Web-based Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprises. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 14(1), 66-82. [details]
    • Eijkel, G. B., Afsarmanesh, H., Groep, D. L., Frenkel, A., & Heeren, R. M. A. (2001). Mass spectrometry in the Amsterdam virtual laboratory: development of a high performance platform for meta-data anlysis. In 13th Sanibel conference on Mass Spectrometry: informatics and mass spectrometry [details]
    • Frenkel, A., Afsarmanesh, H., Eijkel, G. B., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2001). Information management for material science applications in a virtual laboratory. In 12th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2001 Munich, Germany. [details]
    • Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2001). Survey of distributed information management approaches for virtual enterprise infrastructures. In U. J. Franke (Ed.), Managing Virtual Web Organizations in the 21st Century: Issues and Challenges Idea Group Publishing. [details]
    • Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2001). The PRODNET Federated Information Management Approach for Virtual Enterprise Support. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 12(2), 151-170. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1011252510739 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2000). Future Smart-Organisations: a Virtual Tourism Enterprise. In 1st International Conference on Web Information System Engineering - WISE' 2000 (pp. 456-461) [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Benabdelkader, A., Kaletas, E. C., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2000). Towards a Multi-layer Architecture for Scientific Virtual Laboratories. In 8th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking (Vol. LNCS, pp. 163-176) [details]
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    • Benabdelkader, A., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2000). Megastore: Advanced Internet-based Electronic Commerce Service for Music Industry. In M. Ibrahim, J. Küng, & N. Revell (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications: 11th international conference, DEXA 2000, London, UK, September 4-8, 2000 : proceedings (pp. 869-878). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 1873). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-44469-6_81 [details]
    • Benabdelkader, A., Afsarmanesh, H., Kaletas, E. C., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2000). Managing Large Scientific muli-media Data Sets. In Workshop on Advanced Data Storage/ Management Techniques for High Performance Computing (pp. 132-139) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2000). A Systematic Approach to IPR Definition in Coöperative Projects. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Rabelo (Eds.), E-Business and Virtual Enterprises- Managing Business-to-Business Coöperation (pp. 465-476). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Erbe, H. (2000). Advances in Networked Enterprises-Virtual Organizations, Balanced Automation and Systems Integration. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Rabelo, R. (2000). Supporting Agility in Virtual Enterprises. In L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Rabelo (Eds.), E-Business and Virtual Enterprises - Managing Business-to-Business Coöperation (pp. 89-104). Kluwer Acadamic Publishers. [details]
    • Frenkel, A., Afsarmanesh, H., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2000). Supporting Information Access Rights and Visibility Levels in Virtual Enterprises. In L. Camarinha Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Rabelo (Eds.), E-Business and Virtual Enterprises- Managing Business-to-Business Coöperation (pp. 177-192). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Afsarmanesh, H., Ugur, Y., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2000). Federated Query Processing for Distributed Process Coördination in Virtual Enterprises. In 4th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balance Automation Systems in Production and Transportation - BASYS' 2000 [details]
    • Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Ugur, Y., Frenkel, A., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2000). DIMS: Implementation of a Federated Information Management System of PRODNET II. In 11th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2000 (pp. 889-898) [details]
    • Kaletas, E. C., van Halderen, A. W., van der Linden, F., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (2000). Evaluation of an RCube-based switch using a real world application. In M. Bubak, H. Afsarmanesh, B. Hertzberger, & R. Williams (Eds.), High Performance Computing and Networking: 8th International conference, HPCN Europe 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 8-10, 2000 : proceedings (pp. 507-516). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 1823). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45492-6_51 [details]
    • Rabelo, R., Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (2000). Federated Multi-Agent Scheduling in Virtual Enterprises. In L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Rabelo (Eds.), E-Business and Virtual Enterprises - Managing Business-to-Business Coöperation (pp. 145-156). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (1999). Future developments in virtual enterprises. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 491-496). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (1999). Infrastructures for VE: A summary of achievements. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 483-490). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Antunes, C., Clavier, J. F., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Gibon, P., Klen, A., ... Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (1999). The prodnet demonstrator. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 279-290). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Ugur, Y., Frenkel, A., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1999). Design of the federated information managment architecture for prodnet. In H. Afsarmanesh, & L. M. Camarinha-Matos (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 127-146). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Ugur, Y., Frenkel, A., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1999). Federated information managment requirements for virtual enterprises. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 36-48). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Benabdelkader, A., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1999). Database support for multi-media information in web-based applications. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Technologies (pp. 169-184) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1999). Flexible coordination and information sharing for virtual enterprises in prodnet. In Proceedings of the IFIP nternational Conference on Advances in Production Managment Systems (pp. 67-75) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1999). Tendencies and general requirements for virtual enterprises. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 15-30). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1999). The prodnet architecture. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 109-126). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1999). The prodnet goals and approach. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 97-108). Boston: Kluwer Academic. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1999). The virtual enterprise concept. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises - Networking Industrial Enterprises (pp. 3-14). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Cardoso, T. (1999). Partners search and quality-related information exchange in a virtual enterprise. In Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Managment Systems (pp. 76-84) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Lima, C. (1999). Hierachical coordination in virtual enterprise infrastructures. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 26(3/4), 267-287. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008137110347 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (1998). Cooperative systhems challenges in virtual enterprises. In Proc. of the 2nd IMACS international multiconference on computational engineering in systhems application [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (1998). Flexible coordination in virtual enterprises. In Proc. of the 5th IFAC Workshop on intelligent manufacturing systhems (pp. 43-48) [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Benabdelkader, A., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1998). Cooperative information management for distributed production nodes. In Proc. of the 10th international IFIP WG Conference on the globalisation of manufacturing in the digital communications Era of the 21st Century: innovation, agility and the virtual enterprise (pp. 13-27) [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1998). Virtual enterprises and federated information sharing. In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on database and expert systems applications (pp. 374-383) [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Pantoja-lima, C. (1998). Workflow support for management of information in PRODNET II. In Proc. of the 5th IFAC workshop on intelligent manufacturing systhems (pp. 49-54) [details]
    • Benabdelkader, A., Hertzberger, L. O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1998). A flexible approach to information sharing in water industries. In Proc. of the international conf. on information technology (pp. 135-142) [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1998). Virtual Enterprises: life cycle supporting tools and technologies. In J. Sanchez, A. Kusiak, & A. Molina (Eds.), Handb. of life cycle engineering: concepts, tools, and technologies Chapmann and Hall. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Lim, C. (1998). Towards an architecture for virtual enterprises. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 9(2). [details]
    • Rabelo, R. J., Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (1998). Multiagent perspectives to agile scheduling. In Proc. of the 3rd IEEE?IFIP Int. Conf. on Information Technology for balanced automation systhems in manufacturing (pp. 51-66) [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (1997). Federated information management for cooperative information. In A. Tjoa, & A. Hameurlain (Eds.), 8th International Conference On Database and Expert Systems applications DEXA '97 (pp. 561-572). Springer Verlag. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Martinelli, F. J. (1997). Federated knowledge integration and machine learning in water distribution networks. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos (Ed.), IFIP/IEEE/OE International Conference on Integrated and Sustainable Industrial Production ISIP'97 (pp. 121-140). Chapman and Hall. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Hertzberger, L. O., & Santos Silva, V. (1997). Management of distributed information in virtual enterprises - the prodnet approach. In K. Pawar (Ed.), 4th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising ICE'97 (pp. 241-257). The University of Nottingham. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Lima, C. (1997). Towards an architecture for virtual enterprises. In L. Monostori (Ed.), 2nd World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems IMPS'97 (pp. 531-542). Springer Verlag. [details]
    • Kok, A., van Lawick, J., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1997). The 3d object mediator: Handling 3d models on internet. In P. Sloot, & L. O. Herzberger (Eds.), 5th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking HPCN'97 (pp. 147-156). Springer Verlag. [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., Hertzberger, L. O., Negreiros, F. J., Provedel, A., Martins, R. C., & Salles, E. O. T. (1996). Cooperation of CIM Expert Systems supported by PEER. Studies in Informatics and Control, 5(2), 157-169. http://sic.ici.ro/sic1996_2/art6.html [details]
    • Wiedijk, M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1996). Co-working and Management of Federated Information-Clusters. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on "Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA'96", Zurich, Switzerland (pp. 446-455). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; No. LNCS 1134). Springer Verlag. [details]
    • Wiedijk, M., Afsarmanesh, H., Mazon, I., Rojas, F., & Perez, A. (1996). Information Management for Intelligent Supervision of Hybrid Process Control. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ECLA/IFIP 2nd International Conference for Balanced Automation Systems BASYS'96, Lisbon, Portugal (pp. 115-125) [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., Moreira, N. P., & Ferreira, A. C. (1994). Design of a Distributed Database for a Concurrent Engineering Environment. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences, 16(3), 298-310. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., Negreiros, F. J., Lopes, R. C., & Martins, R. C. (1994). Integration of an Optimization Expert System within a CIM Distributed Database System. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences, 16(3), 318-327. [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Fornasiero, R. (2017). Preface. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & R. Fornasiero (Eds.), Collaboration in a Data-Rich World: 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2017, Vicenza, Italy, September 18-20, 2017 : proceedings (pp. V-VI). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Lucas Soares, A. (2016). Preface. In H. Afsarmanesh, L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & A. Lucas Soares (Eds.), Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World: 17th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2016, Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2016 : proceedings (pp. V-VII). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 480). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45390-3 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Sargolzaei, M., & Shafahi, M. (2014). D4.3 Report on dynamically customizable services enhancing products. Glonet - Glocal enterprise network focusing on custumer-centric collaboration. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.2124.5607 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2014). Preface. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014 : Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 6-8, 2014 : (pp. V-VI). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 434). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1 [details]
    • Sargolzaei, M., Shafahi, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2014). D4.4 Prototype of the system for enhanced services recommendation. Glonet - Glocal enterprise network focusing on custumer-centric collaboration. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3697.4242 [details]
    • Shafahi, M., Afsarmanesh, H., Sargolzaei, M., & Unal, O. (2014). D4.2 Prototype of services supporting iterative complex product specification. Glonet - Glocal enterprise network focusing on custumer-centric collaboration. http://www.glonet-fines.eu/8-download/GloNet-D4.2.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Shafahi, M., Unal, O., & Sargolzaei, M. (2013). D4.1 Design report on approach and mechanism for effective customized complex product specification. Glonet - Glocal enterprise network focusing on custumer-centric collaboration. http://www.glonet-fines.eu/8-download [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Korojelo, S. P., Karakas, O. U., & Sargolzaei, M. (2012). D2.1 Required information/knowledge provision services specification. Glonet - Glocal enterprise network focusing on custumer-centric collaboration. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Korojelo, S., Sargolzaei, M., Thamburaj, V., Madhavan, V., & Camarinha-Matos, L. (2012). D1.1 Detailed requirements for GloNet use case and domain glossary. Glonet - Glocal enterprise network focusing on custumer-centric collaboration. [details]
    • Ayat, N., Afsarmanesh, H., Akbarinia, R., & Valduriez, P. (2012). Uncertain data integration using functional dependencies. Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Ayat, N., Akbarinia, R., Afsarmanesh, H., & Valduriez, P. (2012). Entity resolution for uncertain data. Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Xu, L., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2012). Collaborative networks in the internet of services: 13th IFIP WG 5.5 working conference on virtual enterprises, PRO-VE 2012, Bournemouth, UK, October 2012: proceedings. (IFIP advances in information and communication technology; No. 380). Springer. http://www.springer.com/computer/information+systems+and+applications/book/978-3-642-32774-2 [details]


    • Camarihna-Matos, L. M., Pereira-Klen, A., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Adaptation and Value Creating Collaborative Networks: 12th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 17-19, 2011. Proceedings. (IFIP advances in information and communication technology; No. 362). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23330-2 [details]
    • Tanha, J., van Someren, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Ensemble-training: ensemble based co-training. In P. van der Putten, C. Veenman, J. Vanschoren, M. Israel, & H. Blockeel (Eds.), Benelearn 2011: Proceedings of the Twentieth Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, The Hague, May 20 2011 (pp. 123-124). NFI. http://www.liacs.nl/~putten/benelearn2011/Benelearn2011_Proceedings.pdf [details]



    • Camarihna-Matos, L. M., Paraskakis, I., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2009). Leveraging knowledge for innovation in collaborative networks: 10th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 7-9, 2009: Proceedings. (IFIP advances in information and communication technology; No. 307). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04568-4 [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Collaborative networks: Reference modeling. Springer. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (2008). Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations. Springer. [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., Novais, P., & Analide, C. (2007). Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks. Springer. [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2006). Collaborative networks: Value creation in a knowledge society, (invited keynote paper). In Proceedings of PROLAMAT 2006, IFIP Int. Conf. On Knowledge Enterprise Shanghai, China: Springer, New Challenges, June 2006. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (2006). Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks. (IFIP; No. 224). New York: Springer-Verlag. [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (2005). Virtual Organizations: Systems and Practices. Heidelberg: Spinger-Verlag. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (2005). Virtual Organizations: Systems and Practices. onbekend: Springer Verlag. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ortiz, A. (2005). Collaborative networks and their breeding environments. Springer. [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models. Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/b116613 [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2003). Processes and foundations for virtual organizations. Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Rabelo, R. J. (Eds.) (2001). E-Business and Virtual Enterprises : Managing Business-to-Business Cooperation: IFIP TC5/WG5.3 Second IFIP Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Organizations: Managing Cooperation in Virtual Organizations and Electronic Business towards Smart Organizations, December 4-6, 2000, Florianópolis, Brazil. (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 56). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-35399-9 [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1999). Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises. Boston: KluwerAcademic Publishers. [details]
    • Garita Rodriguez, C. O., Ugur, Y., Frenkel, A., Afsarmanesh, H., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1999). Implementation of the distributed information managment system in prodnet ii. Technical Report CS-99-03. Amsterdam: WINS (oud WINS). [details]
    • Rabelo, R., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1999). Multi-agent based agile scheduling. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 27(1/2 april), 15-28. [details]


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1996). Balanced Automation Systems II. mplementation challenges for anthropocentric manufacturing. London, UK: Chapman & Hall. [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., Hertzberger, L. O., Negreiros, F. J., Provedel, A., Martins, R. C., & Salles, E. O. T. (1995). A Federated Cooperation Architecture for Expert Systems Involved in Layou Optimization. In H. Afsarmanesh, & L. Camarinha-Matos (Eds.), Balanced Automation Systems. Architectures and design methods (pp. 287-300). Chapman & Hall. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1995). Balanced Automation Systems. Architectures and design methods. onbekend: Chapman & Hall. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Afsarmanesh, H., & Reinaldo Silva, J. R. (1995). Multiagent Systems in FMS/FAS. In J. Weisz, & J. Paiuk (Eds.), Preprints of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Low Cost Automation, Buenos Aires, Argentina (pp. 180-187). IFAC/AADECA. [details]
    • Loria, G., Mazon, I., Rojas, F., Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1995). Supporting the Information Management of Control Activities in a CIM Shop Floor Environment. In H. Afsarmanesh, & L. Camarinha-Matos (Eds.), Balanced Automation Systems. Architectures and design methods (pp. 253-264). Chapman & Hall. [details]
    • Reinaldo Silva, J. R., Afsarmanesh, H., Cowan, D. D., & Lucena, C. J. P. (1995). An Object-Oriented Approach to the Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. In H. Afsarmanesh, & L. Camarinha-Matos (Eds.), Balanced Automation Systems. Architectures and design methods (pp. 91-106) [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., & Hertzberger, L. O. (1994). Flexible and dynamic integration of multiple information bases. In D. Karagiannis (Ed.), 5th IEEE International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA'94 (pp. 744-753). (LNCS; No. 856). Berlin: Springer Verlag. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., Ferreira, A. C., & Moreira, N. P. (1994). Distributed database support for a concurrent engineering environment. Studies in Informatics and Control, 3(2-3), 135-143. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., Moreira, N. P., & Ferreira, A. C. (1994). Design of a distributed database for a concurrent engineering environment. In M. Tavares (Ed.), ECLA. CIM workshop: Distributed Information Systems for CIM (pp. 35-43). Florianopolis, Brazil: ECLA 1994, Univ. Federal de Santa Caterina. [details]
    • Afsarmanesh, H., Wiedijk, M., Negreiros, F. J., Lopes, R. C., & Martins, R. C. (1994). Integration of an optimization expert system within a CIM distributed database system. In M. . Tavares (Ed.), ECLA. CIM workshop: Distributed Information Systems for CIM (pp. 2-10). Florianopolis SC- Brazil: ECLA 1994, Univ. Federal de Santa Caterina. [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1994). Federated information systems in manufacturing. In K. Khodabandehloo (Ed.), IEEE European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference EURISCON'94 Vol. 3 (Stream C) (pp. 1598-1613). Bristol, England: AMARC University of Bristol. [details]
    • Tuynman, F., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1994). Management of shared data in federated cooperative PEER environment. International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems, 2(4), 451-473. [details]
    • Wiedijk, M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1994). Information modeling in a robot assembly environment. In J. I. Soliman (Ed.), 27th ISATA International dedicated conference on Lean/Agile Manufacturing in the Automotive Industries (pp. 181-188). Croydon, England: Automotive Automation Limited. [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Brielmann, M., Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Ferrada, F., Oliveira, A. I., Rosas, J., & Bond, R. (2011). Consolidated Vision of ICT and Ageing. BRAID. http://www.braidproject.eu/sites/default/files/D4.2%20Final.pdf [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Ferrada, F., Oliveira, A. I., Rosas, J., Afsarmanesh, H., Brielmann, M. S., Lynch, U., Hadjri, K., & Bond, R. (2011). Guidelines for Roadmap Implementation. BRAID, EC FP7 Coordinated action project 248485, deliverable D6.3. BRAID.


    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2004). Targeting major new trends. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 69-76). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_8 [details]
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M., Banahan, E., Pinho de Sousa, J., Sturm, F., Afsarmanesh, H., Barata, J., Playfoot, J., & Tschammer, V. (2004). Emerging collaborative forms. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, & H. Afsarmanesh (Eds.), Collaborative networked organizations: A research agenda for emerging business models (pp. 41-64). Kluwer Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-7833-1_6 [details]


    • Afsarmanesh, H., Benabdelkader, A., & Garita Rodriguez, C. O. (1998). Specification of an object oriented infrastructure for data mangement in water industries. Amsterdam: WINS (oud WINS). [details]
    • Benabdelkader, A., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1998). A flexible interoperation framework for distributed multi-agent application. Amsterdam: WINS (oud WINS). [details]
    • Benabdelkader, A., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1998). Development of the PEER federated layer for models intgration in WATERNET. Amsterdam: WINS (oud WINS). [details]
    • Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1998). Federated information access layer for PRODNET II. Amsterdam: WINS (oud WINS). [details]
    • Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1998). Information management requirements for virtual enterprises. Amsterdam: WINS (oud WINS). [details]
    • Garita Rodriguez, C. O., & Afsarmanesh, H. (1998). Modelling of federated information in virtual enterprises. Amsterdam: WINS (oud WINS). [details]

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). EU FP7 grant "GLONET: Glocal enterprise network focusing on customer-centric collaboration".
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). IFIP TC5 Fellow Award for IT.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2009). Best paper award.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Hamideh Afsarmanesh was elected as a "Senior Member" in the IEEE.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program committee member, FAVO 2011 – Workshop on Formal Aspects of Virtual Organizations, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 18 October, 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program Committee Member, CSCWD 2011, 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Lausanne, Switzerland, 8-10 June 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program Committee Member, ICEGOV 2011 – 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Tallinn, Estonia, 26-28 September 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011-2013). Member, BGST (Board on Global Science and Technology) at the National Academy of Science of the United States of America.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program committee member, CODS 2011 – 5th International Conference on Complex Distributed Systems, Mannheim, Germany, December 5-7, 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program committee member, PRO-VE’11 – 12th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 17-19 October, 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program committee member, CSSE 2011 – Int. Symposium on Computer Science and Software Engineering, Tehran, Iran, June 15-16, 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program committee member, ISSS 2011 – 3rd Int. Symposium on Services Science, Szczecin, Poland, September 19-21, 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program committee member, EI2N 2011 – 6th International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking, Hersonissou, Crete, Greece, October 17-21, 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program Committee Member, BIS 2011 – 14th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznan, Poland, 15-17 June 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program Committee Member, DoCEIS 2011 – 2nd Socolnet/IFIP/IEEE Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, 21-23 Feb 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program committee member, ICE 2011 – 17th Int. Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Aachen, Germany, 20-22 June, 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program committee member, DEXA 2011 – 22nd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Toulouse, France, August 29 – September 2, 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program Committee Member, ICSOFT 2011 – 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Seville, Spain, 18-21 June 2011.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2011). Program Committee Member, CTS 2011 – 2011 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010-2011). Designated member, Sub-committee “Collaborative Networks” of the “IEEE Technical Committee on Industrial Agents”.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Chair, Workshop on Roadmaps towards a strategic research agenda for ICT in active ageing, Munich, Germany, 22 Mar 2010, Munich.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, PRO-VE 2010 – 11th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Saint-Etienne, France, 11-13 October, 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, IISE 2010 – 3rd International Conference on Industrial Informatics and Systems Enginerring, Chongping, China, 12-14 July 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, CTS 2010 - International symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 7-21, 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, DEXA 2010 – 21st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Bilbao, Spain, August 30 – September 3, 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, IPAS 2010 – 5th International Precision Assembly Seminar, Chamonix, France, 14-17 Feb 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, ISSS 2010 - International Symposium on Service Science, Leipzig, Germany September 30, 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, MCPL 2010 – IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics, Coimbra, Portugal, 8-10 Sep 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, DoCEIS 2010 – 1st Socolnet/IFIP/IEEE Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, 22-24 Feb 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, BASYS 2010 - 9th IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems, Valencia, 23-25 June 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, ICEGOV 2010 – 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Beiging, China, 25-28 October 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, COOPIS 2010 – 18th International Conference on COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Crete, Greece, 27-29 Oct 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, ICITST 2010. 5th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, London, UK, Nov 8-11, 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, Research Seminar Series on “Interdisciplinary Contributions to Theory of Collaborative Networks”, University of the West of Scotland, 15-16 Nov 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2010). Program Committee Member, CSCWD 2010 – 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Shanghai, China, April 14-16, 2010.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2009-2011). Member, SMCS (Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2009-2011). Chair, IFIP TC5 - WG5.5 (COVE).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2006-2011). Chair of the General Assembly Board (and founding member), SOCOLNET (Society of Collaborative Networks).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2006-2011). Member, SOCOLNET (Society of Collaborative Networks).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (2004-2012). Dutch representative, IFIP TC5.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (1999-2011). Designated member, IFIP TC5 - WG5.3.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (1984-2011). Member, IEEE.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (1983-2011). Member, Sigma Xi.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (1983-2011). Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).


    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2011). International Journal of E-Adoption (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2011). International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2011). Transactions on Large Scale Data- and knowledge-centered Systems (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2011). International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2011). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2010). International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2010). International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2010). International Journal of E-Adoption (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2010). Transactions on Large Scale Data- and knowledge-centered Systems (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2010). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2009). International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2009). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2009). International Journal of E-Adoption (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2009). International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (Journal).
    • Boucher, X. (editor), Camarihna-Matos, L. M. (editor) & Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2009). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) & Analide, C. (editor) (2009). International Journal of Production Research (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2008). International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2008). International Journal of E-Adoption (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2008). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (editor) & Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2008). International Journal of Production Research (Journal). http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=g786452254~db=all
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2008). International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (editor) (2008). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2007). International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2007). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2007). International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2006). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2006). International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2005). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) & Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (editor) (2004). International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2004). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Camarinha-Matos, L. M. (editor) & Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2003). International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2003). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (editor) (2002). International Journal of Information Technology and Management (Journal).


    • Afsarmanesh, H. (speaker) (31-8-2009). Management of Information Supporting Collaborative Networks (keynote speach), 20th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Linz, Austria.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (speaker) (1-10-2006). Collaborative Networks and their Breeding Environments, International guest lectures on Computer Science, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (hogeschool), Utrecht, the Netherlands.
    • Afsarmanesh, H. (speaker) (1-9-2006). VO Breeding Environments & Competency Management, the ECOLEAD Summer School on Collaborative Networks - ECOSS, Helsinki, Finland.


    • Afsarmanesh, H. (participant) (22-3-2010). Workshop on Roadmaps towards a strategic research agenda for ICT in active ageing, Munich, Germany (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Freixo Guedes Osório, A. L. (2020). Collaborative networks as open Informatics System of Systems (ISoS). [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Sargolzaei, M. (2018). Enabling framework for service-oriented collaborative networks. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Guevara Masís, V. J. (2007). Information management for telecaring virtual organizations. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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